WakefieldChange4li fe schools programme 19th May, Glasshoughton Debbie Hastings.

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1 WakefieldChange4li fe schools programme 19th May, Glasshoughton Debbie Hastings

2 What is change4life schools? Wakefield Change4life Schools is an awarding programme designed to promote behaviour change in relation to the health and well-being of the whole school community. The programme is based around a brochure of activities and best practice. For each of these there will be detail on how the school can deliver in each area and the support they can receive. Schools choose the activities/practice they want to engage in based on need - using various data sources primarily the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire. Completed activities receive points that contribute to Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Schools engage in positive activities designed to deliver behaviour change, with support based on need without any unnecessary paperwork.

3 How it works Once a school has signed up a presentation to the staff will be offered to explain what it’s all about. The school identifies a key contact in school that will oversee the programme. The school decides on how they will represent the whole school community in relation to the decision making process through the programme. With Health Improvement Team Support and using the data available to them the schools choose from the list of activities/best practice they are going to implement. The school decides on what outcomes they are hoping to achieve and therefore they can baseline If necessary. The school implements the activities they have chosen with Health Improvement Team Support

4 How it works The School is given time for these activities to embed. The School produces a case study for each level of the award highlighting the outcomes and therefore the behaviour change that has taken place. The school is awarded the bronze level of the programme and this presented to them in an assembly. The school focuses on what they are going to do next to achieve the next level of the award. There is no set time scale in which the school has to complete the award.

5 Potential list of activities WOW Scheme Change4life Fun and Active Club Change4life Supporter Healthy Lunch Boxes School Meal Take-Up Growing Food Cooking in School Staff Health and Well-Being After School Physical Activity Non Curriculum Physical Activity Community use of the School Infant Feeding Long-term Conditions Drinks Breakfast/Activity Club Parental Health/Involvement Pupil Voice/Engagement Health Week Risk and Resilience Pupil Respect (bullying, tolerance) Curriculum Drugs/Alcohol

6 Activity details Change4life Fun and Active Club Aims To enable less active pupils to engage in a range of fun and organised games and activities that will increase their levels of physical activity. Suggested Activities One member of staff to lead the club To run the club at least once a week either before or after school or during a lunch time. To offer the club to students on a termly basis To contact other schools for support and advice on running a club Identify pupils that would benefit from attending the club as well as opening it to all pupils Encourage pupils to attend other physical activity as their confidence improves

7 Activity details Health Improvement Support Training for members of staff on how to set up and run a club Demonstrations for staff on games and activities and how to play them A comprehensive brochure of games and activities with clear instructions on how to play and equipment needed. Ongoing support if needed and regular updates to the games and activities brochure Further Support http://video.nhschoices.nhs.uk/ 10 minute shake up. A fantastic range of activities and games from Change4life with Disney. Each game comes with a comprehensive list of instructions and Disney videos that introduces the game. http://shop.youthsportdirect.org/Change4Life_Clubs_s/1869.htm The above is the link to the Youth Sport Trust shop where the Change4life Sports Club equipment and materials can be purchased.

8 Activity details Healthy Packed Lunches Aim To increase the number of children bringing in healthier packed lunches. Suggested Activities To adopt a Packed Lunch Policy stating what is recommended and what should be omitted from children’s packed lunches. To consult with parents and pupils Undertake a lunchbox audit Initiate a rewarding scheme Invite Staff on a rota to model good behaviour by them eating in the dining hall. Posters and displays designed by pupils highlighting packed lunch ideas. Healthy packed lunch ideas session for pupils and parents/carers

9 Activity details Health Improvement Support Healthy Lunch Box Assembly Undertake a lunchtime audit Healthy packed lunch ideas session for parents and pupils delivered by Health Improvement and the Community Food and Health Team Consultation with school council Support to develop a packed lunch policy A range of resources Further Support http://letsgetcookingathome.org.uk/get-cooking/perfect-packed-lunches Healthy packed lunch recipes http://www.childrensfoodtrust.org.uk/schools/packed-lunches/packed-lunch-policy Example packed lunch policy. http://www.healthylunch.org.uk/ A range of resources to help you promote healthier packed lunches, including custom made leaflets, stickers, games

10 Activity details WOW (Walk Once a Week) Scheme Aim To encourage pupils to walk/cycle to school at least once a week to increase the number of children that actively travel to school. Suggested Activities To sign up to the WOW Scheme Write out to all parents explaining the scheme and its benefits A sustainable travel assembly to enthuse the pupils to take part. Investigate the practicality of having a park and stride or walking bus to widen the opportunities of pupils being able to walk to school. An awarding assembly to hand out bronze, silver or gold vouchers A super hero themed walk to school including parents, school staff and pupils

11 Activity details Health Improvement Support Sustainable travel assembly to launch the scheme Information and advice on setting up a walking bus, and park and stride including resources such as hi-vis tabards for pupils. Full range of WOW resources to partake in the scheme An awarding assembly to hand out vouchers A super hero themed walk to school including parents, school staff and pupils Further Support http://walkshire.generationm.co.uk/ An excellent West Yorkshire based resource that encourages children to travel sustainably to school by classes being in competition to see who can travel round walkshire the first (whilst been chased by Fumes the dragon)

12 Reasons for schools to engage in this model There is still an appetite within schools to engage in a programme that will benefit the children’s health and well-being Schools do not want to engage in a programme with unnecessary paperwork This programme offers support and its clear what support is available The programme is straightforward and offers a range of clear activities for schools to engage in The programme is designed around behaviour change and outcomes that enables schools to show how they have made a difference. We have asked schools what they want and they like this format

13 Contact us Peter Ward Debbie Hastings pward@wakefield.gov.ukpward@wakefield.gov.uk dhastings@wakefield.gov.ukdhastings@wakefield.gov.uk 01924 303722 07785224731

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