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Presentation on theme: "7 TH ADVANCED LANGUAGE ARTS Monday, August 18th. QUOTE OF THE DAY."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 TH ADVANCED LANGUAGE ARTS Monday, August 18th


3 Agenda  Packet- Give to students not in Lit  Shades of Summer  Create a self-portrait  Sketch a reflection of an event that you were involved in this summer (in color)  Write a paragraph description of what you did  Closure

4 Objectives  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  showcase writing skills by writing a description of a summer activity.  describe the steps that need to be taken for the Shades of Summer activity  explain when the Shades of Summer is due

5 Checking for Understanding One  describe the steps that need to be taken for the Shades of Summer activity

6 Closure  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  explain when the Shades of Summer is due

7 7 TH ADVANCED LANGUAGE ARTS Tuesday, August 19 th


9 Bell Ringer  Prompt: Shades of Summer  Explain the Shades of Summer Project. What is all due and when is it due?

10 Bell Ringer Answers  Explain the Shades of Summer Project. What is all due and when is it due?  The Shades of Summer project is a self-portrait with reflection of a summer activity in the sunglasses in color and a written description (at least a paragraph) of the activity we did.

11 Agenda  Rule #1  Read Handbook  Discuss Retraining Center and Hallway Procedures  Finish Shades of Summer  Closure

12 Objectives  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  Tell three reasons they will be sent to the retraining center.  Explain four proper behaviors in the hallway.  Showcase writing skills by writing a description of a summer activity.  Describe the steps that need to be taken for the Shades of Summer activity  Explain when the Shades of Summer is due

13 Checking for Understanding One  What are three reasons you might be sent to the retraining center?

14 Checking for Understanding Two  What are four appropriate behaviors in the hallway?

15 Closure  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  Tell one reason you will be sent to the retraining center.  Explain two proper behaviors in the hallway.

16 7 TH ADVANCED LANGUAGE ARTS Wednesday, August 20 th

17 QUOTE OF THE DAY “The things that make me different are the things that make me.” -Winnie the Pooh

18 Bell Ringer What is Rule #1 in this class?

19 Bell Ringer Answers What is Rule #1 in this class? Rule #1 in this class is to greet Mrs. P by the door with eye contact, a smile, and a positive comment. I should greet everyone I meet and know in the same manner.

20 Agenda  Rule #2  Shades of Summer Due!  Introduce Word Clouds  Create Categories  Brainstorm  Closure

21 Objectives  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  create groups for word cloud and color- code them  create list of words for word cloud  explain what rules #1 and #2 in Mrs. P’s class are

22 Closure  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  explain what rules #1 and #2 in Mrs. P’s class are

23 7 TH ADVANCED LANGUAGE ARTS Thursday, August 21st

24 QUOTE OF THE DAY “Imagination is more important that knowledge.” -Albert Einstein

25 Bell Ringer What are Rules 1-2 in this class?

26 Bell Ringer Answers What are Rules 1-3 in this class? Rule #1 in this class is to greet Mrs. P by the door with eye contact, a smile, and a positive comment. I should greet everyone I meet and know in the same manner. Rule #2 is the Golden Rule (Do Unto Others as You Would Want Them to Do Unto You)

27 Agenda  Bell Ringer  Rule #3  Check Project Work Orders for Prewrite  Complete Word Snapshot  Closure

28 Objectives  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  Complete Word Snapshot

29 Word Snapshot Directions: Type up your word snapshot following Mrs. P’s example which was given out Tuesday. You should start with your introduction centered at the top of the page then write each category with the color assigned followed by the list of words from each category and a description of why you chose each word in a complete sentence. Make sure you save your snapshot either to your flashdrive or on the desktop as: your name’s Word Snapshot. This is due on Monday. If you finish early, you can begin working on your Word Cloud. I changed the final due date to Tuesday, August 27 th. Please change that on your work order. My Word Snapshot for 7 th Grade 2013-2014 By Mrs. Pinedo Things I love are in pink. Here are a few of them: Family- I love them more than anything else in the world. Charlie- My dog always cheers me up when I am down. Mexican Food- I could eat this for every meal of every day!

30 Closure  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  Explain Rule #3 in Mrs. P’s class.

31 7 TH ADVANCED LANGUAGE ARTS Friday, August 22nd


33 Bell Ringer What are Rules 1-3 in this class?

34 Bell Ringer Answers What are Rules 1-3 in this class? Rule #1 in this class is to greet Mrs. P by the door with eye contact, a smile, and a positive comment. I should greet everyone I meet and know in the same manner. Rule #2 is the Golden Rule (Do Unto Others as You Would Want Them to Do Unto You), and Rule #3 is to follow all rules and procedures previously explained in Literature.

35 Agenda  Bell Ringer  Rule #4  Complete Word Snapshot  Closure

36 Objectives  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  Explain Rule #4 in Mrs. P’s class  Complete Word Snapshot

37 Word Snapshot Directions: Type up your word snapshot following Mrs. P’s example which was given out yesterday. You should start with your introduction centered at the top of the page then write each category with the color assigned followed by the list of words from each category and a description of why you chose each word in a complete sentence. Make sure you save your snapshot either to your flashdrive or on the desktop as: your name’s Word Snapshot. This is due on Tuesday. If you finish early, you can begin working on your Word Cloud. I changed the final due date to Wednesday, August 27 th. Please change that on your work order. My Word Snapshot for 7 th Grade 2014-2015 By Mrs. Pinedo Things I love are in pink. Here are a few of them: Family- I love them more than anything else in the world. Charlie- My dog always cheers me up when I am down. Mexican Food- I could eat this for every meal of every day!

38 Closure  By the end of class the 7 th grade students will be able to do the following:  Explain Rule #4 in Mrs. P’s class.

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