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The Clique By: Lisi Harrison Book Talk by Liliana Capelli.

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1 The Clique By: Lisi Harrison Book Talk by Liliana Capelli

2 About the Author Lisi Harrison was born on July 29, 1975 in Toronto, Canada. Lisi went to a Hebrew school until ninth grade, then went to a public school. When she was 18, she went to McGill University in Montreal to become a film major. After 2 years, she transferred to Emerson College in Boston to become a writer. Lisi’s friend offered her a job at MTV to film a game show, “Lip Service.” She accepted and worked for MTV for 12 years. Lisi also filmed the TV shows, “One Bad Trip” and “Room Raiders.” As she was filming, she would think about writing a book about middle school, and that is how she came to write The Clique. Now, Lisi Harrison lives in Laguna Beach, California, writing more books.

3 Summary Part 1 At the beginning of The Clique, Massie Block, head of “The Pretty Committee,” gets the worst news of her life. The new girl, Claire Lyons is moving into her quest house. Massie is devastated, and gets on a four-way with her best friends right away, Dylan Marvil, Alicia Rivera, and Kristen Gregory. Massie’s parents, Jay and Kendra Block, make Massie hang out with her and invite her to her weekly Friday night sleepover. The girls are not happy with Claire, and ignore her at school. Claire, desperate with no friends, meets a new person, Lane Abeley. Layne and Claire hang out a lot, until Claire ditches Layne for one of Massie’s Friday night sleepovers. Claire was surprised she was invited, but Kendra, Massie’s mom, made Massie invite her.

4 Summary Part 2 In the middle of the book, Massie falls in love with a really cute guy, Chris Abeley. Massie does not know Chris and Layne are related, so she brags to Claire about Chris. Claire then tells Layne what Massie said, and they plan to get Massie back. One day when Claire has Layne over, Layne has Chris drive her over, and makes him stay. Claire, Layne, and Chris walk over to Massie’s house and stand in her front lawn. Massie sees them outside, and right when she opens her window to yell hi, Claire puts her hand through Chris’ hair. Massie is so mad, and can not believe what just happened.

5 Summary Part 3 At the end of the book, Massie decides to stop thinking about boys and really help her friends out. Kristen needs a really good grade in a project, so Massie, Dylan, and Alicia help her out. They decide to make lip gloss, and call it Glambition. The girls sold their lip gloss on the bus, but something bad happens. A lot of people were allergic to some ingredients in the lip gloss, and everyone's lips were puffing up. Thankfully Claire thought of an idea to put oatmeal on everyone's lips. Layne offered her oatmeal, and everything was okay! Kristen got a good grade, Massie and Claire became friends, and Layne saved the day!

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