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Technological Design Process Mr. Geesey. At the end of this presentation you should be able to…  Describe the steps of the Design Process  Apply the.

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Presentation on theme: "Technological Design Process Mr. Geesey. At the end of this presentation you should be able to…  Describe the steps of the Design Process  Apply the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technological Design Process Mr. Geesey

2 At the end of this presentation you should be able to…  Describe the steps of the Design Process  Apply the Design Process to a Design Challenge  Provide detailed documentation of your journey through the design process. Objectives

3 -A series of steps through which anything can be designed, invented, or innovated. What is the Design Process? Define the Problem Research Ideation/ Sketches Generate Solutions Choose Best Solution Model/ Prototype Solution Testing/ Evaluation Present your Solution

4  Design  Decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), typically by making a detailed drawing of it.  Invention  The action of creating something new or never before thought of.  Ideation  The process of coming up with ideas/possible solutions for the problem  Innovation  The action of producing new ideas, processes, or methods, for things that have already been created. STOP!! Vocabulary Check

5  NOT the solution  What are you trying to solve?  You should provide a detailed explanation of the problem. Step 1: Define the Problem

6  Find out as much as you can about…  Previous solutions  Current Market  Customers  Other Valuable Information Step 2: Research

7  When in the Ideation Stage…  RECORD EVERY IDEA YOU HAVE  Sketch your ideas  Mind Map/ Brainstorm  Doodle  Drain your Brain- Then think some more Step 3: Ideation/Sketches

8  When Generating Solutions…  Detail, Detail, Detail  Minimum of 4 Solutions  Combine the Problem Definition, Research, and Ideation into possible solutions Step 4: Generate Solutions

9  Steps 1-4 of The Technological Design Process  Define the Problem  Research  Ideation/Sketches  Generate Solutions Questions/ Comments?

10  The first four steps of the Design Process are?  What is the Difference between Invention & Innovation?  Why is it important to research before sketching solutions?  What are some good ways of recording your ideas/thoughts? Review

11  When Choosing the Best Solution…  Take into account all factors & design criteria  Consider the difficulty & time involved  Create a final sketch of the chosen solution detailing all of the features and materials. Step 5: Choose Best Solution

12 Step 6:Model/Prototype Solution  When Modeling/Prototyping your solution…  Decide if a Model or a Prototype is needed

13 Step 7:Testing/Evaluation  When Testing your solution…  Does it solve the problem?  Any modifications needed?  Now is the chance to go back and change your Design

14 Step 8:Present Your Solution  When you present your solution…  Provide a detailed explanation of the solution  Why should the customer buy your solution?

15  Steps 5-8 of The Technological Design Process  Choose Best Solution  Model/ Prototype Solution  Testing and Evaluation  Presenting Solution Questions/ Comments?

16  The last four steps of the Design Process are?  What is the difference between a model and a prototype  Why is it important to test your solutions?  What are some things to consider when choosing the best solution? Review

17  The Deep Dive Part 1 –Define Problem, Research, Ideation, Generate Solutions The Deep Dive Part 1  The Deep Dive Part 2 –Generate Solutions, Choose the Best Solution, Model/Prototype, Test & Evaluate The Deep Dive Part 2  The Deep Dive Part 3 –Present the Solution The Deep Dive Part 3 The Deep Dive Video

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