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Being a Voice of and with the Poor Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Assembly Providence, Rhode Island August 2015 Tom Dwyer, National Chair, Voice.

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Presentation on theme: "Being a Voice of and with the Poor Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Assembly Providence, Rhode Island August 2015 Tom Dwyer, National Chair, Voice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Being a Voice of and with the Poor Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Assembly Providence, Rhode Island August 2015 Tom Dwyer, National Chair, Voice of the Poor Committee And a special conversation with: Benito Vega MA State Coordinator, Vincentian Re-entry Organizing Project

2 Voice of the Poor Prayer In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Lord of all people, During your time on earth you identified with the poor and instructed us to care for one another, for our neighbor and especially for the least of our brothers and sisters. Be with us as we advocate for the poor. Help us to persevere in joy and love on their behalf. Add your voice to ours as we speak out for those who are not heard in our communities. Guide us as we work, comfortable in the knowledge that we are doing your will for this day and time and place, and that you will take care of tomorrow. We ask this in the name of Jesus, his Blessed Mother, our patron St. Vincent and our founder Blessed Frederic.

3 Voice of the Poor Emphasis EmpowermentMentoringAdvocacyCollaboration Federal State Parish Local & Community

4 Achieving Maximum Volume for Our Voice  Real Needs Based on Our Vincentian Experience  Sound Research into the Root Causes Producing the Need  Well-Conceived Systemic Change Proposals  Rationale for Change Grounded in Catholic Social Teaching  Real Life Stories – the Parables of Our Times  Vincentian Witness  Testimony From the Poor and Marginalized Themselves  Community Support  Other Faith-Based Organizations’ Support  Clergy Support

5 Awareness of a Real Need “Traditional” Vincentian Charity (Direct Aid) “Not So Traditional” Social Justice (Advocacy and Empowerment) Short-term or Intermittent Transactional Can Morph into “Toxic Charity” Interactive Transformational Can Bring About Systemic Change Vincentians Are Called to Practice Both Charity and Justice Where Does Our Work as Vincentians Lead?

6 Debunking The Myth “Vincentians Don’t Do Politics” Rule 7.2 of Society of St. Vincent de Paul: “Where injustice, inequality, poverty or exclusion are due to unjust economic, political, or social structures or to inadequate or unjust legislation, the Society should speak out clearly against the situation, always with charity, with the aim of contributing to and demanding improvements.” What the Rule Says!

7 Dispelling The “Vincentians Don’t Do Politics” Myth What the SVdP Founders Said! " You must not be content with tiding the poor over the poverty crisis; you must study their condition and the injustices which brought about such poverty, with the aim of long term improvement.” Blessed Frederic Ozanam “There are many ways of providing Charity. The assistance of money or assistance in kind that we give to the Poor will not last long. We must aspire to a more complete and longer lasting benefit; study their abilities, their level of education and try to get them work to help them out of their difficulties.” Sr. Rosalie Rendu

8 Turning Up the Volume: Advocacy with Empowerment  What Affects Public, Economic, Social, Political and Corporate Policy? money position connections speaking ability appearance class writing ability dress knowing the system reputation favors lobbyists planning & strategic thinking

9 Empowering the Poor and Marginalized  A Conversation with Benito Vega Massachusetts State-Wide Coordinator National Vincentian Reentry Organizing Project

10 Empowering the Poor and Marginalized Tips from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) and the VOP Experience Doubts the Marginalized Might Have about You!  Are You Sincere?  Do You Have Some Hidden Self-Interest?  Do You Have Some Internal Guilt You are Trying to Assuage?  Will You Be Condescending, Judgmental?

11 Empowering the Poor and Marginalized Tips from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) and the Voice of the Poor Experience Dispelling Those Doubts  Create a Comfortable and Safe Space to Interact  Emphasize the Unique Perspective They Bring (not their poverty, lack of education, or marginalization)  Be Honest – Acknowledge that You Can’t Fully Understand  Demonstrate that You are Really Listening  The Best Approach – Jesus in the Gospel

12 Empowering the Poor and Marginalized Tips from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) and the Voice of the Poor Experience How to Come Together for Systemic Change  Mutual Respect  Intense Desire to Listen to Each Other  Shared Humanity as the Underpinning  Commitment to Change Systems, Environments, and Policies that Offend and Oppress

13 Empowering the Poor and Marginalized Tips from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) and the Voice of the Poor Experience How to Mentor for Mutual Success  Help Them Prepare for Public Presentations without Muting Their Distinctive Voice  Encourage Personal Stories (the Parables)  Explain the Systems – Governmental, Corporate, Community  Expose the “Hidden” Rules Impacting Influence and Power

14 Advocacy Resources – “Capwiz” Sign up for Capwiz here:

15 Voice of the Poor Near-Term Opportunities The Pope Francis Halo Effect  Climate Change Encyclical  Pope in a Philadelphia Prison  Pope Before Joint Session of Congress The 2016 Presidential Elections  Poverty as a Central Issue  Income Inequality The Vincentian Re-entry Organizing Project (VROP)(VROP)  Expand VROP to Your State  Spotlight Catholic Restorative Justice, which leads to…  Support for Reform Legislation (National and State)

16 Prayer for A Contemplative in Action Lord, I kneel not only on the Bible. I bow to the daily newspaper to be sure to look at what we have done with your world, to your Church. Confused in the face of such possibilities, all looking good, pleasing and perfect, I want to be guided only by your will, but how? Help me to remain attentive. Help me to always contemplate you while I go into the field of action. Help me to expose the error, especially that I might shelter. Help me to realize the manipulation especially of those who control the powers. Understanding the world is too difficult for me, but I have already chosen to stay away from the circle of resignation. So that Your Holy Spirit enlighten me so I can see what you want, judge how you teach and act as you need. Amen!

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