Apprenticeships & NVQ 2014 Your guide to a successful transition Rogue Oliver.

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Presentation on theme: "Apprenticeships & NVQ 2014 Your guide to a successful transition Rogue Oliver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apprenticeships & NVQ 2014 Your guide to a successful transition Rogue Oliver

2 Why am I here today What’s changed?

3 The background information »Skills CFA revision of the 2008 M&L NOS »Skills CFA redevelopment of new M&L QCF 2010 NOS units »Skills CFA redevelopment of M&L QCF NOS qualifications and Apprenticeship packages. 3

4 Overview of new products New M&L NOS based qualifications »Level 2 Diploma in Team Leading »Level 3 Diploma in Management »Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Management »Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Management & Leadership »Level 7 NVQ Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership 4

5 Overview of new products continued… New M&L Apprenticeships Packages »Level 2 Team Leading Apprenticeship »Level 3 Management Apprenticeship »Level 4 Operational Management Apprenticeship NEW PACKAGE »Level 5 Management & Leadership Apprenticeship 5

6 New NOS lower level units The NOS units have changed at lower levels now incorporating knowledge alongside the competence based content

7 What’s Changed? From the old products to the new products what has changed? »Knowledge element added to new NOS units »Inclusion of imported Business Admin & Customer service NOS units into qualification structures »New combined knowledge and competence qualifications at lower levels »New level 4 qualification »New qualification sizes and rules of combination »Reduction in M&L NOS units from 72 to 67 »Removal of knowledge based ‘technical certificate’ from lower level Apprenticeship packages 7

8 The New Products A closer look

9 Level 2 Team Leading Diploma »The main change at level 2 has been the inclusion of knowledge into the qualification »New Diploma sized 40 credit qualification »New knowledge and competence hybrid units »Inclusion of business admin and customer service units in roc 9

10 Level 3 Management Diploma »As with the Level 2 qualification the new level 3 qualification is also a combined knowledge and competence qualification »Increase in credit size to 55 credit Diploma qualification »New knowledge and competence hybrid units »Inclusion of business admin and customer service NOS units into roc 10

11 New Level 4 Qualification »A brand new NVQ qualification developed at level 4 »Purely competence based qualification »A new 53 credits Diploma sized qualification »Inclusion of business admin, customer service and sales & marketing NOS units »New competence component of Apprenticeship package 11

12 New level 5 NVQ Diploma »New level 5 NVQ qualification focussed on Management and Leadership »Increase in credit value from 38 to 53 credits in line with new SASE/W »Inclusion of business admin, customer service and sales & marketing NOS units »Inclusion of level 7 management & leadership units into roc 12

13 New Level 7 NVQ Diploma »New level 7 NVQ diploma with a focus on strategic management »Reduction in credit value of mandatory unit group from 27 to 16 credits »Introduction of level 5 units into the roc »Removal of level 6 units from qualification and wider NOS units 13

14 Apprenticeships – The changes The lower level Apprenticeship packages (Levels 2 & 3) »Removal of technical certificates as knowledge component from level 2 & 3 apprenticeships »Creation of a hybrid knowledge and competence qualification The higher level Apprenticeship packages (Levels 4, 5 & 7) »Introduction of new level 4 package »Increase in overall Apprenticeship package size as stipulated in the revised SASE/W »Removal of mandatory requirement to undertake Functional & Essential Skills qualifications 14

15 Timelines for new products AprilMayJuneJulySeptember Skills CFA release roc structures on Rits ILM begin development of NVQ & Apprenticeship learning resource and support packages New ILM products accredited on Rits Centres begin approval process for new products Products go live September 1st AOs begin qualification development ILM seek Equal accreditation for new products New ILM products including resources launched Centres start delivering new products ILM centre eventsNew ILM products showcased at June centre events Old products closed for registrations 15

16 Support & Learning Resources How best can we support you our centres? »To compliment our new products and to make life easier for you our customers. We are looking at a number of learning resources and support materials to sit alongside our products. »But we need your help? 16

17 Support & Learning Resources Feedback has indicated the following would help support our new products »Professional membership while studying »Learning resources (mixture to meet range of customer needs) »Workbooks for each unit (mandatory at least and optional asap) – pdf format? »on line resources »Information cards/fact sheets (pdf format) »Action points/checklists required by learner to address the criteria »Welsh Translation for levels 2, 3 4 17

18 Support & Learning Resources Continued… Assessment : »Guide to assessment for assessors and IQAs »List of suitable evidence types against assessment criteria »Case studies for units that allow simulation »Tracking documents to record learner progress (hard copy and e-version to be explored) »Skills Scan for use with employers/individuals to assist in identifying skills gaps and designing programmes 18

19 Support & Learning Resources We feel the following would be nice to have but we need your feedback »Some centres have requested a recommended text »an app for resources »E- portfolio offer »Support workshops/networks to share ideas, ask questions during early adoption phase »Toolkit of all essential documents for centres to use to cascade information to their assessors and IQAs to include agreed tools + PowerPoint presentation 19

20 See you in 15 minutes 20

21 Break out Activity Discussion and brain storming session around learning resources and support materials

22 Feedback Feedback from centre break out activity

23 Any questions? 23

24 Thank you 24

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