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Grade 7 Religion. Key words for today… New! Fresh! Exciting!

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 7 Religion. Key words for today… New! Fresh! Exciting!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 7 Religion

2 Key words for today… New! Fresh! Exciting!

3 Helpful Apps…

4 Today’s Agenda… Collect signed forms & Journaling… (10 min.) Who am I?, Jessie’s Story p. 6 Answer questions 2-5 in your Religion notebook. A Way to Begin, VW Julie – Activity Page 5

5 Unit 1 – We… Theme 1 – Who Am I? Our personalities are shaped by: - the way we sort through our thoughts; - the things we pay attention to; - the way we make decisions; and - the way we organize our lives.

6 Activity page 5: If your score was less than 3.5 = Large boat -Get energy from socializing -Work best when you work with others -Think things through ‘out loud’ If your score was greater than 3.5 = small boat -Like to be alone -Work best on your own -Good listeners

7 Activity page 6: If your score was less than 3.5 = Motor boat -You notice details -You enjoy routine -You’re thorough and patient If your score was greater than 3.5 = sailboat -See things in an original way -Enjoy variety -Good at seeing the ‘big picture’

8 Today’s Agenda Classroom guidelines, expectations and safety ‘The Buddy System’ ‘Family Life Fridays’ PAT Points Journaling…(D & L) Expectations forms A brief meditation Questions? & thanks

9 Let’s try a little technology! 1.Login to your laptop: - username = first initial, first four letters of your last name, last four numbers of your student ID e.g. mhurd0123 Password: Ball1234 -Change the password when prompted. You now have access to Wifi! (test your phone)

10 Let’s try logging-in to the website: Go to: - Scroll down a bit until you see the login feature on the left. Enter your name as: firstname lastname then your student ID as the password. - Explore some of the features of the site (e.g. click ‘my account and look at your profile, settings, files, etc.)

11 Let’s try Blogging from our class page! Find our class page – find the Blog section, then click on the Blog title ‘Can you Blog?’ Answer the question by posting a quick Blog post. You’ll notice that you have a secret online name. The Post won’t appear until I approve it. I will only approve appropriate posts and relevant answers. The site gives you achievements for posts!

12 Let’s try polling! Go to Or … -you can use your smartphone’s texting feature by texting the answer code to 37607, or … -download the Poll Everywhere app and subscribe to ‘Hurdish’

13 Office 365 Go to your Google search page and search for Office 365, click on the first link that appears. Maximize your window and click on ‘Sign in’ for ‘work, school, university’ Enter your It will take you to another page, where you will enter your school password

14 Activity page 7: If your score was less than 3.5 = practical boat -Prefer the facts -Believe what they can ‘see’ -Think all people should be treated equally If your score was greater than 3.5 = comfortable boat -Concerned with others’ feelings -Believe what they know in their ‘hearts’ -Might ignore the facts and focus on kindness

15 Activity page 8: If your score was less than 3.5 = detailed map -Follow a schedule -Like organization -Don’t like interruptions If your score was more than 3.5 = explorers -Spontaneous -Leave things until the last minute -Don’t mind interruptions

16 Journal Section: Was this activity useful? Do you feel the results match your personality? Activity sheet 9 allows you to plot your scores Let’s meditate

17 What about you? Journaling… What did you think of the boating activity? Write a few sentences in the Religion section of your notebook, about your personality. Draw a picture of a boat that best describes your personality. Text p. 10

18 Notes about Boats (copy) Each boat is suited for certain types of trips. In the same way, each of us is suited for certain types of jobs and activities. Each of us is needed in God’s overall plan for the world. Because of this, we should celebrate the gift of our personality as well as the personalities of others.

19 Let’s do some seatwork today… Journalling – How was the weekend? Read ‘Relating to Others’ from page 10 of your text, and answer the following on a separate piece of paper: 1.Do I get along well with others? 2.Why is it sometimes difficult to get along with others? 3.Why did God make us all so different?

