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Medical Terminology Unit 2 The Body in Health and Disease.

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1 Medical Terminology Unit 2 The Body in Health and Disease

2 Terms of Body Direction Ventral – front or “belly” side of body or organ Dorsal – back of body or organ Anterior – situated in front Posterior – situated in back

3 Body Direction

4 Terms of Body Direction Superior – toward head, uppermost Inferior – toward feet, lowermost, below

5 Transverse Plane

6 Horizontal Planes Transverse Planes

7 Terms of Body Direction Proximal – situated nearest to midline or beginning of body structure Distal – situated farthest from midline or beginning of body structure Medial – toward midline or nearest midline Lateral – away from midline, toward side

8 Body Directions

9 Vertical Planes Midsagittal Plane

10 Body Cavities Thorax or Thoracic Cavity– Chest! Abdomen or Abdominal Cavity– Belly! Pelvic Cavity – Between hip bones!

11 Divisions of Abdomen

12 Regions of Thorax/Abdomen

13 Peritoneum Membrane that protects & supports organs located in the abdominal cavity. Inflammation of this membrane – peritonitis. peritonitis.

14 Ascites Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Abdominocentesis Abdominocentesis would be used to would be used to remove this fluid.

15 Laparoscopy Lapar/o- abdomen -scopy – visual examination Can use this techniques to explore/examine interior of abdomen, take biopsies or perform surgery.

16 Chromosomes

17 Chromosomes & Genes Chromosomes are found in nucleus of cell Each chromosome is made up of two long coiled strands of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) Each DNA strand is made up of 100,000 genes and creates a unique pattern for each individual Genes carry our hereditary information

18 Chromosomes & Genes Genetics- study of how genes transfer from parents to children & how they affect health & disease Geneticist-specialist in field of genetics Genetic engineering- research to identify defective genes and develop ways to repair or replace them Genetic mutation -changes that occur within genes

19 Genetic Disorders Disorders caused by a defective gene Also called hereditary disorder Comes from parents but may manifest at any time during life More than 2,000 known types

20 Cystic Fibrosis

21 Video on cystic fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis - Symptoms, Tests, Treatment Cystic Fibrosis - Symptoms, Tests, Treatment

22 Down Syndrome Also called Trisomy 21 Multiple physical abnormalities & mental abnormalities & mental retardation retardation

23 Down Syndrome Video Living With Down Syndrome | Video - ABC News Living With Down Syndrome | Video - ABC News

24 Hemophilia -genetic bleeding disorder where one of factors needed to clot blood is missing.

25 Huntington’s Disease— hereditary disorder in which symptoms appear in midlife causing progressive, irreversible mental & muscular deterioration

26 Muscular Dystrophy Group of genetic diseases that cause progressive muscle fiber weakness

27 PKU - Phenylketonuria Genetic disorder with absence of essential digestive enzyme for proteins – If not detected early will cause mental retardation.

28 Sickle Cell Anemia Genetic disorder that produces abnormal hemoglobin in the red blood cells. red blood cells.

29 Genetic Counseling People can be “carriers” of defective gene without having disease Example, having the sickle cell trait means you have the gene but not the disease If you have a child with someone else who has the sickle cell trait, your child will then have the disease One in 31 Americans carry gene for Cystic Fibrosis – only if both parents have gene will child actually have disease

30 Congenital Disorders Abnormal condition that exists at birth that can be caused by developmental disorder before birth, prenatal influences, premature birth, injury during birth

31 Developmental Disorder PolydactylySyndactyly –Poly – many –Syn-together –Dactyl – fingers/toes

32 Developmental Disorder Amniotic Band Syndrome – infant’s hands or feet get caught in bands from amniotic sac causing loss of hand/fingers or foot/toes.

33 Prenatal Influences Malnutrition and exposure to toxic waste Malnutrition and exposure to toxic waste

34 Prenatal Influences Exposure to drugs or alcohol from mother Fetal Alcohol Syndrome children have abnormal facial structures, physical and mental development delays

35 Birth Injuries or Prematurity Cerebral Palsy – premature birth or lack of oxygen to brain during birth

36 Video on Cerebral Palsy E:60 - Spirit - ESPN Video - ESPN E:60 - Spirit - ESPN Video - ESPN

37 Cytology Study of formation, function & structure of cells. Cyt/o - cell

38 Pathology and Pathologist Path/o-disease Pathologist - Specializes in the laboratory analysis of tissue samples taken during surgery or at postmortem (after death) exams – also called autopsy to diagnosis disease.

39 Pathology of Tissue – changes caused by disease Aplasia- lack of development of an organ or tissue Hypoplasia-incomplete development of an organ or tissue Dysplasia –the abnormal development or growth of cells Malignancy – life threatening tumor that can spread to distant body sites

40 Dysplasia

41 Histology Study of the structure, composition, and function of tissues Stem Cells (precursor cells) have ability to divide w/o limit and give rise to specialized cells. Abundant in fetus and cord blood Types of tissue: Epithelial, connective, muscle, nerve


43 Disease Transmission Communicable or contagious disease – able to be transmitted from person to person by contact with contaminated objects Contaminated – has possible presence of infectious agent –Types of transmission Bloodborne transmission Sexually transmitted (STD) Airborne Food/water – also know as fecal/oral route Nosocomial – infection acquired in a hospital setting

44 Outbreaks Endemic-ongoing presence of disease in a population – example: common cold Epidemic-sudden & widespread outbreak of disease within a population – example: measles outbreak Pandemic-outbreak of disease occurring over a wide geographic area – example: AIDS, Swine Flu Epidemiologist-studies the outbreak of disease in a population group


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