Geert Hofstede 4 Dimensions of culture: Power Distance Individualism vs Collectivism Masculine vs Feminine cultures Uncertainty Avoidance.

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Presentation on theme: "Geert Hofstede 4 Dimensions of culture: Power Distance Individualism vs Collectivism Masculine vs Feminine cultures Uncertainty Avoidance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geert Hofstede 4 Dimensions of culture: Power Distance Individualism vs Collectivism Masculine vs Feminine cultures Uncertainty Avoidance

2 Power distance Index PDI Geert Hofstede

3 Power distance Power distance as level of dependence (low PDI – co-dependence, high PDI – dependence)_ How education depends on PD

4 Family as source of differences in Power distance Relations between children and parents in countries with low and high PDI Power distance at school

5 Power distance in politics Scandals in countries with low PDI and high PDI, consequences for actors of scandals. How are the new colleagues hired? (knowledge – low PDI, family, friends – high PDI)

6 Russia 95 Mexico81 Brasil 69 France 69 Belgium65 Greece 60 Poland 58 Japan 54 Czech Rep. 50 Italy 50 USA 40 The Netherlands 38 Germany35 Finland 33 Norway31 Sweden 31 Ireland 28 Denmark22 Israel 13 Austria11

7 Individualism vs. Collectivism Geert Hofstede

8 Individualism Perceiving reality in terms of “I” Independence of a human being from organizations

9 Loose relationships among individuals Everyone should have their own opinion Great importance of personal life (planning visits) Culture driven by the notion of guilt

10 Education the influence of a family on individual predisposing of a child so that it could quickly become self-reliant – loose relationships among individuals preparation for living in a society that consists of other individuals certificates and diplomas give satisfaction with oneself low-context communication

11 Limited role of the state in economy Economy based on individual interests High gross domestic product (GDP) per person

12 Collectivism Loyalty to members of a group Poor assertiveness, it is better to avoid the painful truth, fear of confrontation High-context communication Culture driven by the notion of embarrassment

13 Opinions of an individual depend on the group one belongs to One should avoid conflicts and strive to preserve harmony

14 Education passivity of students during classes preparation for proper functioning in a group a diploma gives social advance and acceptance

15 USA 91 The Netherlands 80 Denmark 79 Italy 76 Belgium 75 Germany 71 France 71 Sweden 71 Ireland 70 Norway 69 Czech Rep. 68 Finland 63 Poland58 Austria55 Israel 54 Japan 46 Brasil 38 Greece 35 Mexico 30 Russia 30

16 Male cultures vs. Female cultures Geert Hofstede

17 “Maleness” is a feature of societies in which social roles relating to the sex are clearly determined, i.e. men are expected to be assertive, whereas women should be modest, tender and to care about the quality of life

18 *“Femininity” characterises these societies in which social roles of both sexes interpenetrate one another, i.e. both men and women are expected to be modest, tender and to care about the quality of life

19 Different perception of “male” and “female” professions in both cultures

20 Education struggle for success in male culture, huge importance of being a top student female culture is lack of struggle for best school reports differences in teaching staff from the primary school to the university

21 Professional career M (Male) is driven by a perspective of a brilliant professional career F (Female) is self-fulfilment and developing the interests F “works to live” M “lives to work” – work is the motto of life M manager – quick decisions, assertiveness, aggression F manager – intuition, good communication, discussion Position of women in M & F

22 Solving conflicts M - „Let the best win” *F – negotiations and compromise matter

23 Japan 95 Poland 70 Italy 70 Ireland 68 Germany 66 USA 62 Czech Rep. 62 Austria61 Belgium54 Brasil 49 Israel 47 Russia43 France43 Finland26 Denmark 21 The Netherlands 14 Norway 8 Sweden5

24 Uncertainty Avoidance Geert Hofstede

25 Uncertainty Avoidance UA *The level of a sense of threat felt by members of a given culture in the face of new and uncertain situations

26 High UAI is characterised by high activeness, impulsiveness, impatience Low UAI – calmness, composure, indifference

27 Uncertainty and risk Anxiety is not fear – it is striving to normalize a situation High UAI – Different means dangerous Low UAI – Different means interesting

28 High UAI – no ambiguity! High UAI – organizational issues are more important than strategic issues High UAI – a tendency to produce many legal articles and regulations High UAI – high context of communication

29 Belgium 94 Japan 92 Russia 90 France 86 Israel 81 Czech Rep. 79 Brasil76 Italy 75 Austria70 Poland71 Germany70 USA 62 Finland59 The Netherlands 53 Norway 50 Ireland35 Sweden29 Denmark 28

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