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– Finding a Life Worth Living – 3. “Living Empowered” Romans 8: 1–25 (p. 1043)

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2 – Finding a Life Worth Living – 3. “Living Empowered” Romans 8: 1–25 (p. 1043)

3 Living Victoriously  Living the life God calls me to  Discipline that doesn’t feel burdensome  Joy/Fullness from doing what is right – it’s fun.  Knowing what’s right – what God wants me to do.  Living with a daily sense of his presence  God is right with me – affirming and approving my life  Struggles & opposition are only External – not within.

4 1. Barriers to Victory  Current (Non) Experience of the Spirit  Normal for the early church (Acts 10:44; Gal 3:5; 1 Ths 1:5)  Power outworking in: Signs & wonders (Heb 2:4) Boldness to witness (Rom 1:16; 2 Tim 1:8) Personal transformation & renewal (2 Cor 3:18; Eph 4:23)  Freedom (“set free” v 2)  Worldly view – do whatever I want when I want. Slave to my desires, whims and selfish indulgences (cannot choose Good)  Godly view – able to do what is good, right and beneficial (to ALL)

5 2. Victory in the Spirit  Following on from the “inability” of Rom 7.  The “powerlessness” of the Law (v 3) “weakened by the sinful nature [flesh]”  Overcome by Christ’s sin offering (v 3-4)  Overcome by “the Law of the Spirit of Life” (v 2)  Life in the “Flesh” [sinful nature] - vs - Life in the Spirit IIs Death (v 6) IIs hostile to God (v 7) DDoes not & cannot submit to God (v 7) CCannot please God (v 8) IIs Life & Peace (v 6) LLives in all who are in Christ (v 9; 1 Co 12:13) GGives life to our mortal bodies (v 11) CConfirms our “sonship” (v 15) – heirs (v 17) AAllows us to cry “Abba” [Daddy] (v 15)

6 3. Choosing Victory  A “SET” of the Mind (v 5)  Set on what the flesh desires - OR - Set on what the Spirit desires  No “mix-and-match” - all or nothing!  An “OBLIGATION” (v 12)  Not to the flesh [sinful nature].  By the Spirit “put to death” the practices of the body  A willingness to share in Jesus’ sufferings (v 17)  Not worth comparing to the glory we will receive (v 18)  A hopeful Waiting (v 25)

7 Living Empowered  A Real possibility of a Life of VICTORY  Re-defining our worldview – Freedom in the Spirit  Rejecting worldly indulgence; Embracing God’s new Life  Knowing fully our new life in Christ through the Spirit  All the privileges and benefits – not distracted or enticed  Choosing life in the Spirit  A new Mind SET – perseverance in suffering; patient hope.  A New Obligation – to the Spirit.


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