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CPRE’s Vision for the Countryside. - Protecting the countryside and improving it - The countryside HAS improved - CPRE does not share the pervading.

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Presentation on theme: "CPRE’s Vision for the Countryside. - Protecting the countryside and improving it - The countryside HAS improved - CPRE does not share the pervading."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPRE’s Vision for the Countryside



4 - Protecting the countryside and improving it - The countryside HAS improved - CPRE does not share the pervading pessimism - This is our vision… Introduction

5 - More beautiful, more tranquil, more varied - Economic development no longer an end in itself - New focus on quality of life - People everywhere live much greener lives Changing attitudes There is a new focus on quality of life, embracing beauty, local character and the enjoyment of green, open spaces.

6 Tranquillity

7 Green energy

8 A variety of landscapes

9 New buildings in harmony

10 Stop the Drop

11 Litter education

12 The people’s playground

13 A different society

14 Low carbon communities

15 Better planning - Successful urban regeneration - More Green Belt - better protected - Democratic planning system - Environmental protection is key Successful urban regeneration has been crucial in protecting the countryside.

16 Houses as homes, not investments

17 Green Belts

18 Democratic planning

19 Local planning

20 New life in the countryside - More people live in, work in and visit the countryside - Diverse communities and affordable homes - Improved access to local services - Health and spiritual benefits for all People walk and cycle more, and there has been a revival of rural railways.

21 Rural services

22 Engagement

23 Food and farming - More local food - Farmers are valued and prosper - More farm animals are reared outside - Wild flowers, birds, insects and mammals return Wild flowers, birds, insects and mammals have returned in a rush of sights, sounds and smells.

24 Local food

25 Green farming

26 Changing landscapes - More woodland, rich in wildlife - Green corridors and new wetlands - Better management of our coastline - Less light pollution and more truly dark skies Some remote upland areas have been deliberately left to nature, becoming wilder in character.

27 Coasts and English holidays

28 Green energy - Helping people and wildlife adapt to climate change - Energy efficient rural buildings - Small-scale renewables - Green energy developments sensitive to landscape Rural buildings are more energy efficient and small-scale renewables are common.

29 Energy in the landscape

30 Flood protection

31 A virtuous circle - Consensus on vital importance of finite countryside - Well-planned and sensitive development can improve rural areas - Countryside improves, so people care for it more, and so it improves further - Countryside valued and enjoyed by all as a huge national asset The countryside is valued and enjoyed by all as a huge national asset.

32 Staying positive

33 Tackling climate change

34 Do you share our vision and want to help us make it a reality?

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