By: Mohd Zamri bin Azmi (P69256) Project Paper 1 Project Paper 1.

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1 By: Mohd Zamri bin Azmi (P69256) Project Paper 1 Project Paper 1

2 Chapter 1 (Introduction) Chapter 1 (Introduction) Problem Statement Problem Statement Background of Study Background of Study Purpose of Study Purpose of Study Research Questions Research Questions Chapter 2 (Literature Review) Chapter 2 (Literature Review) Research Gap Research Gap Cooperative Learning in Malaysian Context Cooperative Learning in Malaysian Context The Concept of Rotational Learning The Concept of Rotational Learning Chapter 3 (Methodology) Chapter 3 (Methodology) - Research Design - Participants - Collection of Data - Research Procedure - Analysis of Data

3 “In Malaysian ESL context on the other hand, Campbell (2008) argues that the process of learning in Malaysian classrooms is still very much traditional and rote learning oriented” “In Malaysian ESL context on the other hand, Campbell (2008) argues that the process of learning in Malaysian classrooms is still very much traditional and rote learning oriented” Looking at the context of learning writing for instance, most Malaysian ESL students in primary and secondary level generally still undergo the traditional stages of sitting in the classroom - listening to the lectures and drilling by numerous of exercises Looking at the context of learning writing for instance, most Malaysian ESL students in primary and secondary level generally still undergo the traditional stages of sitting in the classroom - listening to the lectures and drilling by numerous of exercises (Munir Shuib, 2009) (Munir Shuib, 2009)

4 “in different scenario of learning constructing simple sentences, apart from the issue mentioned above as well as learners not having a strong fundamental understanding of various patterns of simple sentences such as ‘subject+v’ (S+V) and ‘subject+verb+complement’ (S+V+C)” “in different scenario of learning constructing simple sentences, apart from the issue mentioned above as well as learners not having a strong fundamental understanding of various patterns of simple sentences such as ‘subject+v’ (S+V) and ‘subject+verb+complement’ (S+V+C)” “Domakani, Roohani and Akbari (2012) - on the relationship between language learning strategy and motivation, the study has concluded that the use of appropriate student-centred language learning strategies such as rotational learning could help to boost student’s motivation in English as Foreign Language (EFL) classroom” “Domakani, Roohani and Akbari (2012) - on the relationship between language learning strategy and motivation, the study has concluded that the use of appropriate student-centred language learning strategies such as rotational learning could help to boost student’s motivation in English as Foreign Language (EFL) classroom”

5 In learning writing specifically learning simple sentences, Malaysian ESL learners generally have been taught explicitly with such teacher-centered approach. They are very synonymous to the way of being provided with huge number of worksheets in the classroom (Ambigapathy, 2002), as this might hopefully enhance learner’s writing skill besides preparing them better for public examinations. In learning writing specifically learning simple sentences, Malaysian ESL learners generally have been taught explicitly with such teacher-centered approach. They are very synonymous to the way of being provided with huge number of worksheets in the classroom (Ambigapathy, 2002), as this might hopefully enhance learner’s writing skill besides preparing them better for public examinations.

6 “However, the implementation of such traditional way of teaching might be a disadvantage to certain ESL learners in the classroom. Considering the factor of different learning styles for instance, such teaching approach might be limited only to catering the needs of certain groups of learners such as ‘auditory learning style’ learners. (Santrock, 2008)” “However, the implementation of such traditional way of teaching might be a disadvantage to certain ESL learners in the classroom. Considering the factor of different learning styles for instance, such teaching approach might be limited only to catering the needs of certain groups of learners such as ‘auditory learning style’ learners. (Santrock, 2008)”

7 “In Malaysian ESL classroom, understanding learning writing could be very challenging due to factor of learner’s poor attitude towards writing as well as exposure to English materials (Parilah, Wan Hamiah, Rosseni, Aminuddin Khalid, 2011), the use of rotational learning as a mode collaborative learning approach could be one of the fresh alternatives to be considered” “In Malaysian ESL classroom, understanding learning writing could be very challenging due to factor of learner’s poor attitude towards writing as well as exposure to English materials (Parilah, Wan Hamiah, Rosseni, Aminuddin Khalid, 2011), the use of rotational learning as a mode collaborative learning approach could be one of the fresh alternatives to be considered”

8 Based on KBSR Year 6 English Curriculum document: Based on KBSR Year 6 English Curriculum document: - 4.3.1 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on (a) Words and phrases given, and (b) on a picture stimulus “a technique of rotational learning would be freshly proposed as a way of addressing the issue. This collaborative-learning-based technique would be introduced in teaching on how to effectively write simple sentence among Malaysian ESL year 6 pupils, which would heavily stress on the concept of subject and predicate as well the subject-verb agreement” “a technique of rotational learning would be freshly proposed as a way of addressing the issue. This collaborative-learning-based technique would be introduced in teaching on how to effectively write simple sentence among Malaysian ESL year 6 pupils, which would heavily stress on the concept of subject and predicate as well the subject-verb agreement”

9 There are six overall research questions. There are six overall research questions. Some of them are: Some of them are: 1. To what extent, rotational learning is effective in overcoming the subject-verb agreement problem in learning simple sentences? 2. Does rotational learning manage to comprehend learners to the concept of subject and predicate in the structure of simple sentence? 3. Does rotational learning assist learners to construct grammatically correct simple sentences?

