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Continuity and Change Identity achieved Search for identity begins at puberty and continues much longer Seeking to determine who they are still exists.

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2 Continuity and Change Identity achieved Search for identity begins at puberty and continues much longer Seeking to determine who they are still exists for most adults At each stage, the outcome of earlier crises provides the foundation of each new stage (Erikson)

3 Identity Achieved Past as Prologue In eight stages of development, Erikson associated each stage with a particular virtue and a type of psychopathology. He proposed that earlier crises could reemerge, taking a specific form at each stage. Listed on the next slide are some possible problems (not directly from Erikson) that could occur in emerging adulthood if earlier crises were not resolved. Let’s take a closer look!

4 Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development

5 Cultural Identity Aspects of identity change as the historical context changes-even as the search for self determination continues Intermarriage between adults from diverse racial groups in U.S. has changed from 7% (1980) to 15% (2010) Children are typically proud to be biracial Bicultural identity correlates with healthy psychosocial development Many emerging adults work to combine objective and subjective identity

6 Cultural Identity Ethnic identity plays a key role in preparation for adulthood. Most emerging adults identify with very specific ethnic groups. More than any other age group, emerging adults have friends with diverse backgrounds. Ethnic identity may affect choices in language, manners, romance, employment, neighborhood, religion, clothing, and values.

7 Vocational Identity Establishing a vocational identity is part of growing up. Many go to college, as moratorium, and to prepare for a job Temporary jobs are part of preparation Young workers tend to take a series of temporary jobs and feel no loyalty to their employer in reaction to the current global economy Development of work ethic continues to evolve throughout early adulthood

8 Happy at Work John Holland’s six-part diagram helps job seekers realize that income and benefits are not the only goals of employment. Workers have healthier hearts and minds if their job fits their personal preferences.

9 Same Situation, Far Apart: Connecting with Their Generation

10 Personality in Emerging Adulthood Rising self-esteem Only a minority experience decline in self-esteem Continuity and improvement in attitudes of young adults occur Ability to set their own goals, make their own friends, and work toward whatever goals they seek strengthens self-esteem

11 Personality in Emerging Adulthood Worrisome children grow up Many children with marked aggression and those with extreme shyness grow up with little pathology Old patterns do not disappear completely, but behaviors are often modified Increasing self-esteem of many emerging adults occurs as they are able to set their own goals, make their own friends, and work toward whatever goals they seek

12 Personality in Emerging Adulthood Plasticity Many children with marked aggression and those with extreme Personality is not fixed by age 5, or 15, or 20 Openness to new experiences allows personality shifts and stimulates eagerness for more education

13 Intimacy Intimacy versus isolation Erikson’s sixth psychosocial stage emphasizes that humans are social creatures. Intimacy progresses from attraction to close connection to ongoing commitment. Marriage and parenthood, as emerging adults are discovering, are only two of several paths to intimacy.

14 Intimacy Friendship Throughout life, friends defend against stress and provide joy. Friends, new and old, are particularly crucial during emerging adulthood. Most single young adults have larger and more supportive friendship networks than newly married young adults once did.

15 Intimacy Men tend to share activities and interests and talk about external matters But do not talk of failures or emotional problems Demand less of their friends so they have more of them Women tend to share secrets, reveal their weaknesses and problems and expect sympathy Are more intimate and emotional Gender and Friendship

16 Male-Female Friendships Relationship between love and marriage depends on era and culture 3 patterns occurring roughly in thirds –Arranged marriages –Adolescents meet a select group and man asks woman’s parents for permission –People socialize with many and then fall in love and marry when they are able, the most common in Western cultures

17 Dimensions of Love Robert Sternberg (1988) described three distinct aspects of love Passion- an intense physical, cognitive and emotional onslaught characterized by excitement, ecstasy, and euphoria Intimacy- knowing someone well, sharing secrets as well as sex Commitment- grows gradually through decisions to be together, mutual care giving, kept secrets, shared possessions, and forgiveness

