GCSE Resistant Material Theory Examination Things To Remember 40% Exam Importance : The theory paper is worth 40% of your overall GCSE. 2 hour Time:

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2 GCSE Resistant Material Theory Examination

3 Things To Remember 40% Exam Importance : The theory paper is worth 40% of your overall GCSE. 2 hour Time: 2 hour. 2 Exam layout: 2 parts, Section A (20%) and Section B (20%) 40% Exam Importance : The theory paper is worth 40% of your overall GCSE. 2 hour Time: 2 hour. 2 Exam layout: 2 parts, Section A (20%) and Section B (20%) must You must have a : Calculator Pen Pencil Coloured pencils Sharpener Rubber Ruler must You must have a : Calculator Pen Pencil Coloured pencils Sharpener Rubber Ruler Equipment Exam Details 8 Number of Questions: 8 questions. Question Order: Section A Q1: Product Analysis, Q2: General Issues Q3: Designers, Q4: Design process Section B Q5: Manufacturing processes. Q6: Materials and components. Q7: Tools, equipment and making. Q8: ICT,CAD/CAM, Systems and processes. Question Difficulty: Each individual question will be designed to get gradually harder (G-A*) All pupils should be able to tackle some of each question. 8 Number of Questions: 8 questions. Question Order: Section A Q1: Product Analysis, Q2: General Issues Q3: Designers, Q4: Design process Section B Q5: Manufacturing processes. Q6: Materials and components. Q7: Tools, equipment and making. Q8: ICT,CAD/CAM, Systems and processes. Question Difficulty: Each individual question will be designed to get gradually harder (G-A*) All pupils should be able to tackle some of each question. Question Details

4 Exam Revision Topics Q1: Product Analysis (15 marks) You will be given a photograph of an existing product and asked to analyse that product. Q1: Product Analysis (15 marks) You will be given a photograph of an existing product and asked to analyse that product. Product Analysis Q1: Product Analysis Question You may be asked to write ; probable specification  a probable specification for the product; aesthetic appeal  about the aesthetic appeal of the product; function  about the function and/or purpose of the product; quality issues  about the quality issues relating to the product; safety considerations  about the the safety considerations of the product for the end user; materials  about the materials used in the manufacture of the product; commercial processes  about the commercial processes used to make and assemble the product; safety  about the safety considerations for making the product; sustainabilityenvironmental  about the sustainability and environmental issues. You may be asked to write ; probable specification  a probable specification for the product; aesthetic appeal  about the aesthetic appeal of the product; function  about the function and/or purpose of the product; quality issues  about the quality issues relating to the product; safety considerations  about the the safety considerations of the product for the end user; materials  about the materials used in the manufacture of the product; commercial processes  about the commercial processes used to make and assemble the product; safety  about the safety considerations for making the product; sustainabilityenvironmental  about the sustainability and environmental issues. Type of questions you may be asked REMEMBER! You will need a calculator for this question.

5 Exam Revision Topics Q2: General Issues (10 marks) Q2: General Issues Question This questions focuses on a range of environmental and sustainability issues, you should understand the SIX Rs of sustainability, that is: rethink reuse recycle repair reduce This questions focuses on a range of environmental and sustainability issues, you should understand the SIX Rs of sustainability, that is: rethink reuse recycle repair reduce Type of questions you may be asked This question is about the general issues of D&T.

6 Exam Revision Topics Q3: Designers (10 marks). Ross Lovegrove and James Dyson You will be asked to recognise the influence of Ross Lovegrove and James Dyson in the world of Design and Technology. Q3: Designers (10 marks). Ross Lovegrove and James Dyson You will be asked to recognise the influence of Ross Lovegrove and James Dyson in the world of Design and Technology. Q3: Designers Question You will be asked to write about ; (a) the range of work that each of the Designers/Practitioners have produced over time; (b) how to identify the work of each of the Designers/Practitioners; (c) the innovations and/or new ideas that the two Designers/Practitioners have introduced over time; (d) the influence that each of the two Designers/Practitioners has had on the world of Design and Technology. You will be asked to write about ; (a) the range of work that each of the Designers/Practitioners have produced over time; (b) how to identify the work of each of the Designers/Practitioners; (c) the innovations and/or new ideas that the two Designers/Practitioners have introduced over time; (d) the influence that each of the two Designers/Practitioners has had on the world of Design and Technology. Type of questions you will be asked REMEMBER! This is an extended piece of continuous writing (approximately ¾ page)

7 Exam Revision Topics Q4 The design process (25 marks) Q4 The design process Question This question is about the Design Process and how it is used. It is worth a total of 25 marks. 7 marks for questions about the design process 18 marks for tackling a ‘design’ question (This is where you are given a problem/brief and asked on solve it using notes and sketches) This question is about the Design Process and how it is used. It is worth a total of 25 marks. 7 marks for questions about the design process 18 marks for tackling a ‘design’ question (This is where you are given a problem/brief and asked on solve it using notes and sketches) REMEMBER! You will need drawing equipment to tackle this question. loads1 sketch is never enough, you need loads of sketches and loads of notes to explain your idea clearly.. KEY WORDS Design brief, analysis, investigation, research, questionnaire, target market, specification, ideas, prototype, development, final idea, planning, manufacture, evaluation KEY WORDS Design brief, analysis, investigation, research, questionnaire, target market, specification, ideas, prototype, development, final idea, planning, manufacture, evaluation REVISE!!! Design process key words their meanings and the order in which they occur to do well on this question.

