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1. An example of economic cooperation among European nations that occurred in the late 1900s was the A. creation of the United Nations. B. signing of the.

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Presentation on theme: "1. An example of economic cooperation among European nations that occurred in the late 1900s was the A. creation of the United Nations. B. signing of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. An example of economic cooperation among European nations that occurred in the late 1900s was the A. creation of the United Nations. B. signing of the Treaty of Versailles. C. creation of the League of Nations. D. introduction of the Euro dollar.

2 2. Cuba is an example of a type of government in which a ruler or small group has absolute power and is not restricted by a constitution or laws? A. republic B. democracy C. parliament D. dictatorship

3 3. The economic system of communist countries is most closely related to which of the following? A. command B. market C. traditional D. supply and demand D. supply and demand

4 4. Which type of government would most likely abolish all opposing political parties, the direct election of leaders, and free speech? A.republic B.constitutional monarchy C.autocratic D.representative democracy

5 5. In which system of government does the legislature elect the executive leader of the government? A. presidential democracy B. communist C. parliamentary democracy D. dictatorship

6 6. How did Canada achieve independence from Britain? A. by a war for independence B. as a result of the American Revolution C. as a result of the British defeat of the French D. by means of negotiations over a period of time

7 7. How has the European Economic Community/European Union been a benefit to the countries that have joined it? A. The use of tariffs has increased trade. B. Trade among member nations has decreased. C. More people now make full use of their country's resources. D. The exchange of goods among the members has become easier.

8 8. Who were the first inhabitants of Australia? A. prisoners from Britain B. Europeans looking for spices C. people who migrated from Asia D. sailors from Captain Cook's ships

9 9. The ecology of Brazil's rain forest is most threatened by which of these human activities? A. building dams B. drilling for oil C. cutting down trees D. draining swamps

10 10. Which Latin-American country is the only one whose language and culture have been greatly influenced by Portugal, because it was the only colony of Portugal in Latin America? A. Brazil B. Panama C. Argentina D. Chile

11 11. Which term best describes an economic system in which the people—not the government— own land, factories, and businesses? A. communism B. market C. command D. traditional

12 12. Which poses the greatest threat to the rain forest in Brazil? A. drilling for oil B. pollution of rivers C. logging in the rain forest D. growth of large industries

13 13. A market economy is very different from a command economy. Which of the following is found in a market economy? A. competition B. guaranteed yearly pay raises C. government control of industry D. government control of agriculture

14 14. Which of following best describes a market economy? A. A person can start any legal business and charge any price. B. The government provides food and housing to all workers. C. The government provides services, such as telephones and television. D. National businesses, such as airlines, are owned by the government. D. National businesses, such as airlines, are owned by the government.

15 15. Which country had the most significant impact on the language and religion of Latin America? A. Britain B. France C. Spain D. Portugal

16 16. After a ten-year struggle, Haiti was the first nation in Latin America to gain independence in 1804. How did Haiti win its independence from France? A. in a revolution started by Simón Bolívar B. when the British defeated Napoleon at Waterloo C. in a revolt led by the former slave, Toussaint L'Ouverture D. as part of the treaty at the end of the French and Indian War

17 17. What is a basic way citizens of a democratic nation can influence the government? A. voting B. working C. obeying laws D. consuming goods

18 18. Australia's government power is divided between one central and several regional authorities. Name the type of government. A. Unitary B. Confederation C. Federal D. Autocratic

19 19. Use the information in the box below to answer this question. In order to produce a good or a service, four factors of production are needed— natural resources (land), human resources (labor), capital resources (buildings and machinery), and entrepreneurship (organization). A sixth-grade class decides to open a popcorn stand. The stand and the popcorn popper are examples of which factor of production? A. natural resources B. human resources C. capital resources D. entrepreneurship

20 20. A book about the history of Latin America during the 1800s featuring Toussaint L'Ouverture, Simon Bolivar and Miguel Hidalgo, would most likely have which title? A. The Rise of Communism in Latin America B. Independence Movements in Latin America C. United States Colonies in Latin America D. The Rise of the Slave Trade in Latin America

21 21. Mexico has a president who is elected by the people. The powers of the central government are restricted and regional authorities retain a degree of self- government. Ultimate power rests with the voters who choose their governmental representatives. Which of the following terms BEST describes Mexico's form of government today? A. Military Dictatorship B. Federal Republic C. Constitutional Monarchy D. Parliamentary Democracy

22 22. Russia has a type of government in which power is formally divided between one central authority and several regional authorities. Name the type of government. A. Federation B. Dictatorship C. Oligarchy D. Constitutional Monarchy

23 23. In the 1800s, Miguel Hidalgo helped to inspire the people of Mexico to rise up against which country to eventually gain independence? A. England B. France C. Russia D. Spain

24 24. The European Union (EU) was established in the 1990s. Which of the following is a goal of the EU? A. to create a single European currency B. to endorse a single European language C. to provide military aid to European countries experiencing civil war D. to protect western European countries from formerly communist countries

25 25. What is one of the goals of the European Union (EU), which was established in the 1990s? A. It is a special stock market for European businesses. B. It provides better training for people wanting to run businesses. C. It provides its members with military protection from foreign attack. D. It is a system to remove tariff barriers and open trade between countries.

26 26. Which best describes how a parliamentary democracy differs from a presidential democracy? A. The legislature consists of two houses. B. There are usually two major political parties. C. There are state as well as national governments. D. The head of the government is a member of the legislature.

27 27. Today, some citizens and elected leaders of Québec believe their province should take which action? A. refuse to trade with the United States B. close its borders to all new immigrants C. withdraw from the United Nations D. become an independent country

28 28. Which of the following best explains why the United States is Canada's largest trading partner? A. climate B. population distribution C. location D. Gross Domestic Product

29 29. The leader of the Parliament in countries such as Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom is called the A. speaker. B. president. C. chairman. D. prime minister.

30 30. Which word has the same meaning as the economic term "tariff"? A. tax B. savings C. debt D. money

31 31. Canada is the world's second largest country in terms of land area. However, about 75 percent of Canada's population lives within 100 miles of its southern border. Which statement does not provide a reason why so many Canadians live in their country's southern region? A. More jobs are available in Canada's southern region. B. Canadian law encourages people to live in its southern region. C. Much of Canada's northern region is tundra. D. Canada's southern region has a milder climate than its northern region.

32 32. A country's parliament votes to increase tariffs upon goods from another country. This is an example of A. a monarchy encouraging free trade. B. a representative democracy restricting trade. C. a socialist congress preventing free enterprise. D. a communist government allowing freedom of speech.

33 33. What is the purpose of free trade partnerships like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the United States, Canada, and Mexico? A. to increase trade by doing away with tariffs. B. to allow countries to get needed goods without having to pay for them C. to keep the countries from trading with Europe or Asia D. to help the countries produce everything they need for themselves

34 34. Today, some Canadian citizens are called "separatists" because they believe that one Canadian province should become an independent nation. In which Canadian province would a separatist most likely live? A. Ontario B. Manitoba C. Alberta D. Québec

35 35. In which economic system are the production and distribution of goods owned by private individuals or corporations? A. traditional B. feudalism C. market D. command

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