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Skeletal System Unit 7:4. SKELETAL SYSTEM The skeletal system is made up of organs called bones. In the adult there are 206 bones.

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1 Skeletal System Unit 7:4

2 SKELETAL SYSTEM The skeletal system is made up of organs called bones. In the adult there are 206 bones.

3 FUNCTIONS OF BONES Framework: supports the body ’ s muscles, fat, & skin. Protection: surround vital organs to protect them. E.g.: Skull surrounds & protects brain. Ribs protect your heart & lungs. Levers: attach to muscles to help provide movement. Produce Blood Cells: Produce red & white blood cells & platelets. Storage: Store most of the calcium supply of the body.

4 Parts of Long Bones Long bones are bones of the extremities (arms & legs) Diaphysis: long shaft Epiphysis: two extremities or ends Medullary Canal: Cavity in the diaphysis filled with yellow marrow Yellow Marrow: Located within the medullary canal composed of mainly fat cells Endosteum: membrane that lines the medullary canal, keeps the yellow marrow intact & provides some bone growth.

5 Periosteum: Tough membrane covering the outside of bones. It contains blood & lymph vessels. It also contains osteoblasts which are special cells that form new bone tissue. It is necessary for bone growth, repair, & nutrition. Articular Cartilage: Thin layer that covers epiphysis and acts as a shock absorber when two bones meet to form a joint.

6 Red Marrow: Found in certain bones such as vertebrae, ribs, sternum, cranium, & proximal ends of the humerus & femur. Produces red blood cells, platelets, & some white blood cells. Bone marrow is important in the manufacturing of blood & is involved with the body ’ s immune response. It is used in diagnosing blood diseases and given as transplants to people with defective immune systems.

7 Two Sections of Skeleton Axial Skeleton forms the main trunk of the body & is composed of the skull, spinal column, ribs, & sternum

8 Appendicular Skeleton forms the extremities & is composed of the shoulder girdle, arm bones, pelvic girdle, & leg bones.

9 SKULL Composed of the cranium and facial bones. Cranium is the round structure that surrounds & protects the brain. It is made up of 8 bones –Frontal –Two parietal –Two temporal –Occipital –Ethmoid –Sphenoid

10 At birth the cranium is not solid bone. There are spaces called fontanels or “ soft spots ” that allow for enlargement of the skull as brain growth occurs. The fontanels are made of membrane & cartilage that turns into solid bone by about 18 months of age.

11 Facial Bones There are 14 facial bones, but the main bones are: –Mandible: Lower jaw –Maxilla: 2 bones forming upper jaw –Zygomatic: 2 cheek bones –Nasal: 5 bones in the upper part of the nose –Lacrimal: 2 bones at inner aspect of eyes –Palantine- 2 bones of hard palate or roof of the mouth.

12 Sutures: areas where cranial bones have joined together. Sinuses: Air spaces in the bones of the skull that provide strength with less weight. They act as resonating chambers for the voice & are lined with mucous membranes. Foramina: Openings in bones that allow nerves & blood vessels to enter/exit bone.

13 Vertebrae The spinal column is made of 26 bones called vertebrae. They protect the spinal cord & provide support for the head & trunk. The main sections are: –Cervical- 7 neck vertebrae –Thoracic-12 vertebrae in back of chest, attach to ribs –Lumbar-5 vertebrae by waist –Sacrum-1 large vertebrae on back of pelvic girdle –Coccyx: 1 fused vertebrae called the tailbone

14 Ribs or Costae 12 pairs of long slender bones that attach to the thoracic vertebrae on the dorsal surface of the body True ribs: First 7 pairs of ribs that attach directly to the sternum on the front of the body False ribs: The next 5 pairs of ribs. The first three pairs attach to the cartilage of the rib above it. The last 2 pairs of ribs are the “ floating ribs ”. Floating ribs don ’ t attach to the front of the body.

15 Sternum Breastbone Consists of three parts: –Manubrium or upper region –Body or center area –Xiphoid process: small piece of cartilage at the bottom Two clavicles attach to the manubrium by ligaments. Ribs attach to sternum with costal cartilages to form a cage that protects the heart & lungs

16 Shoulder or Pectoral Girdle Two clavicles or collarbones Two scapulas (scapulae) or shoulder bones Scapula provides for attachment of upper arm bone.

17 Bones of the Arm Humerus: upper arm bone Radius: lower arm bone on thumb side Ulna: larger bone of lower arm that contains a projection called the olecrannon process at the upper end forming the elbow. Carpals: 8 wrist bones on each hand Metacarpals: 5 bones on each hand to form palms Phalanges: 14 bones on each hand to form thumb & fingers

18 Bones of Pelvic Girdle Made of two os coxae (coxal or hip bones) Join with the sacrum on dorsal part of body & join together at a joint called the symphysis pubis on ventral part of body Each os coxa made of three bones that are fused or joined: ilium, ischium, pubis

19 Contains two recessed areas or sockets called acetabulums that provide for attachments of bones of the leg. Obturator foramen: opening between the ischium & pubis that allows for passage of nerves & blood vessels to & from the legs.

