Money Matters: You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers.

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Presentation on theme: "Money Matters: You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money Matters: You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers

2 Agenda Billing Information Important Student Loan Requirements Financing Options

3 Student Billing Students are billed by semester. –Fall Bill: Due August 1st –Spring Bill: Due January 2nd Includes tuition, fees, room & board, etc. MINUS accepted financial aid (by semester) Any new charges during the semester are due the 1 st of the following month

4 Student Financial Aid Award Details the financial aid your student is eligible to receive by semester Loan requirements must be completed for accepted loans Loans must be accepted or declined Aid will not be applied until all documents are submitted Students are sent missing information e-mails if there are outstanding documents Missing Documents

5 Important Student Loan Requirements Entrance Loan Counseling Master Promissory Note (MPN)* Completed online at Entrance Loan Counseling Master Promissory Note (MPN) Completed online at Direct Loan Requirements: Perkins Loan Requirements (ECSI Servicer): Accepted loans will not be reflected on the billing statement until all loan requirements have been satisfied *Perkins MPN not available online until award is accepted.

6 Financing Options Payment Plans Federal Parent PLUS Loans Private Educational Loans Primary Financing Options Include:

7 Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Loan a parent can borrow to fund all or a portion of a student’s education Fixed interest rate 6.84%. There is a 4.292% processing fee* * Example: $10,000 loan means $9,570.80 will be applied to bill (due to 4.292% processing fee, $429.20)

8 Private Educational Loans Offered by Private Lenders to cover educational expenses Most lenders will require the student has a cosigner Student is the borrower Student can borrow from any lender of their choice SNC website provides a loan comparison tool to compare some different features of specific lender’s products

9 Semester Payment Plan Example Up to $3,000 per semester Example: Fall Bill Due August 1 st $5300 *Sign up for Semester Payment Plan $30 enrollment Pay $2330 by August 1 st (includes $30 enrollment) Make $1,000 payment on Sept 1, Oct 1 and Nov 1 *Application online at under documents or link KnightLine Billing Statements

10 Academic Year Monthly Payment Plans Ability to make payments over 10 months (5 each semester) Monthly payments made directly to TMS $85 enrollment fee per year Apply online at Offered by Tuition Management Systems (TMS) Student will continue to receive monthly KnightLine statements

11 Billing Process / Statements NOTE:  KnightLine e-bill  Proxy Access * Available 24 hours after registration *  Deposit $250 vs. $350  Miscellaneous Outside Scholarships  Campus Employment  Alternative Loans Authorized Financial Aid Minus Billed Expenses

12 Forms of Payment CashCheckePayment Credit Card In person, Bursar Office Tod Wehr Hall 128 In person or mailed to Office Free online payment method, student account updated within an hour Mastercard, VISA, Discover and AM Express Accepted 2.75% Convenience Fee* (current rate charged by third party processor) * Log into KnightLine online (student) or go to

13 Student Payment & Disclosure Agreement Document that outlines financial rights and responsibilities. Form is in the student orientation folder. Required for all St. Norbert College students. Finance charge of 1% a month (12% APR) assessed on any unpaid balance each month.

14 Miscellaneous Proof of Health Insurance (required) Dewar Tuition Refund Insurance* (optional) Working on Campus Resource Fair, Todd Wehr Hall *Dewar Enrollment Form is available online at

15 Contact Information Bursars Office: –Phone: 800-597-3922 or 920-403-3002 –Email: –Website: Financial Aid Office: –Phone: 888-786-6721 or 920-403-3071 –Email: –Website:

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