Excerpted Maps/Graphics from 2015 ISAAA Report

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1 Excerpted Maps/Graphics from 2015 ISAAA Report
“20th Anniversary of the Global Commercialization of Biotech Crops (1996 to 2015) and Biotech Crop Highlights in 2015; James, Clive; 2015”

2 Global Area of Biotech Crops (million hectares) 1996-2015

3 Global Area (million hectares) of Biotech Crops in 2015
28 countries have adopted biotech crops In 2015, global area of biotech crops was million hectares, representing a marginal decrease of 1% from 2014, equivalent to 1.8 million hectares

4 Biotech Crop Countries and Mega-Countries* in 2015
*19 biotech mega-countries growing 50,000 hectares, or more, of biotech crops

5 Global Area of Biotech Crops in 2015 by Country
Rank Country Area (million hectares) Area (acres) Biotech Crops 1 USA* 70.9 175.2 Maize, soybean, cotton, canola, sugar beet, alfalfa, papaya, squash, potato 2 Brazil* 44.2 109.2 Soybean, maize, cotton 3 Argentina* 24.5 60.5 4 India* 11.6 28.7 Cotton 5 Canada* 11 27.2 Canola, maize, soybean, sugar beet 6 China* 3.7 9.1 Cotton, papaya, poplar 7 Paraguay* 3.6 9.0 8 Pakistan* 2.9 7.2 9 South Africa* 2.3 5.7 Maize, soybean, cotton 10 Uruguay* 1.4 3.5 Soybean, maize Bolivia* 1.1 2.7 Soybean 12 Philippines* 0.7 1.7 Maize 13 Australia* Cotton, canola 14 Burkina Faso* 0.4 1.0 15 Myanmar* 0.3 16 Mexico* 0.1 Cotton, soybean 17 Spain* 18 Colombia* Cotton, maize 19 Sudan* 20 Honduras <0.1 <0.3 21 Chile Maize, soybean, canola 22 Portugal 23 Vietnam 24 Czech Republic 25 Slovakia 26 Costa Rica 27 Bangladesh Brinjal/eggplant 28 Romania Total: 179.7 444.3 *19 biotech mega-countries growing 50,000 hectares, or more, of biotech crops ** Rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand

6 Global Adoption Rates (%) for Principal Biotech Crops in 2015










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