18 Sternberg’s Seven Forms of Love

19 Hookups Without Commitment Hookups Involves sexual encounter with neither intimacy nor commitment Estimated that about half of all emerging adults have hooked up More common in younger college students than older; men than women; lonely than socially active Social networks Web site that allows users to publically share their lives and connect with large numbers of people Major innovation of current cohort Choice overload Involves having so many possibilities that a thoughtful choice becomes difficult May occur with matchmaking sites

20 Finding Each Other and Living Together Cohabitation Varies from nation to nation Involves living with an unrelated person—typically a romantic partner—to whom one is not married Prevalence and purpose Most young adults in the U.S., England, and Northern Europe cohabit rather than marry before age 25. Half of all cohabitating couples in the U.S. plan on marrying eventually.

21 More Together, Fewer Married

22 Cohabitation Many emerging adults consider cohabitation to be an effective prelude to marriage. Earlier research suggests that cohabitation does not necessarily prevent later marriage problem. Churning relationships may evolve and often have high rate of verbal and physical abuse. More current research reports less negative cohabitation effects. Cohabitation is neither the ideal nor the marriage equivalent that many emerging adults believe.

23 Love You, Love You Not Young adult relationships are often problematic, but churning correlates with the stormiest relationships, with half of churners fighting both physically and verbally.

24 Changes in Historical Patterns In the U.S. Most adults aged 20-30 are not married. Compared to any year in the past, fewer adults are married and more are divorced. Divorce rate is half the marriage rate (3.6 compared to 7.3 per 1000) because fewer people are getting married. Women who have their first baby under age 30 are more often unmarried than married.

25 Changes in Historical Patterns Changes in relationship between love and marriage: Patterns Previously About one-third of world’s families: Love does not lead to marriage because parents arranged marriages that joined two families together About one-third of families: Adolescents met only a select group; young men asked young women’s father for her hand in marriage; parents supervised interactions Final pattern: Relatively new; young people socialize; meet many others; expect to fall in love but not marry until independent

26 Similarities and Differences Similarity tends to solidify commitment, probably because similar people are likely to understand each other. Homogamy Marriage between people who tend to be similar (SES, goals, religion, attitudes, local origin, etc.) Heterogamy Marriage between people who tend to be dissimilar (interests, etc) Social homogamy The similarity of a couple’s leisure interests and role preferences

27 What Do You Think? As women earn more money and men do more housework, increased shared responsibilities may increase marital satisfaction.

28 Fair Fight?

29 Conflict Learning to listen Demand/withdraw interaction Situation in a romantic relationship wherein one person wants to address an issue and the other refuses Women tend to be more demanding and men withdrawing

30 Conflict Intimate partner violence Emerging adults experience more partner violence than those over 25. Alcohol and drugs make violence more likely and more severe. Rates are high and would be higher if self- deception and dishonesty weren’t factors but would be lower if preventative measures were in place.

31 Intimate Partner Violence Researchers differentiate two forms of partner abuse Situational couple violence –Fighting between romantic couples that is brought on more by the situation than by personality problems Intimate terrorism –Violent and demeaning form of abuse in a romantic relationship where the victim is too scared to fight back, seek help, or withdraw

32 Emerging Adults and Their Parents Linked lives Where the success, health, and well-being of each family member are connected to those of other members Financial support Parents of all income levels in the U.S. help their adult children. Global perspective Parental support and linked lives are typical everywhere. In some countries, it is valued more than in others (i.e. Italy vs. Great Britain).

33 Valuable, but Increasingly Unaffordable

34 Problems with Parental Support Young adults from low-income families Likely to remain within the low-SES population Parents cannot pay for college and living expenses during emerging adulthood Helicopter parents Hover over their emerging adult child, ready to swoop down if any problem arises Differential treatment May cause sibling rivalry or resentment

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