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T HE R ISE OF U LTRANATIONALISM Social 20-1 (Chapters 7 & 8)

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1 T HE R ISE OF U LTRANATIONALISM Social 20-1 (Chapters 7 & 8)

2 ✕ In times of conflict, to what extent are nationalism and ultranationalism expressions of the pursuit of national interest?

3 H OW TO TELL IF YOU ’ RE AN ULTRANATIONALIST ✕ Are you supportive of strong government to provide stability?  Totalitarian/Fascist ✕ Do you believe the best way to motivate people is through faith, emotional appeal, sentimentality? ✕ Can only the elite really contribute anything of value to a society?  Leader is infallible

4 ✕ Is your race superior to others? ✕ We have to admit, some are better than others and providing special rights really just props up the weak.  Strength over intellect ✕ Do you see the world in terms of black and white?  Not opponents, enemies, annihilated vs conquered ✕ Is military strength the true sign of power? Do you believe international efforts to law and order are ineffective?

5 Then you might be a an ultranationalist

6 J APAN ’ S RISE TO ULTRANATIONALISM ✕ Political instability  Need for stronger government to provide security ✕ Rejection of internationalism in favor of expansionism  Felt slighted by Treaty of Versailles, Washington Naval Conference, recent immigration laws in US, Canada and Australia  Invasion and annexation of Manchuria 1931 ✕ Leave League of Nations 1933  Sino- Japanese War – take more Chinese territory ✕ (justify territorial expansion – need for resources, other colonial powers had done the same)

7 C ONT. ✕ Opposition to communism  Industrialized nation  Support from small business owners  Lack of support for democracy ✕ Economic Crisis  Great Depression (international trade disrupted)

8 E STABLISHMENT OF AN ULTRANATIONALIST REGIME ✕ Indoctrination/Censorship/Propaganda  Ideals of fascism taught in schools  Reminders of past victories, imperial power  Superior race  Cult of personality – Emperor Hirohito ✕ Militarism  “War is the father of creation and the mother of culture”  Military leaders played major role in government

9 C ONDITIONS WITHIN G ERMANY ✕ Political Instability  Dissatisfaction with the Weimar Government  Fear of Communism ✕ Dissatisfaction with the Treaty of Versailles ✕ Economic Instability  Reparations  French invasion of the Rhur  The Great Depression

10 ✕ German government prints money to help pay citizens wages = serious inflation (hyper- inflation)  1914 ✕ £1 = 20 marks,  1923 ✕ £1 = 1,680,800,000,000,000 marks  Prices would double or even quadruple in one day


12 E FFORTS OF THE N AZIS TO GAIN POWER ✕ Charisma of Hitler  Finding scapegoats to blame their problems on ✕ Munich Putsch  Mein Kampf ✕ Changes tactics and gets elected ✕ SA/SS (“Storm Troopers” and secret police) ✕ Reichstag Fire – Enabling Act (like Canada’s War Measures Act)  Ends political competition (turn towards dictatorial power)

13 I NCREASING THEIR POWER ✕ Propaganda ✕ Economic Reconstruction (rebuilding military, civic works projects) ✕ Lebensraum (living space) ✕ Anschluss (union with Austria) ✕ Rome-Berlin Axis ✕ Nazi-Soviet Pact

14 I NTERNATIONAL R ESPONSES ✕ Appeasement  Britain did not see Germany as a serious threat and there was a strong anti-war sentiment  France was more concerned with defense and re-building their economy  U.S. remained isolationist ✕ Munich Pact – Sudetenland  Great powers agree with the argument of self- determination for German-speaking people; sacrifice Czech sovereignty for peace

15 Hitler then takes all of Czechoslovakia and then sets his sights on Poland


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