Scottish Commission for Learning Disability The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds.

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Presentation on theme: "Scottish Commission for Learning Disability The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scottish Commission for Learning Disability The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds

2 Mapping and Scoping Work Asset based practice Hate Crime Parenting Employment and Social Connectedness Scrutiny

3 The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds Released in September 2015 to support the refreshed delivery approach for The Keys to Life, launched in June 2015 2 year funding subject to spending review Funding available across 5 priority areas: Effective interventions for parents who have learning disabilities Effective interventions to tackle hate crime Alternative models to out of area placements for people with complex care needs Innovative social connectedness for people with learning disabilities Innovative employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities

4 Proposals discussed and scored by sifting panels focused on each of the priority areas Focus on: Co-production Asset based delivery Early intervention Innovation and development Transferability and scalability Sustainability Contribution to ‘Keys to life’ strategic objectives Contribution to Scottish Government’s programme for Government The process

5 The Proposals 120 applications made in total Total amount applied for: £3,763,062 Year 1 funding applied for: £2,036,793 Year 2 funding applied for: £1,726,269

6 Applications Analysis



9 Successful proposals Social ConnectednessEmployment St Oswald’s Scottish Episcopal ChurchTayberry Enterprises Cantraybridge CollegeSocial Care Ideas Factory Interest Link BordersThe Usual Place Aberdeenshire Council East Dunbartonshire Council ParentingHate Crime Firsthand LothianThe Advocacy Project Aberlour Child Care Trust and NHS FifeI Am Me Scotland Couples Counselling Lothian Mellow Parenting East Ayrshire Advocacy Complex Care The Richmond Fellowship

10 Monitoring and Evaluation Outcomes focused Evidence based Partnership working across all themes Supportive, dynamic and progressive

11 Scottish Commission for Learning Disability The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds

12 I Am Me/Keep Safe

13 Carol Burt Megan Milligan Kieran Kelly

14 What is I Am Me/Keep Safe?

15 Identified Priority areas Effective interventions for parents who have learning disabilities Effective interventions to tackle hate crime Alternative models to out of area placements for people with complex care needs Innovative social connectedness for people with learning disabilities Innovative employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities

16 4 Strategic Priorities A Healthy Life Choice and Control Independence Active Citizenship

17 What we plan to do Bus Events Training Resources Keep Safe

18 Film & Training Resource

19 Bus


21 Primary School Resource

22 Keep Safe

23 Keep Safe/Scotland

24 The Keep Safe App

25 Thank You @Iammescotland

26 Scottish Commission for Learning Disability The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds

27 Securing the Future: Mellow Futures Toddlers A new programme to support parents with Learning Disabilities with key life skills to strengthen relationships with their toddler, other parents, services and their wider community. With thanks to the Scottish Government Keys to Life Fund Rachel Tainsh Mellow Parenting Programme Development Officer

28 Keys to Life Strategic Outcome A healthy life, enabling people with learning disabilities to enjoy the highest attainable standard of living health and family life. Partnership working between Mellow Parenting and Equal Say.

29 Mellow Futures We are building on work and lessons learned from our Mellow Futures Perinatal (Bumps and Babies) Programme.

30 Outcomes By the end of March 2016: Scoping and mapping report which will inform the future of the project. At least 4 focus groups and or consultation meetings with parents with LD. New Mellow Futures Toddlers Programme Manual in outline form At the end of the first year of the project: Piloted activities and materials for the new programme Fully developed the programme manual Trained volunteer mentors Trained facilitators Printed final programme manual

31 Who will benefit? Children will benefit from stronger relationships with their parents and access to other community supports and opportunities to develop as active citizens. Children who attend will become more “nursery ready” and that this will ultimately support preparation for school. The group facilitators will share their learning as well as supporting and strengthening families who require additional support to parent.

32 Who will benefit? The volunteer mentors will learn new skills and enable families to access wider community supports. The local authorities will benefit from a refreshed delivery approach and opportunity to support some of the most vulnerable parents in their area. Reduce the cost of more intensive ‘emergency’ family support that is sometimes required and support a reduction in the number of children on the child protection register and ultimately in foster care.

33 Scottish Commission for Learning Disability Claire Stuart Evidence and Research Manager

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