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Crime. ‘commit a crime’ Have you ever committed a crime? We all make mistakes but we should never commit a crime.

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Presentation on theme: "Crime. ‘commit a crime’ Have you ever committed a crime? We all make mistakes but we should never commit a crime."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crime

2 ‘commit a crime’ Have you ever committed a crime? We all make mistakes but we should never commit a crime.

3 Think of and write down at least eight different kinds of crime.

4 He was murdered. That man is a murderer. Image by Simon Howden at

5 He was murdered. A person killed him on purpose. He was killed. He could have died in an accident or a person killed him on purpose.

6 Drugs He is a drug user. He does drugs. Image by Vlado at

7 Arson An arsonist Image courtesy of think4photop at

8 Robbery I was robbed. There was a bank robbery. Image by nonicknamephoto at

9 Hacking The company was hacked. Image by jesadaphorn at

10 Rape She was raped. (The person who does this is a rapist.) Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

11 A scam/scams 诈骗 A person who does this is a ‘scam artist’ or ‘con artist’. What are some common scams? Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

12 Bribery He accepted bribes. The man offered me a bribe. Image by Sira Anamwong at

13 Gambling It’s legal in Las Vegas. Image courtesy of patrisyu at

14 Prostitution She used to be a prostitute. Image courtesy of adamr at

15 Car theft My car was stolen. Image courtesy of Toa55 at

16 White collar crime Crimes in business with money Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at

17 A robber/A thief Image courtesy of chanpipat at

18 There is about one gun in America for every person. Image by num_skyman at

19 A crime scene is where the crime happened. Image courtesy of Simon Howden at

20 An eyewitness/A witness A person who sees a crime or an accident happen. Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at

21 What kinds of protection are there for us against crime? Think of and write down at least five things.

22 The police/A police officer Image courtesy of Serge Bertasius Photography at

23 What is a person who protects an area but isn’t a police officer? 保安

24 A security guard/ A guard Image courtesy of Phiseksit at

25 Security cameras You can view the security video/ security footage. Image by Sira Anamwong at

26 A password Image by jesadaphorn at

27 Prison/Jail A prison is large. A jail is small. Image courtesy of tiverylucky at

28 1% of Americans are in prison. 1 in 3 Americans have a criminal record. 51% of prisoners are in for drugs. 4% are for robbery. 1% are for murder.

29 Stage a crime or show a video. In groups, one student pretends to be a police officer, and the other students are eyewitnesses. The police officer asks the students these questions: What happened? What did the thief say and do? What did the victim do? What did the thief look like? What was the thief wearing? Did you recognize him?

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