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Outsourced India Film Ahoud Khaled H00-233242.

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1 Outsourced India Film Ahoud Khaled H

2 Hofstede Six Dimensions
Power distance (PDI) Uncertainty avoidance (UAI) Indulgence vs. restraint (IND) Masculinity vs. femininity (MAS) Individualism and collectivism (IDV) Long term orientation vs. short term orientation (LTO)

3 Individualism versus Collectivism
In this scene, A young child is allowed to Todd to sit in the seat, despite the intensity of congestion on the train, and then without any abashment the child sits above the feet of Todd. Which led to the surprise and amazement for Todd. As we see, this scene may prove an individualism culture, because its used the private personal space of a person.

4 Power Distance In this scene, Todd’s speaks to his boss, Dave. On different events, Todd called dave a “corporate slime-ball”. As a result, it considered the low Power distance characteristic so is revealed in the totally uninhibited way.

5 Uncertainty avoidance
In this scene, in an important moment, Todd indicates people that can change the pattern of their roles. Moreover, is representing cultures that avoid uncertainty. Also, Todd encourages Asha and his assistant manager, he said “I believed Asha can do anything”. As a result, uncertainty avoidance means be less comfortable with change. In addition, the value tradition and formal rules, shows less tolerance for different ideas.

6 Individualism versus Collectivism
In this scene, Todd impressed Asha when she told him she was engaged, and so by her family and customs and traditions in India, when she was young in age. Where was the response would like to do "Since she was a child, I can not believe a woman Like her beautiful accepts this marriage However, that means this scene may prove an individualism culture, because each individual is acting on his or her own, making their own choices.

7 Power Distance In this scene, the driver found Todd and shook hands, then he called by using Mr. Todd. That mean Todd's demonstration of high power distance contracts with the deferential way in which his Indian people.

8 References Outsourced (2007). (2009, March 18). Retrieved from Power Distance. (2014, September 3). Retrieved from The hofstede centre: Briam, C. (2013, November 14). Retrieved from OUTSOURCED: USING A COMEDY FILM: Kobychev, P. (2015, July 31). Indian cultural dimensions. Retrieved from slide share:

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