Ancient Medicine Produced by : Maha Maged. صحتك من الطبيعة ماذا تعرف عن الأعشاب الطبيعية ؟ هل سبق لك انك عانيت من بعض آلام المعدة أو آلام الأسنان أو بعض.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Medicine Produced by : Maha Maged. صحتك من الطبيعة ماذا تعرف عن الأعشاب الطبيعية ؟ هل سبق لك انك عانيت من بعض آلام المعدة أو آلام الأسنان أو بعض."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Medicine Produced by : Maha Maged

2 صحتك من الطبيعة ماذا تعرف عن الأعشاب الطبيعية ؟ هل سبق لك انك عانيت من بعض آلام المعدة أو آلام الأسنان أو بعض الوعكات الصحية البسيطة ؟ هل تعلم مدى دور الطبيعة الفعال في علاج الإنسان ؟ هناك بعض الأعشاب صديقة للإنسان مثل الينسون، الكراوية، الكمون، الشاى، الثوم والبصل، الكزبرة ،..... إلخ. تعرف معنا على بعض هذه النباتات.

3 Nowadays when people think of medicine, they think of sterile factories making modern drugs to cure diseases. In fact up until the 19th century, plants and herbs were the only things capable of curing man's ailments. They continue to be important to people that do not have access to modern medicines, and modern medicines rely on the same ingredients, whether natural or synthetic. Even now, one third of drugs contain plant extracts and another third contain compounds derived from plants. That means that most of the modern-day medicines rely on plants and herbs.

4 If the active principles of synthetic drugs are so important and can be found in many plants and herbs, cheaply and easily bought, why not use them ? If taken in the appropriate dose and form, they can be as effective as pharmaceutical drugs.

5 1.Alder: The bark makes a good gargle for sore throats. Boiling the inner bark in vinegar produces an external for skin diseases, sore feet and swellings. Also, it cleans your teethe and firm gums. Some natural medicinal herbs and plants

6 2.Acacia/Egyptian Thorn : The gum forms a protective, soothing coating over inflammations. It is helpful for coughs, sore feet and diarrhea. Sweetened, it is sometimes used for fever.

7 3. Anise Anise helps digestion, improves appetite and alleviates nausea. It also relieves coughs, colds and bad breath. It's helpful for insomnia and for the intestines. It improves the flavour of other medicines.

8 4. Basil : It's useful for stomach, stomach cramps, vomiting, and constipation. It improves appetite and blood circulation. Also, it treats fevers and help tired eyes and good for rubbing on insect bites.

9 5. Chamomile: A good nerve tonic, aid sleep and stimulate appetite. It is also good for colds, flu and fevers. It aides headaches, stomachaches, and rheumatism. It is also used as sedative tea. The ointment is used for bruises and sprains.

10 6. Garlic: Garlic is a natural antibiotic. It lowers blood pressure. It aides in the treatment of colds, bronchities, flu, toothaches, headaches, earaches, digestive problems, constipation, heart disorders, high cholesterol, insomnia, liver disease, diarrhea and rheumatism.

11 7. Coriander : It can be helpful for rheumatism and painful joints. It improve the flavour of other medicinal preparations and stimulates the appetite. It also treats diarrhea, vomiting and ingestion. It is also used for allergies. It's a good stomach tonic and very strengthening to the heart.

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