Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 SMU CSE 8314 Software Measurement.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 SMU CSE 8314 Software Measurement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 SMU CSE 8314 Software Measurement and Quality Engineering Module 00  Administrative Details  Overview of the Course

2 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 2 Administrative Details

3 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 3 Dennis J. Frailey Adjunct Professor - SMU e-MAIL: Home page: http://

4 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 4 Dennis J. Frailey Principal Fellow - Raytheon Company PhD Purdue, 1971, Computer Science Assistant Professor, SMU, 1970-75 Associate Professor, SMU, 1975-77 (various titles), Texas Instruments, 1974-1997 (now Raytheon Co. 1997-) Adjunct Associate Professor, UT Austin, 1981-86 Adjunct Professor, SMU, 1987-present ----- Areas of specialty: software engineering process, compiler design, operating system design, real-time system design, computer architecture

5 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 5 Grader  The course uses a grader named Kelly Vincent –All assignments are submitted to the grader –All queries should go to the grader at  Email: All correspondence regarding the course that is intended for the instructor or grader MUST be sent or copied to the email address above.

6 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 6 SMU - Department of Computer Science and Engineering _ Secretary: Debra McDowell 214-768-3080 (return of graded assignments and examinations) Call for email address if needed ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Administrative Assistant: Beth Minton 214-768-3083 (backup)

7 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 7 Course Structure  Thirty Nine 50-minute Modules –M00 through M38  Midterm Exam (take after completing module 20)  Final Exam (take at end of course, after completing module 38)

8 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 8 Course Handouts & Assignments  General Handouts: –Syllabus, etc.  Assignment Handouts: –A “statement of work” for each assignment –“Statement of Work for Software Quality Improvement Plan” applies to assignments 1/3/5 and is the major assignment for the course  Cover sheet(s) at end of each SOW

9 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 9 Always Use a Cover Sheet! Assignment Cover Sheet 3 Assignment Number

10 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 10 Other Handouts and Assignments  Microsoft Excel™ and other format spreadsheets for assignment 4  Other material of possible interest

11 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 11 Assignments by Due Date #1Due by Class #2Advisory Grade #2Due by Class #45% of Grade #3Due by Class #6Advisory Grade #4 Due by Class #1215% of grade #5 Due by Class #1430% of grade If you turn them in late, they will be graded late. This could be a significant penalty for assignments 1 and 3.

12 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 12 Assignments by Content #2Resistance to Improvement #4 Measurement Analysis Report using a Spreadsheet or Database #1/3/5 Quality Improvement Plan

13 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 13 Obtaining Assignments  Download from the course Web Site  Follow instructions –Each assignment has a “statement of work” or SOW –The last page of each SOW is a title page that should be used as the cover page of the assignment when you submit it –Submit by email or hard copy

14 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 14 Submitting Assignments and Examinations  Submissions must be electronic. –Send as email attachments to the following address: See the “Submission Rules” for proper file names, subject lines, etc. This is very important! See the “Submission Rules” for proper file names, subject lines, etc. This is very important!

15 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 15 Course Notes  Notes are provided in PowerPoint® format  You may download and print 1 copy –I recommend 3 slides per page, double sided, to keep the volume down –Some students prefer 2 slides per page –Many students print on 3-hole paper, put into a 3-ring binder, and write notes on the pages during the lecture) The notes are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission. They are only for your use as you take this course.

16 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 16 Notes About the Course Notes  Hard copy can be in black and white or color. Looks OK either way.  There are over 1500 slides in all. –Even when printed 2 or 3 slides per page, this takes a lot of paper. –It is best to print on double sided paper if you plan to print a complete course notebook.

17 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 17 SMU Course Web Site  Frailey Home Page:  Course Home Page: html  This site may be used to submit your profile, ask questions, etc.