8 Exam Revision Topics Q5 Commercial manufacturing processes. (10 marks) Q5 Commercial manufacturing processes Question You could be asked about; Wood commercial manufacturing processes such as Veneering, Laminating, Steam bending. Metal commercial manufacturing processes such as Forging, Extruding, Die casting, welding, Pressing.. Plastic commercial manufacturing processes such as Blow moulding, Injection moulding,Vacuum forming,Press moulding,Compression moulding,Rotational moulding,Extrusion. You could be asked about; Wood commercial manufacturing processes such as Veneering, Laminating, Steam bending. Metal commercial manufacturing processes such as Forging, Extruding, Die casting, welding, Pressing.. Plastic commercial manufacturing processes such as Blow moulding, Injection moulding,Vacuum forming,Press moulding,Compression moulding,Rotational moulding,Extrusion. Type of questions you may be asked This question is about commercial manufacturing processes. This question is worth a total of 10 marks commercial It focuses on processes used to create commercial products. Related to wood, metal and plastics. This question is about commercial manufacturing processes. This question is worth a total of 10 marks commercial It focuses on processes used to create commercial products. Related to wood, metal and plastics. REVISE!!! If you don’t know what these are, find out!

9 Exam Revision Topics Q6 Materials and Components. (15 marks) Q6 Materials and Components Question This question is about Materials and Components. It is worth a total of 15 marks. materialscomponents This questions asks about specific materials and components. You may be asked to use notes and sketches to explain some answers. This question is about Materials and Components. It is worth a total of 15 marks. materialscomponents This questions asks about specific materials and components. You may be asked to use notes and sketches to explain some answers. You may be asked about; Woods = hardwood,softwood, manufactured wood Plastics = Thermoplastics, thermo set plastic Metals = Ferrous, non ferrous,alloys, Smart materials Components for joining materials, ie nails, screws, nuts and bolts,hinges, etc You may be asked about; Woods = hardwood,softwood, manufactured wood Plastics = Thermoplastics, thermo set plastic Metals = Ferrous, non ferrous,alloys, Smart materials Components for joining materials, ie nails, screws, nuts and bolts,hinges, etc Type of questions you may be asked

10 Exam Revision Topics Q7 Tools, Equipment and Making. (20 marks) Q7 Tools, Equipment and Making Question This is question is about Tools, Equipment and Making. It is worth a total of 20 marks You may be asked for ‘notes and sketches ’ This is question is about Tools, Equipment and Making. It is worth a total of 20 marks You may be asked for ‘notes and sketches ’ Type of questions you may be asked You may be asked about; Tools for cutting and shaping wood, metal and plastic (hand or power tools) Machine tools for use with wood, metal and plastic. Marking out tools for wood, metal and plastic, Equipment for holding and securing materials, Health and safety issues with tools in the workshop. You may be asked about; Tools for cutting and shaping wood, metal and plastic (hand or power tools) Machine tools for use with wood, metal and plastic. Marking out tools for wood, metal and plastic, Equipment for holding and securing materials, Health and safety issues with tools in the workshop.

11 Exam Revision Topics Q8 ICT, CAD/CAM, Systems and Processes. ( 15 marks) Q8 ICT, CAD/CAM, Systems and Processes Question This question is about ICT, CAD/CAM, Systems and Processes. It is worth a total of 15 marks. Related to ICT, CAD/CAM, systems and processes typically used in school. This question is about ICT, CAD/CAM, Systems and Processes. It is worth a total of 15 marks. Related to ICT, CAD/CAM, systems and processes typically used in school.

12 Exam Question Tips Tips for answering the different types of questions on the paper no need 1 mark question – a word or short sentence no need to justify answer. Often naming; e.g. Aluminium ‘because’justify 2 mark question – will need a ‘because’ or ‘as’ to justify answer. Eg Aluminium because it is resistant to corrosion describeexplain 3 mark – describe, explain what you understand could give a number of points, or an extended description about one. Explain 4 mark – Explain a process, needs a series of clear stages can be bulleted or numbered. 4 – 5 mark – ‘Using notes and sketches’ series of annotated sketches can be 2D showing process. no need 1 mark question – a word or short sentence no need to justify answer. Often naming; e.g. Aluminium ‘because’justify 2 mark question – will need a ‘because’ or ‘as’ to justify answer. Eg Aluminium because it is resistant to corrosion describeexplain 3 mark – describe, explain what you understand could give a number of points, or an extended description about one. Explain 4 mark – Explain a process, needs a series of clear stages can be bulleted or numbered. 4 – 5 mark – ‘Using notes and sketches’ series of annotated sketches can be 2D showing process. Type of questions you may be asked REMEMBER! Take your time. Read each question carefully. Read each question at least twice, to ensure you know what to do. As you read the questions highlight important information, to help your understanding. Check all your answers. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR EXAM! GOOD LUCK IN YOUR EXAM!

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