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Weight control. Physical activity decreases and leads to a decrease in metabolic rate. If energy expenditure drops more than energy intake, weight gain.

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Presentation on theme: "Weight control. Physical activity decreases and leads to a decrease in metabolic rate. If energy expenditure drops more than energy intake, weight gain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weight control

2 Physical activity decreases and leads to a decrease in metabolic rate. If energy expenditure drops more than energy intake, weight gain will occur.

3 Weight control Amount of calories –  Activity level  Body size  Gender  Age  Metabolic Rate (BMR)

4 Healthy weights For a healthy weight one must consider: -Height- Body Frame -Weight - Body Fat % Height/Weight Charts DO NOT!!!

5 The # on the scale does not matter! What matters is living a healthy active lifestyle. Life is all about balance and moderation and feeling good from the inside. The rest will fall into place!

6 Body Fat %

7 Body mass index Body Mass Index (BMI) is measure of body fat based on height and weight. It does not take into account muscle mass. Not an accurate measure of overall “health”

8 Basal metabolic rate The amount of calories we burn at REST. Age, gender, weight, physical activity level, and muscle mass all have an affect on BMR. More muscle mass = faster metabolism

9 Calculate your BMR WOMEN Step 1: 655 + (4.35 x ______ lbs) + (4.7 x ____ inches) – (4.7 x _____ age) Step 2: 655 + (____) + (____) – (____)

10 Calculate your BMR MEN Step 1: 66 + (6.23 x ______ lbs) + (12.7 x ____ inches) – (6.8 x _____ age) Step 2: 66 + (____) + (____) – (____)

11 Weight loss Decrease caloric intake Increase level of physical activity 3,500 calories/pound Stored energy – Burn more calories than you take in. Choose the correct foods!

12 Weight gain Increase caloric intake Eat more meals more often (5-6 meals/day) High calorie foods, but nutritious!

13 Benefits of exercise Burn calories ( ↓ body fat) Build/tone muscles “Normal” appetite Decrease stress level Increase metabolism Increase self-esteem

14 Weight control plan Choose a healthy and realistic weight Set smart goals Make a plan including caloric intake & exercise Stick to the plan Positive Attitude Evaluate progress and reward yourself! Recognize plateaus and change up your routine!

15 FAD DIETS If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!!! Often unhealthy and usually very difficult to stick to over a long period of time. High risk of gaining weight back. Rigid Eating – restricting entire food groups (ex: low-carb diets) Fad diets claim that you will lose weight at a rapid pace. However, you are likely losing water weight or muscle rather than weight from stored fat. SAFETY CONCERNS Nutritional Deficiencies Weight loss pills to suppress appetite and/or speed up metabolism  Heart and Cardiovascular Disease Vital Organ Damage  kidney failure, depression, eating disorders Leads to a cycle of yo-yo dieting

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