18 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 18 Demo of SMU Web Site Demo Goes Here

19 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 19 MidtermAfter module 2025% of grade FinalAfter module 3825% of grade Examinations

20 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 20 Obtaining Examinations  If you are in a “live” class, the Exam is handed out by the professor  If you are a distance education student, the Exam is usually sent to your proctor  Class #8 is the midterm exam  Final is taken at end of course, after class #14

21 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 21 Submitting Examinations (for distance students)  Each examination should be completed on the form supplied and in the space provided –You may insert extra pages if required or you may use the back of a page if you use a paper copy  Submit the examination in one of the following ways: –Directly via e-mail, –Through your proctor, or –Directly surface mail (USPS, FEDEX, etc.)

22 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 22 Correspondence by Mail  For normal mail delivery, use: Southern Methodist University Computer Science and Engineering Caruth Hall, Room 106 attn: Grader, CSE8314 P. O. Box 75275-0122 Dallas TX 75275-0122  For overnight mail delivery, use: Southern Methodist University School of Engineering, CSE Department Caruth Hall, Room 106 attn: Grader, CSE8314 3145 Dyer St. Dallas TX 75205

23 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 23 Words to the Wise  Each assignment and each exam must be –A single document (usually a “Word” document) -- multiple assignment submissions in the same email or surface mail package are STRONGLY DISCOURAGED –With the proper cover page –With your name on it!  If I have two students with the same name, I need a way to distinguish –With the correct file name (if electronic) –And correct message subject (if electronic)

24 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 Read the Submission Rules CAREFULLY

25 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 25 SMU Graduate Program In Software Engineering 4 core courses –CSE 7316 software requirements –CSE 7319 software architecture and design –CSE 7314 : software testing and quality assurance –CSE 7315 : software project planning & management 3 advanced electives (choose from a list of 12) –See next slide 3 free electives (choose any 3 approved graduate courses in CS or other related subjects)

26 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 26 SMU Graduate Program In Software Engineering 3 advanced electives (choose from this list) –CSE 7312 systems engineering for software intensive systems –CSE 7345 advanced java programming –CSE 7348 distributed java enterprise computing –CSE 7349 xml and the enterprise –CSE 7359 software security –CSE 8312 : software generation and maintenance –CSE 8313 : object oriented analysis and design methodology –CSE 8314 : software measurement and quality engineering –CSE 8315 : sw acquisition practices, legal & economic issues –CSE 8316 : user interface design –CSE 8317 : software reliability and safety –CSE 8340 : advanced topics in software engineering –Others are added from time to time

27 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 27 Overview of the Course

28 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 28 The Course  The course is derived from many sources, especially my own experience in both commercial and defense industry  The field of quality engineering is maturing and there are many, diverse views about what it entails Software Measurement Software Process Engineering Software Quality Engineering

29 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 29 Elements of SW Quality Engineering  Quality Assurance - Is the Quality Acceptable?  Reliability - Does it Do What we Want?  Maintainability - Can we Repair and Improve It?  Safety - Can it Cause Injury?  Testability - Can we Test It?  Supportability - Can we Keep it Running?

30 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 30 The Course Combines These Elements  KNOWING WHAT TO DO -- –Process Engineering  The Integrating Element  The Architecture  KNOWING WHAT IS HAPPENING –Measurement  Understand  Improve  IMPROVING –Quality Engineering

31 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 31 Student Assignments  The Major Course Assignment is a project to produce a comprehensive Software Quality Improvement Plan for your organization  A Statement of Work (SOW) is provided for this assignment (in the handouts)  Assignments 1, 3, and 5 are tied together as part of this project

32 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 32 Quality Improvement Plan  Goal: To apply the course principles to a real situation –Ideally, you would submit it to someone at work for consideration –But do not jeopardize your job over this! There is no requirement to show it to anyone except the course instructor.

