Platte City Middle School May 2, 2016 So This is Middle School!

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Presentation on theme: "Platte City Middle School May 2, 2016 So This is Middle School!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Platte City Middle School May 2, 2016 So This is Middle School!

2 Names to Know Chris Miller - Principal Robert Mueller - Assistant Principal Amie Wheeler - Counselor Lesa Levi - Counselor Lisa Bean - Social Worker Tammy Kobush - Nurse Theresa Langlands - Secretary Brenda Snow - Secretary Pam McLain - Secretary

3 PCMS Mission To prepare individual learners for success in life, Platte County School District provides meaningful experiences in a safe and caring environment.

4 School Expectations Be Prepared, Prompt, Polite and have Pride Make Good Decisions PCMS Anti-Bullying Rules Sprigeo (

5 Counselors & Social Workers Counselors Student support with school, peers, and family issues. Individual/group counseling. Classroom guidance lessons. Student Ambassadors and 8th Grade Mentors. Social Worker Individual/group counseling. Support, services for homeless families. Assist families w/ housing, food, clothing, furniture. Obtain/coordinate community resources. Home visits as needed. Chronic attendance issues.

6 Attendance Procedures ●Verify all absent & tardy students by calling the school as soon as possible. ●Students arriving late must check-in at the office. ●Students leaving early must have an adult come into the office to check them out.

7 Student Schedules Schedules given out at registration on Aug 9 (6th Gr Enrollment) from 2- 6:30p. For questions with scheduling, please see our counselors. School hours: 7:40-2:50p Office hours: 7:15-3:15p

8 Transition Opportunities 6th Grade Enrollment: Aug 9 2-6:30p Paxton Day: May 9 Back to School Night: Aug 18 Mentoring Program

9 Student Support Pirate Time Everyday 7:40-8:05a Focus on: Building relationships 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Academic Assistance Academic Lab Students allowed to receive tutoring and/or re-take tests 3 days per week in library Tues, Thur 2:50-4p Wed 6:30-7:30a

10 Grade Reporting SISK12 Parent/Student Portal 9 week grading periods 4 week Progress Reports & End of Quarter Report Cards emailed home

11 Communication Weekly Update Email Facebook Website Twitter Student Announcements Teacher Emails Counselor Website and Newsletter

12 Water Bottles Allowed in all classes. Need to be translucent, sealable caps/lids. Water bottle filling station located in cafeteria.

13 Activities Trolley Run Student Ambassadors Basketball Intramurals Science Olympiad Musical

14 Visitors & Deliveries We want students in class with as few interruptions as possible. School-related items will be held until passing times (between classes) or lunch, when students can be notified (unless an emergency). Students expecting deliveries can check in the office between classes or at lunch. Intercom into the classrooms will only be used to get students checking out for appointments.

15 Nurse Tammy Kobush, RN Inhalers and/or EPI Pens at school require an action/emergency plan completed by the student’s doctor prior to medication being left at school. No immunizations for 6th graders needed. Hearing and vision screening in 7th grade.

16 A Typical Day … Morning Car riders are dropped off at the front (east) side of the school. Bus riders are dropped off at the back (west) side of the school. Doors opened to students at 7:15a. Upon arrival, students can go to: The cafeteria for breakfast The gym A class for help Take band instrument to band room

17 A Typical Day … Classes 7 classes with 3 minute passing times ELA & Math are blocked classes with 66 min each 5 remaining classes are 44 min each ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, PE/Health Electives (Art, Applied Technology, World Language, Computers) Lockers Hallway locker - built in combination lock (share w/ a Pirate Time classmate) PE, band lockers (students provide a combination lock) Most common issue … getting from Point A > Locker > Point B

18 A Typical Day … Lunch 4 lunch shifts beginning at 10:52, ending at 12:24 23 min 3 menued items, plus A la Carte everyday Parents can put limits on A la Carte Monitor accounts early in the year

19 A Typical Day … End of Day Afternoon announcements at 2:45 2:50 bell rings, students go to lockers, band room Bus pick up on the west side of school, leave at 2:55 Car rider pick up on the east side of school

20 A Typical Day … End of Day

21 Questions … Tour

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