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Automating the Audit: Updates from the Metadata Upgrade Project at the University of Houston Libraries Andrew Weidner, Metadata Librarian Santi Thompson,

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Presentation on theme: "Automating the Audit: Updates from the Metadata Upgrade Project at the University of Houston Libraries Andrew Weidner, Metadata Librarian Santi Thompson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Automating the Audit: Updates from the Metadata Upgrade Project at the University of Houston Libraries Andrew Weidner, Metadata Librarian Santi Thompson, Head of Digital Repository Services Annie Wu, Head of Metadata and Digitization Services CONTENTdm Southern Users Group Meeting, Columbia, SC 2014

2 1.UHDL Background 2.Metadata Upgrade Project Overview 3.Subject Authority App 4.Name Authority App 5.Questions Presentation Outline

3 UHDL Background Est. 2009 CONTENTdm 6 65 digital collections 54,000+ images

4 Improve access of digital collection data in Primo Make our metadata interoperable with other systems Enhance discoverability of digital objects Improve display and retrieval of our digital metadata through our new UHDL interface More Robust, Reliable and Retrievable Metadata! Rationales for Metadata Upgrade

5 Metadata Upgrade Project Overview Metadata Upgrade Data Analysis Methodology Recommenda -tions Metadata Upgrade Strategies New Data Dictionary

6 Focus group interviews Fields inspection and review Benchmarking image source: http://przedsiebiorczykrakow.pl Methodology – Data Collection

7 Standardize Data Controlled vocabularies Mapping to DC elements Collection names Integrate Data Facets in Summon Discovery tool and in new UHDL interface image source: http://www.eventbrite.com Recommendations: Focus Groups

8 Correct inaccurate, incomplete, or missing data Add new metadata fields to better describe and preserve items Implement templates for titles for consistency Standardize mapping to DC elements image source: http://portilloa.wordpress.com Recommendations: Field Inspection & Benchmarking

9 Standardize and update field labels in the digital library Standardize and update mapping used to link fields to DC elements Add new fields to the digital library Upgrade Strategies – Phase One

10 Utilize CDM Administration page to: o Add, delete, and edit fields o Standardize mapping to DC elements Track all work in Metadata Unit Wiki Phase One in CDM

11 Collection Level Metadata Upgrade: Standardize and update collection names for archival and digital content Add and/or edit collection level fields Additional activities: Link content in the digital library with the library catalog or finding aid, and vice-versa Upgrade Strategies – Phase Two

12 Import existing collection into Project Client Populate collection- level fields, including: o Language o Format (IMT) o Repository Phase Two in CDM

13 Item Level Metadata Revision: Apply templates to titles Add and/or edit item level fields o add ISO date to Date Digital o add type terms to Type DCMI field o standardize the controlled vocabulary terms to their source Upgrade Strategies – Phase Three

14 We intended for the final process to: Utilize automation/batch processing whenever possible Not burden the existing system or server capabilities Complement the existing digitization and digital collection publication workflow Phase Three in CDM

15 Limitations of existing interfaces o Refining and reconciling tools are not integrated into the project client o Must edit item-by-item, which is time consuming and resource intensive Limitations of tab-delimited process o Exporting metadata, editing tab delimited files, and re-uploading content can strain server and software o It may also impact the redesigned DL interface Limitations on staff time Phase Three Challenges

16 Sought feedback at CONTENTdm Users Group Meeting 2013 Decided to work from project client Developing tools that exist outside of the project client to automate key areas of the upgrade process Phase Three Solutions

17 AutoHotkey Automates mapping from various vocabularies to LCSH Linked Data Upgrade Tools: Subject App



















36 Upgrade Tools: Name App Large collections with legacy metadata All names entered in LCNAF field and formatted to look like an LCNAF name App moves names to correct authority


38 Vocabulary

39 Match Name

40 Authorized Form

41 Mapping Function

42 Check if line belongs to the right vocabulary Mapping Function

43 Check if line belongs to the right vocabulary If so, store the match name… Mapping Function

44 Check if line belongs to the right vocabulary If so, store the match name… …and the authorized form Mapping Function

45 Check if line belongs to the right vocabulary If so, store the match name… …and the authorized form Add to the authorized list if it’s a positive match Mapping Function

46 Check if line belongs to the right vocabulary If so, store the match name… …and the authorized form Add to the authorized list if it’s a positive match Return authorized list for pasting into CDM field Mapping Function

47 Data Facets and Comparisons Data Manipulation Data Reconciliation image source: http://downloadsquad.switched.com Upgrade Tools: Open Refine


49 Barriers and Challenges Aligning upgrade workflow and output with requirements and capabilities of CONTENTdm Juggling parallel process of metadata upgrade and creation

50 Benefits Best Practices Data interoperable Enhance retrieval of digital data New and better standard for future metadata creation Linked Data Image source: http://123rf.com

51 Thompson, Santi and Annie Wu. “Metadata Overhaul: Upgrading Metadata in the University of Houston Digital Library.” Journal of Digital Media Management Vol. 2, No. 2: 137 – 147. Weidner, Andrew and Daniel Alemneh. “Workflow Tools for Digital Curation.” Code4Lib Journal Issue 20: Resources

52 Andrew Weidner Santi Thompson Annie Wu

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