GET INTO WATER! A Colorado Front Range Workforce Development Initiative Funded by a grant from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment and by the.

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Presentation on theme: "GET INTO WATER! A Colorado Front Range Workforce Development Initiative Funded by a grant from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment and by the."— Presentation transcript:

1 GET INTO WATER! A Colorado Front Range Workforce Development Initiative Funded by a grant from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment and by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

2 OUTLINE  About the Get Into Water! Project  National and Colorado Research  Workforce Data  The Board/Staff Partnership

3 WHAT IS GET INTO WATER?  Get Into Water!, led by RMSAWWA and RMWEA, is an alliance of Colorado-based water and wastewater utilities, workforce centers, educators and other partners to attract people to work in the water industry  Mission: The water and wastewater industry will sufficiently recruit, train and retain personnel to ensure mission-critical positions are filled with qualified, trained & technically skilled employees

4 THE FOCUS: Operations Employees Get Into Water! focuses on recruiting and training:  Drinking Water Treatment Operators  Wastewater Treatment Plant operators  Wastewater Collection Operators  Water Distribution Operators  Plant Maintenance Technicians  SCADA/Instrument Control Operators

5 OPERATIONS FOCUS  The Industry Advisory Council (IAC), comprised of Front Range water and wastewater utilities, desires to focus exclusively on these operations-level positions. We intend to focus on sustainable programs and activities that will add value to employers and potential employees at times of high and low unemployment.

6 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES  GOAL #1: Training  The Front Range water and wastewater utilities will conduct and promote training programs to ensure mission critical positions are filled with qualified, trained and technically skilled personnel.  GOAL #2: Outreach and Recruitment  The Front Range water and wastewater utilities will conduct adequate outreach and recruitment efforts to ensure interest in, and attraction to, mission-critical positions.

7 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES  GOAL # 3: HR/Operations Collaboration  The Front Range water and wastewater utilities will enhance collaboration, education and communication between operations staff and human resource professionals to create a positive culture for workforce development.  GOAL #4: Knowledge Management  The Front Range water and wastewater utilities will conduct knowledge management and employee retention efforts to ensure mission critical personnel have the knowledge and skills to operate effectively.

8 RESEARCH OVERVIEW Primary Data:  Water Research Foundation Reports  AWWA Research-State of the Industry Report  Occupation Data from the U.S. Department of Labor and Local Workforce Centers  2009 Colorado Workforce Survey (Although a four- county project, survey sent to all Colorado utilities) AWWA State of the Industry Report  Counties: Arapahoe, Boulder, Denver, Douglas

9 NATIONAL NEED  Over $1 million in national research  2008-2010 AWWA/WRF Workforce Sustainability Initiative:  Improve water sector career pathways definition  Enhance the water sector job image  Establish a water workforce resource clearinghouse



12 WORK FOR WATER CAMPAIGN (AWWA/WEF)  To enhance the image of water careers among present and future job candidates.  To guide targeted audiences to the web site.  To provide utilities with adaptable communication tools that help promote water jobs.  To build partnerships among stakeholders with an interest in promoting water careers.


14 COMPETITION FOR EMPLOYEES Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

15 2009 COLORADO WATER WORKFORCE SURVEY Q9/10: Employee shortage next 3-5 years % RESPONDING MODERATELY OR VERY CONCERNED ABOUT: Drinking Water Treatment Operators 24% Drinking Water Distribution & Transmission Operators/Maintenance and Repair Workers 24% First-Line Supervisors/Chief Operators 28% Wastewater Collection Operators/Maintenance and Repair Workers 16% Operations Managers 20% Electricians/Instrument/SCADA/Electronics 32% Wastewater Treatment Operators 28%

16 2009 COLORADO WATER WORKFORCE SURVEY Q11: Concern over addressing issues in next 3-5 years % RESPONDING MODERATELY OR VERY CONCERNED ABOUT: Knowledge Retention/Management 52% Workforce/Succession Planning & Continuity 56% Leadership Development 44% Career Planning/Management 44% Compensation & Rewards 56% Recruitment & Outreach 52% Training & Development 40%

17 2009 COLORADO WATER WORKFORCE SURVEY Q12: Level of risk to organization RESPONDING MODERATELY OR VERY CONCERNED ABOUT: Lack of adequate labor pool with appropriate qualifications, training and experience 44% Uncompetitive pay/benefits 44% Current, future retirements 48% Loss of employees to larger utilities 32% Staff turnover, not due to retirement 32%

18 ADDITIONAL RESEARCH  Web Site Link to Employer Resources: employers/resource-sharing/  Human Resource Tools  SCADA/Instrumentation Research and Tools  Knowledge Management Research and Tools  Colorado Water and Wastewater Career Map

19 WORKFORCE DATA  Percent eligible to retire in 1, 3, 5 and 10 years by:  <Department  Job Role> 

20 THE BOARD-STAFF PARTNERSHIP  Discuss our workforce data; update it regularly  Review and discuss short and long-term trends at a local, regional and state level  Identify and prioritize our key workforce issues for  Think outside the water industry-all industries will be competing for the same labor pool  Develop a workforce sustainability plan with varying assumptions for the utility  Participate in ongoing discussions at the state and national level

21  Thank You! Presenter:

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