Best Buddies September 2, 2009. What is Best Buddies? The mission statement of Best Buddies is to establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Buddies September 2, 2009. What is Best Buddies? The mission statement of Best Buddies is to establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Buddies September 2, 2009

2 What is Best Buddies? The mission statement of Best Buddies is to establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabiliteis. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Miami, FL Participants in all 50 states and 44 countries

3 Recognition At the Best Buddies Leadership Conference this summer, Miami’s chapter won the Outstanding Chapter Award – 1 of 11 out of the 400 eligible schools internationally. Ohio Public Image Award of Excellence

4 Kate Mathers College Buddy Director Senior Buddy is Harry Phillips In Best Buddies since Freshman Year The best thing about Best Buddies is the joy and excitement displayed by the buddies when they interact with the college students. The experience is so rewarding and overwhelmingly inspirational.

5 Kathy McMahon- Klosterman Faculty Advisor Liaison between campus administration and the chapter at Miami

6 Connie Mehlman Host Site Coordinator/Employee of Butler County MRDD Works as a liaison between Buddy pairs and provides information Founder of Best Buddies Miami

7 Jodi Mann Buddy Director/Buddy Ambassador Been involved with Best Buddies for 5 years Relays messages to and from the buddies Life of the party!

8 Maggie Mitten Activities Coordinator Senior Buddy is Jonathon McDowell

9 Caroline Clayton Membership Coordinator Senior In best buddies since Freshman Year. Buddy: Jonathon Sanders I joined best buddies because I thought it would be a very worthwhile experience and because I love helping and working with people. I think everyone should join best buddies because it is amazing how being a friend can positively change someone's live.

10 Lindsay Nicoletti Secretary Senior Buddy is Michelle Glaze I've been in Best Buddies since sophomore year. I joined Best Buddies to get involved in the community and make new friends. I'm so sad that this is my last year, it's been one of the highlights of my college experience.

11 Jen Coviello Membership Coordinator Junior I guess I had seen a flyer and have always worked with individuals with disabilities all throughout high school and one of my closest cousin's Emily is mentally challenged and I have always felt comfortable with her. I wanted to prove to people that individuals with disabilities are just normal people who can do anything that anyone can do. The most frustrating part is when people look at them as different because I truly don't think they are. I hope people who join Best Buddies come to the realization!

12 Adam Fath Public Relations and DAC representative Junior, Education Major Club swim team I chose to do the position to become more involved as well as I love making flyers and the social aspects of the group. If you are interested in joining my committee, please email

13 Michael Derr Treasurer Sophomore Buddy is Paul Bernard Best Buddies has given me the opportunity to meet and make a great friend, Paul Bernard. Best Buddies was a channel that allowed me to meet Paul. I am happy and proud that I am a member of Best Buddies.

14 Best Buddies Video Video

15 Associate Member Attends all events and meetings but not matched one-to-one with a Buddy

16 College Buddy Committed to a one-to-one friendship with a person with intellectual or developmental disabilities for one year Must see buddy at least once a month outside of chapter events Contact Buddy once a week

17 Application Process Membership Application Fill in and complete by next meeting 9/16/09

18 T-Shirt Design Must have BB logo and Miami’s chapter Can include a quote, phrase, art Winner will receive a free T-Shirt Must be in by next meeting on September 16 th Remember this is our 20 th Year Anniversary

19 Events with Miami’s Best Buddies ARC Picnic September 13 th 3-7 pm Shriver Lunch September 27 th noon Halloween Event Holiday Event Sports Event Slide Show

20 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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