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Classification of Plants Plant Kingdom Flowering Plants Non-flowering Plants.

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2 Classification of Plants

3 Plant Kingdom Flowering Plants Non-flowering Plants

4 . 3 groups FernsMossesGymnosperms Non - flowering Plants Do NOT produce flowers

5 A plant can be divided into 3 parts

6 Examples of Mosses

7 spores Spore-producing capsule

8 . No true roots, No vascular tissues (no transport) Characteristics of Mosses. Simple stems & leaves. Have rhizoids for anchorage. Spores from capsules (wind-dispersal). Damp terrestrial land. Simplest plants


10 underground stem root A leaf (finely divided into small parts)


12 . roots, feathery leaves & underground stems Characteristics of Ferns vascular tissues. have vascular tissues (transport & support) Dampshady. Damp & shady places Spore-producing organ. Spore-producing organ on the underside of leaves (reproduction)


14 needle-shaped leaves

15 Male cones (in clusters) Female cones (scattered)

16 . roots, woody stems Characteristics of Gymnosperms. needle-shaped leaves. tall evergreen trees. cones with reproductive structures. dry places. vascular tissues (transport). naked seeds in female cones

17 . 2 groups MonocotyledonsDicotyledons Flowering Plants. roots, stems, leaves. vascular tissues (transport). flowers, fruits (contain seeds) Cotyledon - primary or rudimentary leaf of the embryo of seed plants

18 Monocot vs Diocot FeaturesMonocotyledonDicotyledon Leaf structureParallel veinsNetwork veins RootsFibrous rootsTap roots StemSoftHard No. of cotyledons12


20 Monocotyledons Parallel veins

21 . one seed-leaf Characteristics of Monocotyledons. leaves have parallel veins. herbaceous plants. e.g. grass, maize

22 Dicotyledons Veins in network

23 Terms: Perennials comes back year after year Annuals only last one year. Propagation – the production of more plants from seed Germination- plant or fungus emerges from a seed or spore and begins to grow Different growing methods: cuttings, eyes, seeds, rhizomes, grafting

24 . two seed-leaves Characteristics of Dicotyledons. leaves have veins in network. e.g. trees, sunflower, rose

25 Plant Classification Non-flowering Plants Flowering Spore- bearing Naked seeds No roots with roots MossesFerns Gymnosperms 1 seed- leaf 2 seed- leaves MonocotsDicots

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