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Ch 31.  Continuation of WWI Result of Germany being punished for WWI  Japan was the initial aggressors 1931 invasion of Manchuria 2 nd Sino-Japanese.

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1 Ch 31

2  Continuation of WWI Result of Germany being punished for WWI  Japan was the initial aggressors 1931 invasion of Manchuria 2 nd Sino-Japanese War (Rape of China)  Spanish Civil War (1936-39) Francisco Franco supported by Germany and Italy Soviet Union supported current government Both sides tested new weapons

3  Casualties(estimates) Axis Military and Civilian- 8,268,000* Allied Civilian and Military- 39,963,700*  USSR- 20 million & China 10 Million*  * Varies per source  Major use of airpower Ex. Battle of Britain  Extensive Naval Warfare Including amphibious landings

4  Nazis National Socialist (Nationalsozialist) Came to power in 1933  Hitler elected to Chancellor then became Fuhrer  Failed before and then jailed (time period of Mein Kampf) Claimed they were stabbed in the back by the Treaty of Versailles  Jews and Communist conspired against them  People believed it due to extreme economic depression  Claimed they would put everyone back to work and would remilitarize  Set up the Third Reich

5  Racial breakdown as per Hitler Nordic -(blond, blue-eyed) Close to pure Aryan Germanic- (brown hair, blue-eyed, or less desirable, brown-eyed) Predominantly Aryan Mediterranean- (white but swarthy) Slight Aryan preponderance Slavic -(white but degenerative bone structure) Close to Aryan, half-Ape Oriental -Slight Ape preponderance Black African -Predominantly Ape Jewish- (fiendish skull) Close to pure Ape

6  Hitler also killed Gypsies Homosexuals (pink triangles) Mentally handicapped Physically handicapped Religious leaders who refused to accept the Nazi cult


8  Brought into war as a result of Pearl Harbor Japanese tried to wipe out Pacific fleet since US stopped selling them oil  Joined the British on Western Front Major aid to British  Major European battles Invasion of Normandy (D-day) Battle of the Bulge (German last ditch effort)

9  Pacific Battles Battle of Midway and Battle of the Coral Sea (major naval/air battles) Iwo Jima (Marines/Island hopping) Hiroshima and Nagasaki

10  Originally signed a non-aggression pact with Germany Not ready for war but expected it to be betrayed  Used large population and territory to its advantage Germany invaded too close to winter  Battle of Stalingrad and Moscow  Were the ones to encircle the final German stronghold

11  Germany surrendered two weeks after Hitler killed himself  Japan surrendered shortly after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki  United Nations was formed More effective than League of Nations Headquarters in Manhattan  Germany divided up into spheres of influence Berlin then subdivided

12  Tehran Conference of 1944 Allied forces met to discuss how to defeat Hitler  France was focus  Soviet Union allowed to take over Eastern Europe  Yalta Conference 1945 Roosevelt gave Stalin Manchuria and parts of Japan in exchange for help defeating Japan  Potsdam July 1945 Final conference Confirmed Soviet control of Eastern Europe US occupies Japan and colonies returned US and Soviet Union divides Korea (North and South)

13  Allies allowed Soviet Union to gain too much power so that they could stop Germany/Japan  Try to limit power which results in the Cold War

14  Holocaust Hitler’s final solution About 6 million Jews were killed Brought to light to the persecution of the Jews The Jews pushed for their own homeland  Israel became a state on May 14, 1948 Arabs were unhappy Suffered numerous invasions in the first year  Ended up increasing territory

15  Atlantic Charter of 1941 US pressured Britain to sign All people have the right to choose their government  India Quit India movement  Summer of 1942  Mass civil disobedience Muslim League  Muhammad Ali Jinnah  Gained favor for movement by supporting Brits Britain withdrew in 1947  Resulted in rioting and violence

16  African Colonizers humiliated by Nazis  Forced labor and supplying military greatly angered colonies  British Gold Coast Kwamee Nkrumah  Established Convention People’s Party  Boycotts, strikes and rallies  Ghana 1957

17  Kenya Land Freedom Army  Violently fought British in 1950’s  British allow Jomo Kenyatta to form Kenya in 1963  Algeria National Liberation Front Fought French (angry over Vietnam) Huge drain to France Secret Army Organization- guerilla warfare French 4 th Republic collapses- Forced to pull out Settlers and French sympathizers flee to France

18  South Africa Large white population Afrikaners set up laws to segregate colony  Apartheid Britain felt bad about the Boer War and gave Independence to South Africa

19  WWII left unresolved problems  Cold War/ Arms race resulted

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