20 Bones of the Legs Femur: thigh bone Patella: kneecap Tibia: long supporting bone of lower leg, medial surface Fibula: smaller bone of lower leg, lateral surface Tarsals: 7 bones of ankles, calcaneous is heel bone Metatarsals: 5 bones forming instep of foot Phalanges: 14 bones on each foot, form toes

21 Joints Areas where two or more bones join together Ligaments: connective tissue bands that hold long bones together Three main types of joints: –Diarthrosis: freely movable. E.g. ball & socket joints of the shoulder & hip; and hinge joints of the elbow & knee –Amphiarthrosis: slightly movable. E.g. vertebrae –Syntharthrosis :immovable. E.g. cranium

22 Skeletal System Day 2 Diseases of the skeletal system

23 Diseases of Skeletal System Arthritis: group of diseases involving an inflammation of the joints. There are two main types: Osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis

24 Osteoarthritis Chronic disease that occurs with aging. Symptoms: joint pain, stiffness, aching, limited range of motion Treatment: rest, heat/cold applications, aspirin, anti- inflammatory meds, steroid injections, special exercises

25 Rheumatoid Arthritis Chronic inflammatory disease of connective tissues joints. Three times more common in women, often begins between age 35-45. Progressive attacks cause scar tissue formation & atrophy of bone & muscle tissue, which results in permanent deformity & immobility. Treatment: rest & prescribed exercise, anti- inflammatory meds, aspirin & steroids, surgery, or arthroplasty, to replace damaged joints such as hips or knees.

26 Bursitis Inflammation of bursae, small fluid-filled sacs surrounding joints. Frequently affects shoulders, elbows, hips, or knees. Symptoms: severe pain, limited movement, accumulation of fluid in joint. Treatment: Pain medications & rest, injections of steroids & anesthetics into joint, aspiration (withdrawal of fluid with a needle) of joint; physical therapy to preserve joint motion.

27 Fractures Types of fractures: –Simple: complete break with no damage to skin –Compound: break in bone that ruptures through skin; increased chance of infection –Greenstick: bone is bent & splits causing a crack or incomplete break; common in children –Comminuted: bone fragments or splinters into more than two pieces –Impacted: broken bone ends jam into each other Involve a crack or break in a bone

28 –Spiral: severe twisting of a bone causes one or more breaks; common in skiing & skating accidents –Depressed: broken piece of skull bone moves inward: common with severe head injuries –Colles: breaking & dislocation of the distal radius that causes a characteristic bulge at the wrist; caused by falling on an outstretched hand

29 Reduction: process by which bone is put back into proper alignment. Closed reduction: position bone in alignment, usually with traction, and apply cast or splint to maintain position. Open reduction: surgical repair of bone, & at times, insertion of pins, plates, & other devices.

30 Fun with Fractures Can you identify the type of fracture in the following x-rays?

31 Dislocation Bone is forcibly displaced from a joint. Frequently occurs in shoulders, fingers, knees, & hips. Reduced & immobilized with splint, cast, or traction.

32 Sprain Twisting action tears ligaments at a joint. Common sites are wrists & ankles. Symptoms: pain, swelling, discoloration, limited movement. Treatment: rest & elevation, immobilization with elastic bandage or splint, cold applications.

33 Osteomyelitis Inflammation of bone usually caused by pathogenic organism. The pathogen causes formation of abscess within bone & accumulation of pus in medullary canal. Symptoms: pain at site, swelling, chills & fever. Treatment: antibiotics for infection

34 Osteoporosis Metabolic disorder with increased porosity or softening of bones. Etiology: Deficiency of hormones, especially estrogen in females, prolonged lack of calcium in the diet, sedentary lifestyle. Loss of calcium & phosphate causes bones to become porous, brittle, & prone to fracture. Bone density tests lead to early detection & preventative treatment. Treatment: Increased intake of calcium & vit. D, exercise, meds to increase bone mass, estrogen replacement.

35 Ruptured Disk Also called a herniated or slipped disk Intervertebral disk ruptures or protrudes out of place & causes pressure on the spinal nerve. Most common site is lumbar-sacral area; can occur anywhere on the spinal column. Symptoms: Severe pain, muscle spasm, impaired movement, &/Or numbness. Treatment: pain, anti- inflammatory & muscle relaxant meds, rest & traction, PT & massage, Chiropractic treatment, heat or cold applications, Laminectomy=surgical removal of the protruding disk for severe cases.

36 Abnormal Curvature of the Spine Kyphosis: “ hunchback ” or rounded bowing of the back at the thoracic area Scoliosis: side to side or lateral curvature of spine Lordosis: “ Swayback ” or abnormal inward curvature of lumbar vertebrae Causes: poor posture, structural defects of vertebrae, degeneration of vertebrae. Treatment: Therapeutic exercises, firm mattresses, & braces. Surgical repair for severe deformities.

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