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Vitamins, Minerals, & Water. Vitamins Needed for body to function, but only in small amounts 2 types fat and water soluble Fat soluble are A,D,E, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Vitamins, Minerals, & Water. Vitamins Needed for body to function, but only in small amounts 2 types fat and water soluble Fat soluble are A,D,E, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vitamins, Minerals, & Water

2 Vitamins Needed for body to function, but only in small amounts 2 types fat and water soluble Fat soluble are A,D,E, and K All Dogs Eat Kittens Water soluble are Vitamin B group, Folate, and Vit. C

3 Water Soluble Dissolve in water and pass easily into the bloodstream during digestion Why do you need to replace these everyday? Americans have very healthy toilets! Includes Vitamin C, Vitamin B group, and Folic Acid

4 Vitamin C Helps maintain healthy capillaries, bones, skin, and teeth Helps heal wounds and resist infections Deficiencies Scurvy--history Poor appetite Weakness Bruising Soreness in joints

5 Vitamin B1--Thiamin Helps turn carbs into energy Needed for muscle coordination and a healthy nervous system Deficiencies Beriberi--history Irritability Insult someone Nausea Apathy absence of interest or concern to emotional, social, or physical life Loss of appetite

6 Vitamin B9 Folic Acid Functions: Prevents birth defects that damage the brain and spinal cord Build red blood cells Form genetic material (DNA) Helps the body use proteins Protect against heart disease Deficiencies Anemia Alters red blood cells to they carry less oxygen Feeling tired and weak Develop diarrhea and lose weight

7 Fat Soluble Vitamins absorbed and transported by fat Include A, D, E, and K All Dogs Eat Kittens

8 Vitamin A Promote good vision and help maintain tissues and skin Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses? Why not? Because they eat so many carrots rich in Vitamin A. Supports reproduction and growth Deficiencies Rough, scaly skin Infections of the respiratory tract Night blindness A condition making it difficult or impossible to see in relatively low light Walk inside after being outside Dark movie theater

9 Vitamin D Maintains levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood Found in sunlight and fortified milk Excess Nausea, vomiting, and hardening of soft body tissues Deficiencies Osteomalacia Aka Rickets--history Weak and deformed legs

10 Vitamin E Antioxidant Protects cells from damage Not useful in body lotions, soap, etc. Like putting Tylenol on your head in the hopes of getting rid of a headache. Reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers Deficiency—rare due to so many sources

11 Vitamin K Helps blood clot so that wounds stop bleeding— history “ K lotting” Band-aid Assists proteins with bone health Deficiencies--rare

12 Minerals Make up 4-5% of your body weight Vital to good health Functions Make substances that your body needs Teams with vitamins in chemical reactions Become part of your body structure Teeth and bones

13 Minerals Macro-minerals Major Minerals Micro-minerals Trace mineral Small amounts needed— excess can be harmful Micro Machines Commerical

14 Macro-minerals: Calcium Helps regulate blood clotting, nerve activity, and other body processes Needed for muscle contraction (including the heart) Keep teeth and gums healthy Keeps bones strong

15 Macro-minerals: Calcium Deficiencies Osteoporosis affects 10 million Americans Causes bones to become porous, making them weak and fragile May result in a stooped posture and bones may break easier C alcium C urves

16 Macro-minerals: Potassium Functions Helps maintain a steady heartbeat Helps with muscle and nerve action Balances body water Deficiencies Muscle cramps Usually rare

17 Macro-minerals: Sodium Functions Helps with muscle and nerve action and regulate blood pressure Regulate cell fluids Deficiencies Loss of calcium Increase the risk of kidney stones Excess Hypertension High blood pressure Lead to cardiovascular disease and strokes

18 Micro-minerals: Iron Iron = Fe Fe males need more iron Functions Making hemoglobin The substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen to all body cells Deficiencies Pica Unusual appetite for ice, clay, or other nonfood items Iron-deficiency anemia Tired, weak, short of breath, pale Cold Women are more prone due to having a period Remember… Raisins are wrinkled and need to be ironed.

19 Micro-minerals: Iodine Functions Stored in thyroid gland Produces substances needed for growth and development Deficiencies Goiter Mental retardation

20 Water Makes up 55-75% of a mature body Main component of all body fluids Blood, saliva, digestive juices, urine 3 rule 3 minutes without air 3 days without water 3 weeks without food Ocean of Fear

21 Water Functions Chemical reactions Helping break food down into nutrients Transportation of nutrients Cushioning and moisturizing Cushions joints, tissues, and organs Keeps eyes, mouth, and nose moist

22 Water Waste removal Temp regulation Sweating to keep body from overheating Breathing Adds moisture to air for lungs Removal of water from lungs Overall well being

23 Water How much is needed daily? 8-8oz cups or 64 oz total Other foods meet water requirements 37% of water intake comes from food Sodas, coffee, and/or caffeinated drinks can deplete your system of water Deficiencies (Dehydration) Thirst Dryness of mouth Weakness Dark colored urine Flushed skin Fever Death Ocean of Fear 1 Ocean of Fear 2 Ocean of Fear 3

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