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Chapter 1.  Centrosome Function  Organization center for microtubules and provide structure for the cell.  Both.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1.  Centrosome Function  Organization center for microtubules and provide structure for the cell.  Both."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1

2  Centrosome Function  Organization center for microtubules and provide structure for the cell.  Both

3  Microtubules Function  Form the structure of the cell, play a role in cell division, help the cell move.  Both

4  Lysosome Function  Breaks down larger food molecules into smaller molecules, digests old cell parts.  Mostly animal

5  Chloroplast Function  Uses energy from the sun in a process called photosynthesis to make sugar (glucose) and oxygen.  Plant

6  Cell Wall Function  Supports and protects the cell  Plant

7  Cell Membrane Function  Controls movement of materials coming in/out of the cell, helps maintain homeostasis.  Both

8  Mitochondria Function  Breaks down sugar (glucose) to release energy (ATP), called the “Power House”  Both

9  Nucleus Function  Controls all cell activities, “brain” of the cell. Contains hereditary/genetic information (DNA).  Both

10  Vacuole Function  Stores food, water, maintains metabolic and toxic waste. Much larger in plant cells.  Both

11  Cytoplasm Function  Jelly-like substance that supports and protects cell organelles.  Both

12  Ribosomes Function  Synthesizes proteins  Both

13  Golgi Body Function  Modify proteins made by the cell.  Both

14  Centrioles Function  Separate chromosome pairs during mitosis.  Animal

15  Rough ER Function  Transports good and materials throughout the cell, “Cell Highway” Transports proteins.  Both

16  Smooth ER Function  Transports goods and materials throughout the cell. “Cell Highway”  Both

17  Golgi Vesicles Function  Transport materials from the ER to the Golgi Body.  Both

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