10 i) To What Extent The Technique of Cooperative Learning Is Being Highlighted and Exposed in English as Second Language (ESL) Studies? Certain studies, particularly ESL research-based contexts, seem implicit in suggesting or illustrating any specific instance of cooperative learning form, which could offer a significant impact in any particular learning areas. The findings of studies, as far as it concerns, seem to made and concluded solidly based on the argument of how general principles cooperative learning is effective instead of focusing on how the nature of specific proposed cooperative learning approach could be successful. Certain studies, particularly ESL research-based contexts, seem implicit in suggesting or illustrating any specific instance of cooperative learning form, which could offer a significant impact in any particular learning areas. The findings of studies, as far as it concerns, seem to made and concluded solidly based on the argument of how general principles cooperative learning is effective instead of focusing on how the nature of specific proposed cooperative learning approach could be successful.

11 Conclusion in Study A Conclusion in Study A “Considering the results of the present study, it is obvious that cooperative learning is more effective in improving reading comprehension skills of learners who study Turkish as a foreign language when compared with traditional teaching methods” (Bolukbas, Keskin, Polat, 2011) (Bolukbas, Keskin, Polat, 2011) Conclusion in Study B Conclusion in Study B “This proved that the incorporation of cooperative learning had culminated positive outcomes in enhancing the students ‟ writing performance. The students not only performed better in the composite scores but they also showed enhanced performance in the five components of writing which were content, vocabulary, organization, grammar and mechanics” (Syafini & Tengku Nor Rizan, 2009) (Syafini & Tengku Nor Rizan, 2009)

12 ii) To What Extent Rotational Learning Is Being Practised in Malaysian ESL Classroom? ii) To What Extent Rotational Learning Is Being Practised in Malaysian ESL Classroom? Taking the example of rotational learning, this learning technique is obviously not synonymous to many Malaysian ESL teachers. Information on rotational learning might not reach to many Malaysian educators particularly ESL teachers in most parts of classrooms, as rotational learning is partly said as the idea of blended learning apart from cooperative learning itself (Hudson, 2013).

13 In Malaysian classroom specifically ESL classroom, despite the culture of exam-oriented which is heavily practiced in the system (Nor Aziah & Nik Suriyani, 2005), cooperative learning could be still apparent in some cases. In Malaysian classroom specifically ESL classroom, despite the culture of exam-oriented which is heavily practiced in the system (Nor Aziah & Nik Suriyani, 2005), cooperative learning could be still apparent in some cases. Looking at one of the recent syllabus of Malaysian English curriculum called ‘Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah’ (KSSR), there is clearly an emphasis highlighted in the document on how crucial it is in producing a communicative English speaker who could communicate independently with peers and adults (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2012). This outcome, even though it might not stress directly or state any particular cooperative- learning-related phrase, it might be an indication to Malaysian ESL teachers on the need of cooperative learning Looking at one of the recent syllabus of Malaysian English curriculum called ‘Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah’ (KSSR), there is clearly an emphasis highlighted in the document on how crucial it is in producing a communicative English speaker who could communicate independently with peers and adults (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2012). This outcome, even though it might not stress directly or state any particular cooperative- learning-related phrase, it might be an indication to Malaysian ESL teachers on the need of cooperative learning

14 How does it work?

15 Qualitative research design Qualitative research design Proper - explore critically the process and seek for explanation of certain unanswered issues besides collecting the data in more comprehensive manner Proper - explore critically the process and seek for explanation of certain unanswered issues besides collecting the data in more comprehensive manner Action Research was chosen. Action Research was chosen.

16 Size of Sample : Eight people. Size of Sample : Eight people. Who are they? Who are they? i) The participants had the average level of writing proficiency. ii) The participants were the Malaysian year six pupils.

17 Three different strategies (Triangulation) would be used: Three different strategies (Triangulation) would be used: - Document analysis Analysis of works completed by participants. Analysis of works completed by participants. - Interview Interview each respondent after session is done. Interview each respondent after session is done. - Observation (video recording) Direct observation + recording of video during the session. Direct observation + recording of video during the session.

18 Rotational Learning process begins Interview each participant Analyze the participant’s work Analyze the video

19 Miles and Huberman’s (1994) model of qualitative analysis

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