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Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either.

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Presentation on theme: "Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either."— Presentation transcript:

1 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Project Management & the Environment

2 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Goals: –Minimize the environmental impacts of construction projects and tasks undertaken at the Lab; –Remain in compliance with environmental rules; –A successful project! Fermilab Operates Under an Environmental Management System (EMS)

3 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile CC/TM Responsibilities –Compliance (Laws) - meeting permit requirements Erosion Control Storm Water Management Secondary Containment Fuels & Oils Waste Disposal –Conformance Work proceeds in an environmentally sound manner Hazard Analysis –Identify potential impacts and how to minimize them. Meeting the Goal

4 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Compliance and Conformance Permits Specific to project (or operation) Set period of time Obligation to obey- same as laws. Hazard Analysis Specific to task. Set period of time Obligations to obey from work ethic

5 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Key Concepts Fermilab is committed to environmental protection (Director’s Policy). Identifying hazards and ensuring compliance is the task manager’s responsibility. You must be aware of permit conditions, regulations and the hazard analysis, and act within the scope of them. You must ensure that workers are aware of the same conditions.

6 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile You have responsibilities - BUT! You’re not expected to become an expert. Use available resources - Seek assistance from your EO/SSO/RSO or ESHQ Section. Responsibilities

7 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile We Have an Integrated ESH Management Program Job specific activities that have environmental impacts are to be identified in the HA process. Hazard Analysis is part of the Plan/Do/Check/Adjust process improvement cycle. HA guidance found in FESHM Hazard Analysis

8 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile NEPA NEPA is an environmental review process that is initiated and approved long before the project starts. –Conducted before TM/CC involvement –The conditions typically built into the contract –TM/CC ensure conditions are met

9 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Identification of drains as “Storm” or “Sanitary” must occur before work begins Available Resources: Site drawings/GIS Construction drawings FESS - Engineering Storm & Sewer Drains

10 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Storm Drainage Storm water runoff is: Collected in a broad network of ditches and diverted to lakes and ponds. Used for industrial cooling. Discharged offsite via Kress creek, Indian creek and Ferry creek. Regulatd by a NPDES Permit

11 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Storm Drains Storm drains must be protected on construction projects. Discharge to storm sewers from any sources other than storm or cooling water is prohibited.

12 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile

13 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Discharges containing pollutants to the sanitary sewer system from projects must be evaluated. Unsure if it can go in the sewer? Consult your Environmental Officer. Requirements & Guidance FESHM 8025. Sanitary Sewers

14 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile FESS approval needed prior to making any modifications to any Fermilab sanitary sewerage system. Proper domestic water backflow and cross connection prevention reviewed under DP-18 process. Follow your D/S/C procedure. Modifications to Sanitary Sewer System

15 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Regulated Chemical Waste & Radioactive Waste TM/CC has oversight responsibility. Requirements are typically contractual. Radioactive waste must be managed by Fermilab. Regulated chemical waste must be reviewed by the Hazard Control Technology Team: call x4498. Metals recycling has its own approval process Waste Management

16 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Subcontractors are required to recycle and report amounts diverted. Subcontractors typically arrange recycling hauler services. T&M jobs may use dedicated onsite construction recycling dumpsters. You need to know what NOT to put in a dumpster. Waste Management

17 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Waste Management Household waste is not acceptable in Fermilab dumpsters.

18 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile No metals can be recycled from a radiological area!!! Contact the area RSO for metals recycling approval Waste Management: Metals Recycling

19 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Waste Management: Metals Recycling No metals in C&D dumpsters-- metal should go into green Fermilab scrap bins next to C&D dumpsters

20 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Spills Spills must be contained and cleaned up. Local control of small spills of non-hazardous materials is ok. Must be done promptly. Personnel observing an imminent or actual spill that cannot be readily controlled with equipment at hand must call 3131.

21 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile Encountering Unknowns Undocumented historical contamination – we know where most things happened and have cleaned up those we know, but it’s a big site... Something of archeological significance. Contact your Environmental Officer. Encountering Unknowns

22 Task Manager Construction Coordinator Training -- EMS-- Fermilab 95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile95% of Asbestos found is either Amosite or Chryosotile To Review Protecting the environment is an element of your job. TM/CCs have certain responsibilities. Use available resources and tools. Fermilab is obligated to comply with all environmental regulations. Environmental Protection

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