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+ What is poetry? Cinquain Acrostic Limerick Haiku Concrete Prose Elegy.

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Presentation on theme: "+ What is poetry? Cinquain Acrostic Limerick Haiku Concrete Prose Elegy."— Presentation transcript:

1 + What is poetry? Cinquain Acrostic Limerick Haiku Concrete Prose Elegy

2 + Why do we read and write poetry? Video clip 1: Video clip 2:

3 + Elements of Poetry Poetry is not prose. Prose is the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing. Poetry is a form of literary expression that captures intense experiences or creative perceptions of the world in a musical language.

4 + Distinguishing Characteristics of Poetry Unlike prose which has a narrator, poetry has a speaker. A speaker, or voice, talks to the reader. The speaker is not necessarily the poet. It can also be a fictional person, an animal or even a thing Example But believe me, son. I want to be what I used to be when I was like you. from “Once Upon a Time” by Gabriel Okara

5 + Distinguishing Characteristics of Poetry Poetry is also formatted differently from prose. –A line is a word or row of words that may or may not form a complete sentence. –A stanza is a group of lines in a poem. The stanzas in a poem are separated by a space. Example Open it. Go ahead, it won’t bite. Well…maybe a little. from “The First Book” by Rita Dove

6 + Prose Vs. Poetry No rhyme No pattern/rhythm No line division Can use images Can target emotions Divisions are paragraphs Rhymed/Unrhymed Follows a beat/has rhythm Line division Uses images to focus on a particular idea Targets emotions through use of images Divisions are stanzas

7 + Prose A woman stands on a mountain top with the cold seeping into her body. She looks on the valley below as the wind whips around her. She cannot leave to go to the peaceful beauty below. In the valley, the sun shines from behind the clouds causing flowers to bloom. A breeze sends quivers through the leaves of trees. The water gurgles in a brook. All the woman can do is cry.

8 + Poetry The Woman on the Peak The woman stands upon the barren peak, Gazing down on the world beneath. The lonely chill seeps from the ground Into her feet, spreading, upward bound. The angry wind whistles ‘round her head, Whipping her hair into streaming snakes, While she watches, wishes, weakly wails. Beyond the mountain, sunshine peeks, Teasing flowers to survive and thrive. The breeze whispers through the leaves, Causing gentle quivers to sway the trees. Laughter gurgles as the splashing brook Playfully tumbles over rugged rocks, While the woman above can only grieve.

9 + Enjambment The continuation of the sense of a phrase beyond the end of a line of verse (run on). T.S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland” April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire,….

10 + Rhyme Rhyme is the repetition of the same stressed vowel sound and any succeeding sounds in two or more words. Red, bed, said, Ted, etc… Internal rhyme occurs within a line of poetry. End rhyme occurs at the end of lines. Rhyme scheme is the pattern of end rhymes that may be designated by assigning a different letter of the alphabet to each new rhyme

11 + Rhyme Scheme Pattern of rhyme in a stanza or poem. You can identify the rhyme scheme in stanzas by looking at the last word in the line and assigning letters to the rhyming words Example: Like the sun behind the cloudsA Like the darkness of the nightB Like the grass beneath the trees C You stepped into the light… B

12 + In the pathway of the sun, In the footsteps of the breeze, Where the world and sky are one, He shall ride the silver seas, He shall cut the glittering wave. I shall sit at home, and rock; Rise, to heed a neighbor’s knock; Brew my tea, and snip my thread; Bleach the linen for my bed. They will call him brave. “Penelope” by Dorothy Parker A B A B C D D E E C

13 + Rhyme Scheme Practice 1. I knew I’d have to grow up sometime,______ That my childhood memories would end,______ But a spark within me died,______ When I lost my imaginary friend. ______ 2. As the sun set and the moon came, ______ I looked out the window in dread and shame. ______ The sound of birds rose from the sky, ______ I waved my hand and bid goodbye. ______

14 + 3. When I look into his eyes,______ I see the deep blue sea.______ I hope my love never dies,______ That he’ll always be there for me.______ 4. And here ends the saga______ Of writers who have grown.______ We’re successful authors,______ Now we will be unknown.______ Rhyme Scheme Practice

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