Practical Parenting Education Can’t we all just GET ALONG? Teachers and Parents WORKING TOGETHER!! September 10, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Parenting Education Can’t we all just GET ALONG? Teachers and Parents WORKING TOGETHER!! September 10, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Parenting Education Can’t we all just GET ALONG? Teachers and Parents WORKING TOGETHER!! September 10, 2015

2 Parents and Teachers... What a Team! The best formula for a child’s success in school is a strong partnership between parents and teachers. Both have special skills and insights to share. As a parent, you can strengthen this bond by: - Getting to know your child’s teacher - Being involved, but not intrusive - Sharing unique insights about your child (special needs, learning style, behaviors, etc.) - Offering to assist the teacher with special projects or needs - Knowing and supporting classroom rules and guidelines -Speaking respectfully of the teacher in front of your child -Keeping the lines of communication open -Recognizing that your child’s version is only one side of the story. -Wait until you are calm -Call to schedule an appointment; patiently wait for a response. -Recognizing the value of teamwork

3 Creating a Supportive Learning Environment at Home *Model a love and respect for learning *Set reasonable expectations for your child *Read to your child *Create a home environment which encourages learning *Create a balance for learning within the family *Show an interest in your child’s learning *Encourage success and be accepting of mistakes *Teach self-discipline *Create a setting conducive to studying

4 Developing a Team Active parental involvement with the schools Communication with team players — the school, the parent, and the child Creating a supportive learning environment within the home

5 Educational Triad

6 BRAY Elementary Parent Leaders Name Phone E-mail Jill Danklefs 972)291-4231 ext.5753 Maggie Boyce 214) 415 6279 Pedro Quiroz 214) 315 - 9370 Principal Melony Booher 972) 291-4231 Ext. 5708 Counselor Lashea White 972) 291-4231 Ext. 5712

7 For more information, questions, or concerns on best practices for Parent and Teacher Communication – contact Jill Danklefs at 972-291-4231 Ext. 5753 or email Thank you! Let’s have an amazing year and…

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