March 26, 2015. APPLYTEXAS.ORG The common application for most Texas public universities You can complete once and copy to use again with other universities.

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1 March 26, 2015


3 The common application for most Texas public universities You can complete once and copy to use again with other universities Application opens August 1 st – you can access sample application and complete beforehand, especially essays. Check the colleges you are interested in to see if they have their own applications. Some college representatives tell us that they prefer you complete their application. This may demonstrate to them your level of interest. APPLY TEXAS

4 Major – important to choose one even if you are not sure – some colleges will use as preliminary step for scholarship awards

5 Personal Information - check SS #, DOB, and all details for accuracy– double and triple check (can be a big mess if not accurate and cause major delays!)

6 Ethnicity – can qualify you for scholarships or even admission if a school is looking to expand its diversity

7 Military Status - some veterans have benefits that can include children

8 Be sure to complete all required sections Create an appropriate email address – might want to create one specifically for college use only

9 College’s attempt to determine if you are a First Generation student For Texas A&M you are considered First Generation if neither of your parents has earned a bachelor’s degree Other schools might have other definitions Could potentially earn you a scholarship or admission

10 Language spoken – again another opportunity to be more appealing to colleges

11 This is important especially if you do not have as many extra-curricular/ community service hours as your peers

12 Must include dual credit hours – School code (CEEB) 447-044 (On Common App – Dual Enrollment)

13 We do not have an IB program. Most of you will graduate recommended. You can check the Course Selection guide or with your counselor about Distinguished Achievement Program. In the past few years, there has not been much money available in the Texas Grant.

14 Lone Star College System

15 Other opportunities for scholarships and admission Pre-professional degree – pre-law, medicine, nursing, etc. Teacher certification – TEACH Grant

16 Senior Course Information – senior year is not the year to slack off! Finish strong!

17 Note that you MUST send your scores from the official testing agency. It is best to send them to your chosen schools at the time of registration for free.

18 Residency – to determine tuition rates and scholarship eligibility

19 Extra-curricular and Volunteer Activities List in PRIORITY ORDER Paper resume for extra activities that won’t fit – check with school to see if you can submit electronic copy

20 Example Activity



23 Don’t sell yourself short – include everything! Remember that admissions officers have a check list of items to look for.

24 List everything even babysitting and other small jobs.

25 Custom Questions – each school will have something different they are looking for

26 Complete the scholarship section! Fill out everything that applies to you. It could make a difference for scholarships and/or admission.

27 Financial Aid – can use last year’s income tax records to estimate

28 Short Answers – just like essays it would be best to complete and save the answers somewhere else then copy/paste.

29 Don’t forget to pay! If you receive free/reduced lunch, you qualify for a fee waiver. Most schools require that you have used a SAT/ACT fee waiver to qualify for application waiver. Some schools will accept NACAC fee waiver or letter from counselor.

30 From FAQs section on Apply Texas


32 Primarily used for private schools Some more selective schools require counselor report and mid-year report Be sure to state your official counselor (not me!) Check spelling of counselor name Verbally communicate to your counselor that you are requesting a counselor report because of email quarantine issues THE COMMON APPLICATION

33 Instructions found on Naviance in Document Library (on right hand side of Home page) Respond to prompts and include resume Verbally communicate with teacher and/or counselor that you are requesting a letter Allow at least 2 weeks to write letter! Be sure to request a letter from some one who can shed a different light on you as a student. The letter is not helpful if it just regurgitates what is in your application. Consider the subject area teacher who can speak to your analytical ability or the coach or employer who can speak to your work ethic. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION

34 College Visits – attend college fairs, fill out those cards! Optional Essays – just do it! Check your email! Check junk mail! School will give you an account so be sure to check that as well. Submission deadlines – check for majors that are competitive. Example, if you are applying for engineering at UT, submit by October. Don’t rush but get in early. Complete before you Trick or Treat! Get organized this summer! Applications open on August 1 st. Cut/paste Apply to at least 3 schools OTHER TIPS

35 March 24 – University of North Texas at 3:00 PM (Location TBD) March 28 – Schreiner University Lunch ‘n Learn (MGI) April 5 – Internships & Enrichment Programs Lunch ‘n Learn (MGI) April 6 – How to Write a Winning Essay Lunch ‘n Learn (MGI) April 8th – Tarleton University Lunch ‘n Learn (MGI) April 11 – HARN (Houston Area Recruiters Network) Mini College Fair in the cafeteria at all lunches UPCOMING EVENTS

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