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Topic: The Civil Rights Movement Essential Question: How has the Civil Rights Movement changed America?

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1 Topic: The Civil Rights Movement Essential Question: How has the Civil Rights Movement changed America?

2  Background  Amendments  13 th (1865)  Officially ended slavery  14 th (1868)  Citizenship for African Americans  Guaranteed “equal protection of the laws”

3  14 th (1868)  Citizenship for African Americans  Guaranteed “equal protection of the laws”  15 th (1870)  Suffrage for African Americans

4  15 th (1870)  Suffrage for African Americans  19 th (1920)  Suffrage for women

5  19 th (1920)  Suffrage for women  Segregation  Separation of the races in the South after the Civil War  Justified by the idea of “separate but equal”

6  Segregation  Separation of the races in the South after the Civil War  Justified by the idea of “separate but equal”  Jim Crow Laws  Established segregation

7  Jim Crow Laws  Established segregation  Included:  Literacy tests  Poll taxes

8  Literacy tests  Poll taxes  Grandfather clauses  No literacy tests/poll taxes if ancestors were registered to vote

9  Grandfather clauses  No literacy tests/poll taxes if ancestors were registered to vote  Ku Klux Klan (KKK)  White supremacist organization  Used violence and intimidation Nathan Bedford Forrest – 1 st Grand Wizard

10  Ku Klux Klan (KKK)  White supremacist organization  Used violence and intimidation  Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)  Supreme Court decision  Declared that segregation was constitutional

11  Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)  Supreme Court decision  Declared that segregation was constitutional  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)  Played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement Medgar Evers

12  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)  Played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement  Emmett Till (Mississippi, 1955)  Murdered for talking to a white woman  Mother insisted on an open casket at his funeral

13  Discuss  Amendments  Segregation  Jim Crow Laws  KKK  Plessy v. Ferguson  NAACP  Emmett Till  Write a sentence explaining why the murder of Emmett Till helped bring about change.  Murdered for talking to a white woman  Mother insisted on an open casket at his funeral

14  Emmett Till (Mississippi, 1955)  Murdered for talking to a white woman  Mother insisted on an open casket at his funeral  Civil Rights leaders  Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK)

15  Civil Rights leaders  Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK)  Baptist minister  Methods based on non-violent protests of Gandhi in India Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta

16  Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK)  Baptist minister  Methods based on non-violent protests of Gandhi in India  Malcolm X

17  Methods based on non-violent protests of Gandhi in India  Malcolm X  Muslim minister  Believed in using violence

18  Muslim minister  Believed in using violence  Desegregation  Military  President Truman integrated the military (1948)

19  Military  President Truman integrated the military (1948)  Schools  Mendez v. Westminster (1947)  Federal court decision  Ended segregation of Mexican-American students in California schools Governor Earl Warren Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez Sylvia Mendez, 2011 Thurgood Marshall, NAACP Attorney

20  Federal court decision  Ended segregation of Mexican-American students in California schools  Brown v. Board of Education (1954)  Supreme Court decision Chief Justice Earl Warren 9-0 decision

21  Brown v. Board of Education (1954)  Supreme Court decision  Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson  “Separate is inherently unequal”  Declared segregation of public schools unconstitutional Thurgood Marshall Supreme Court (1967-1991)

22  “Separate is inherently unequal”  Declared segregation of public schools unconstitutional  Little Rock (Arkansas, 1957)  Nine black students enrolled at Little Rock Central High

23  Governor tried to stop them Gov. Orval Faubus Elizabeth Eckford

24  Nine black students enrolled at Little Rock Central High  Governor tried to stop them  President Eisenhower enforced Brown v. Board decision

25  Nine students enrolled at Little Rock Central High  Governor tried to stop them  President Eisenhower enforced Brown v. Board decision Ernest Green

26  Governor tried to stop them  President Eisenhower enforced Brown v. Board decision  Transportation  Montgomery Bus Boycott (Alabama, 1955-56)  Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat Henry Ford Museum (MI)

27  Montgomery Bus Boycott (Alabama, 1955-56)  Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat  MLK helped organize a boycott  381 days  Supreme Court declared bus segregation unconstitutional

28  381 days  Supreme Court declared bus segregation unconstitutional  Freedom Riders (1961)  Protesters tested desegregation of Southern bus stations Boynton v. Virginia (1960)

29  Freedom Riders (1961)  Protesters tested desegregation of Southern bus stations

30  Freedom Riders (1961)  Protesters tested desegregation of Southern bus stations  Many were harassed, arrested, beaten, etc.  Forced the federal government to enforce the law Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy

31  Many were harassed, arrested, beaten, etc.  Forced the federal government to enforce the law  Sports  Baseball  Jackie Robinson  1 st African American in Major League Baseball (1947)

32  Jackie Robinson  1 st African American in Major League Baseball (1947)  Football  Ernie Davis  1 st African American to win the Heisman Trophy (1961)

33  Ernie Davis  1 st African American to win the Heisman Trophy (1961)  Basketball  Texas Western (UTEP)  All-black starting line-up  NCAA basketball champions (1966)

34  Discuss  Civil Rights leaders  Desegregation of the military  Desegregation of schools  Desegregation of transportation  Desegregation of sports  Write a sentence explaining the differences between Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X.  All-black starting line-up  NCAA basketball champions (1966)

35  All-black starting line-up  NCAA basketball champions (1966)  More non-violent protests  Sit-ins  Protesters sat at lunch counters Greensboro, North Carolina (1960)

36  Sit-ins  Protesters sat at lunch counters  Attacked by segregationists  Forced restaurants to change policy Section of the counter from the Greesboro, NC Woolworth’s (Smithsonian)

37  Attacked by segregationists  Forced restaurants to change policy  Birmingham campaign (Alabama, 1963)  MLK organized protests Bull Connor

38  Birmingham campaign (Alabama, 1963)  MLK organized protests  Police used violence to break up protests  Media coverage outraged the nation New York Times

39  Police used violence to break up protests  Media coverage outraged the nation  March on Washington (1963)  250,000 people gathered to support JFK’s civil rights bill Ossie Davis

40  March on Washington (1963)  250,000 people gathered to support JFK’s civil rights bill  MLK delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech

41  250,000 people gathered to support JFK’s civil rights bill  MLK delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech  Freedom Summer (Mississippi, 1964)  Effort to register African American voters James ChaneyMichael Schwerner Andrew Goodman

42  Freedom Summer (Mississippi, 1964)  Effort to register African American voters  3 volunteers (1 black, 2 white) were murdered by the KKK  LBJ sent the FBI to investigate Lyndon Baines Johnson

43  3 volunteers (1 black, 2 white) were murdered by the KKK  LBJ sent FBI to investigate  Selma to Montgomery marches (Alabama, 1965)  Motivated by:  Murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson by police  Voting rights violations Jimmie Lee Jackson Arrested in 2007 Brown Chapel Pled guilty to manslaughter in 2010 Spent 6 months in prison

44  Murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson by police  Voting rights violations  Governor blocked the Edmund Pettus Bridge with state police James Reeb George Wallace

45  Murder of Jimmie Lee Jackson by police  Voting rights violations  Governor blocked the Edmund Pettus Bridge with state police  March was successful on the third attempt Viola Liuzzo

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