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How AFC supports mental health and wellbeing in schools.

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Presentation on theme: "How AFC supports mental health and wellbeing in schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 How AFC supports mental health and wellbeing in schools

2 8 ways AFC helps schools Facilitating a network of schools: “schools in mind” Mental health curriculum and PHSE materials Direct interventions including multi-family work Helping pupils know where to go for help Working collaboratively with schools on research Supporting schools to routinely evaluate wellbeing Helping schools choose specialist help Self-harm training to front line staff 2

3 1. Schools in Mind 3 Schools in Mind provides opportunity to… Access a hub of best- practice knowledge Implement & evaluate new solutions Access support on engaging hard to reach parents Influence how MH support is delivered in schools Access resources to promote staff well- being The Programme: Regular breakfast meetings One-off meetings, seminars and conferences on topics of interest Practice and policy papers and newsletters Access to useful online resources Want to get involved? Email

4 a secure, interactive web-based portal designed to provide support and guidance with the aim of encouraging emotional wellbeing in adolescents initially developed as part of a Department for Education funded project. Free materials available for use Email 2. PHSE and self support materials

5 3. Working with families in schools 5 Multi-Family Groups in Schools Delivery: support for both the young person and their family in the school Training: delivered by experienced practitioners who have successfully embedded the model in schools in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany and the UK Consultation: bespoke consultations and supervisions targeted at a range of senior professionals The Family School Vision: to become a centre of high quality and innovative education for children, families and schools Opened in September 2014 with 16 students and their families (will increase to 48 over next four years) Combines high quality teaching, learning and mental health curriculum in a non stigmatising environment Mentalization-based and Multi-Family Group approaches used

6 3. Working with families in schools cont SmartGym Developed to encourage resilience in elite athletes and adapted for use with under- achieving young people in schools Circuit training to promote five life skills Uses Biofeedback 6 Schools Outreach Therapy Service Support for children, families and staff in over 30 schools Primary Secondary Special Re-engages children with behavioural and/or emotional difficulties that affect educational attainment Range of interventions – consultations with teachers, individual child, family and multi- family group work For info on working with families in schools contact

7 Youth Wellbeing Initiative 1 year programme funded by the Department of Education Aims to a comprehensive directory of all mental health services in the UK to provide an authoritative source of mental health information for schools. Building links between schools and specialist MH services by: Ensuring the freely accessible national directory of mental health and wellbeing services has comprehensive national coverage. Training for schools staff in how to help young people find sources of help (focussing on sixth formers in first year) Want to find services in your area go to Want to get involved email 4. Helping pupils know where to get mental health support

8 5. Working collaboratively with schools on research Evaluating the Headstart programme Evaluating the impact of PHSE materials Evaluating the impact of online support on children with long term physical health difficulties Evaluating training in where to go for help on help seeking If you want to know more or get involved email

9 6. Helping schools routinely evaluate their work: Child Outcomes Research Consortium National non-profit learning collaboration Help schools and mental health services to embed the use of outcome and feedback measures, and to interpret and act on the information collected. Members supported by a central team of researchers and statisticians, as well as a regional support team covering the UK and beyond On-going specialist support tailored to school’s needs – On-site training around using outcome measures – Help managing data collection and embedding necessary processes and protocols – Support in linking and interpreting school and mental health data Analysis and benchmarking of school data Help with interpretation of data and action plans National and regional events to share learning and stay informed on the latest research.

10 7. Knowing how to recognise good services Children and Young Peoples’ Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (CYP IAPT) standards describe best practice for child mental health provision Aligned to ACE-V standards in youth wellbeing directory

11 8. Self-Harm Training The AFC, in conjunction with colleagues and young people at Common Room, offer training in “talking about self-harm” for front line teaching and support staff who come into contact with children who self-harm Contact:

12 CYP-IAPT The Anna Freud Centre hosts CYP-IAPT, a quality improvement programme funded by NHS England and Health Education England to improve CAMHS service through: – Better collaboration with schools, social care, NHS and voluntary sector – Better provision of evidence based practice and outcomes monitoring in CAMHS Contact: or

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