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Session 4. What do our Founders say about Diversity ?

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1 Session 4

2 What do our Founders say about Diversity ?

3 OPENING PRAYER All-inclusive God, you call us to be in relationship with one another and promise to dwell wherever two or three are gathered in your name. In our Society of St. Vincent de Paul we are many different people; we come from many different places, have many different cultures. Open our hearts that we may be bold participants in finding the treasures of diversity among us. Let us see through the eyes of a child. We pray in faith. Amen.

4 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL In "Cross­ Cultural Vincentian Leadership: The Challenge of Developing Culturally Intelligent Leaders" Marco Tavanti recognizes the incredible talents of St. Vincent de Paul. “The three thousand surviving letters (of the estimated 30,000 that Vincent wrote) document his incredible skill as a cross-cultural leader. He had a unique ability to illustrate his message using regional customs and local expressions.” "Vincent's sensitivity to this matter was based on his experience of cultural diversity in Europe, and driven by concern for effective communication in foreign countries."

5 Non-judgmental - Most of all Vincent wanted to avoid being judgmental: "I should not judge the poor peasants, men or women, by their exterior nor by their appearance mental capacities.” Vincent understood that every person was to be treated with dignity and respect as a child of God ST. VINCENT DE PAUL

6 ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC Love and respect for each person is the first lesson about diversity that Louise provides to us as Vincentians. The second is the recognition that we must serve others "with great meekness, respect, and cordiality, always seeing God in them." Louise's final lesson to us is that our service to all should be selfless: "More is required of us than to go, to come, and to give; our intentions should be pure and thoroughly devoid of self-interest."

7 BLESSED ROSALIE RENDU With love and devotion Sister Rosalie taught the founding members of the Society how to befriend the poor "with dignity, love, kindness and respect in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul.” Face of God: Indeed, Rosalie recognized that no matter how different people are they reflect the face of Christ and deserve our respect and attention. She understood how important it was to see in all people their positive traits and abilities rather than their deficiencies.

8 BLESSED FREDERIC OZANAM At age 16 (nearly 20 years before the French decree abolishing slavery in French colonies), Ozanam vigorously denounced the inhuman treatment of Blacks. Ozanam was so willing to accept difference, because he believed that the most important "principle of true friendship is charity, and charity cannot exist in the hearts of many without it expanding outward”. Charity and Justice: His was a universal vision of a network of charity and justice. In dealing with issues of diversity, Ozanam left us wonderful words of wisdom that are as relevant today as they were in the 19th century.

9 REFLECT AND SHARE: How can I be more like our founders in accepting those who are different from me? What particularly inspires me in their message? What particularly challenges me in their message? Why? *How has this session changed your attitudes?

10 CLOSING PRAYER Almighty Creator, help us see that your plan is not established until all are allowed to contribute their unique talents. Help us realize that none of us can move forward as long as one of us is left behind. Help us work not in competition for our own gain or purpose, but rather in cooperation towards fulfillment of your plan for all of us. We pray "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done." And we work towards that. Amen (John Clossick, USA)

11 End of Session 4

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