33 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 33 Quality Improvement Plan Evaluation Criteria  The plan must incorporate the principles learned in the course –Understanding the nature of the problems –Understanding the environment where improvements are to be made –Identifying a few key areas to focus on –Selecting processes to be adopted and measurements to be collected and utilized  Other criteria listed in SOW

34 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 34 SOW for Plan - Tasks  Summarize the scope of the situation and the key problems (assignment 1)  Develop an assessment of your process, and a list of needs and opportunities (assignment 3)  Perform a value added analysis, cost of quality analysis and root cause analysis  Recommend specific tasks, measures, and other changes, justified by the analysis done above  Document the plan  Submit to professor (assignment 5)

35 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 35 SOW for Plan - Deliverables  Plan, in specified format  Reference material (optional)

36 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 36 Requirements for Quality Improvement Plan  Size: 50-80 pages, 1 1/2 space (excluding reference material and other appendices)  Format: given in SOW  Outline: given in SOW  Approach: see the SOW –Must be more than just a high level plan - must recommend specific measurements and procedures –You must have evaluated the specific issues of your organization

37 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 37 Assignment 1 - Determine Scope Purpose:  To identify how broad the plan will be  To help you identify the parts of the organization for which a plan is desirable and for which information would be available  To give you a head start (this is a draft of section G of the final report)  To prove that you are alive

38 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 38 Books  This course has two strongly recommended textbooks  And about a dozen reference books  There is no single book that covers all of the material  You must take good notes –IN ADDITION TO these prepared notes!

39 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 39 Strongly Recommended Textbooks (B) Berger, Roger W, Benbow, D, Eishennawy, A and Walker, H., The Certified Quality Engineer, Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI, 2006. ISBN 13: 978-0- 87389-700-6. (Designed as a study aid for those seeking to become certified software quality engineers; contains excellent coverage of many topics – more than this class has time to cover.) (A) Andersen, Bjorn and Tom Fagerhaug, Root Cause Analysis, 2 nd Edition, Quality Press, Milwaukee, WI, 2006. ISBN 13: 978-0-87389-692-4. (Addresses a key technique for quality improvement.)

40 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 40 Reference Books - I (D) Dobbins, James H. Software Quality Assurance and Evaluation. (F) Fenton, Norman E. Software Metrics: A Rigorous Approach, * (G1) Grady, Robert B. and Deborah L. Caswell, Software Metrics: Establishing a Company-Wide Program. * (G2) Grady, Robert B. Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and Process Improvement. (Addresses how to incorporate measurements into a company environment.) (I1) IEEE Std 1061-1992. IEEE Standard for a Software Quality Metrics Methodology. (J1) Jones, Capers Applied Software Measurement: Assuring Productivity and Quality. (M1) Marciniak and Evans. Software Quality Assurance and Management. (M2) Möller, K. H. and D. J. Paulish. Software Metrics: A practitioner's guide to improved product development. (*) indicates books that will be directly referenced in the course

41 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 41 Reference Books - II (S) Schulmeyer, G. Gordon. Zero Defect Software. (H) Schulmeyer, G. Gordon and James McManus. Handbook of Software Quality Assurance, Second Edition. * (W1) Weinberg, Gerald M. Quality Software Management, Volume 1, Systems Thinking, Dorset House, New York, 1992. ISBN 0-932833-22-6. (Explores quality improvement with many insights from a psychological and cultural point of view.) * (W2) Weinberg, Gerald M. Quality Software Management, Volume 2, First Order Measurement, Dorset House, New York, 1993. ISBN 0-932833-24-2. (Second volume in series -- expands coverage into the area of metrics.) (W3) Weinberg, Gerald M. Quality Software Management, Volume 3, Congruent Action, (W4) Weinberg, Gerald M. Quality Software Management, Volume4 (X) Xie, M. Software Reliability Modelling

42 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 42 Maxim  Start on the Plan right away  The second half of the course involves a time consuming homework assignment (A4) The sooner you get behind, the longer you have to catch up.

43 Copyright 1995-2007, Dennis J. Frailey CSE8314 - Software Measurement and Quality Engineering CSE8314 M00 - Version 7.09 43 END OF MODULE 00

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