20 Read ‘A very strange visit’ from pages 13 and 14 of your text, and answer: 1.What was your favourite part of this reading? Why is it your favourite? When you’ve finished your answers, write your name on the page and hand it in. - Well done!

21 Relating to Others… p. 10 Journaling… How did you feel during yesterday’s lockdown? Remembering the boats… The group project scenario… What kinds of ‘boats’ or people would you like to have in your group, so that you can do well on a group project? Why?

22 ‘The Other…’ Everyone has someone in their life, at some point, with whom they don’t get along. Can you think of a person like this? Write down (Religion section) five things about this person that you don’t like. Now, write down five things about this person that you do like.

23 Now write down three things God might want us to do, to improve the relationship. Can you do these three things, or is there something stopping you? Poll

24 Am I Normal? To be normal is... BlogBlog

25 To be Normal is... (copy) to be physical and have a body think make choices have emotions be social be spiritual Having all of these makes us a whole person.

26 Being Whole… Let’s turn to p. 14 of our texts… Answer these questions in your notebook (Religion section) 1.Do you think studying is a waste of time? 2.Do you like the person you are becoming? 3.Do you express your feelings in healthy ways? 4.How can you take better care of your body? 5.Are limits good or bad? Why?

27 A Self-improvement Plan... A diamonte poem... Line 1 - your name + October Line 2 - 2 adjectives about you, you want to change (e.g. noisy, messy) Line 3 - 3 actions about you, you want to change (e.g. screaming, hitting) Line 4 - 4 nouns of things you would use (2 for now + 2 for June) e.g. toys, books Line 5 - 3 actions about the you in June (e.g. sitting, working) Line 6 - 2 adjectives that describe you in June (e.g. calm, friendly) Line 7 - your name + June

28 Becoming a Complete Person After Jesus healed a person, he sometimes said, "Your faith has made you well." These words tell us that the whole person was made better. All through our lives, we can continually reach for wholeness and completion.

29 Answer these questions in the religion section of your notebook: What situations encourage or discourage you to: develop your mind? make good decisions? express your feelings in a healthy way? take care of your body? develop good relationships? strengthen your spiritual sense?

30 continued... What are your limitations? Which ones can you improve upon and which ones do you need to accept?

31 Quiz #1 Quietly enter the classroom. Let's study quietly for a few minutes, before we begin.

32 1.3 Do I belong? The Bible (p.18) copy this… The word 'bible' means 'the books.' The Bible is divided into 2 sections, the Old and New Testaments. The dividing line between the two is the event of Jesus' birth. The Bible is the story of a relationship between God and His people. The Bible is therefore our story, too!

33 The Bible (continued) page 18. How many books are there? ______ Finding a partner to work with, or working on your own, make a quick timeline of the key events in Biblical history. I'll give you some large paper... SongSong

34 Got time? Let's finish our Bible Timelines Anyone want to share theirs with the class? How do these events connect with our lives? End Unit One video

35 The Gift of Reconciliation :) In order to prepare us for this Wednesday's gift, let's look at these: video 1 video 2 video 3video 1video 2video 3

36 Examination of Conscience Have I been responsible for hurting my family? In my relationships with others, have I used people selfishly? Have I been honest in my relationships? Have I offered my time, talents and resources to help those most in need?

37 and... Have I taken responsibility for my growth in faith? Do I make time for God through prayer? Do I allow my belief in God and God’s message to challenge the attitudes and values that rule my life?

38 Welcome! Let’s enter the room in an orderly way and quietly begin with an entry into our journals… Would anyone like to lead us in prayer?

39 The Bible video Let's go to page 19 again and see if the books are further grouped in any way... How can we find specific passages in the Bible? 2 Timothy 3:16-172 Timothy 3:16-17 Which version is good for students? NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) Activity Sheets 16 & 17

40 One more thing... Let's look at page 24. You can take a picture of it if you want. Is there anything on this page we didn't talk about? End Unit 1! music

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