Applications Review for M2M/IOT Israel Ronn President & Founder

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Presentation on theme: "Applications Review for M2M/IOT Israel Ronn President & Founder"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applications Review for M2M/IOT Israel Ronn President & Founder

2 Cityzenith smart city global data collection and BI analysis project with the cities of San Francisco, Barcelona and Amsterdam. ATOS Worldgrid will handle a backbone and integration project for GrDF deploying a 11M smart Gas meters throughout France Numerex will build a supply chain management system to John Deer Sagentia will develop a medically regulated app for the Senseonics glucose monitoring system Calamp Announces LenderOutlook, a comprehensive Tracking and Asset Protection Solution for Vehicle Finance Lenders e Lenders

3 New M2M Solutions from Deutsche Telekom IBM MessageSight

4  M2M is here for sometime (long)  It is on the move to become IOT  Infrastructure & platforms will serve as enablers  Next generation network (WEB3.0):  Multi markets – different value chains  Exponential network growth  Variety of applications  Challenges to address

5 Knowledge and analysis center Areas of expertise include:  Car connectivity  IOT (M2M) Services and projects in:  Information  Business +972-4-6260020  Products  Marketing  Vehicle Telematics  Location Based Services

6 Logtel retains the position of a leader In the fields of Telecommunications Hardware Computer Technology Skills (CTS) Covering activities in the areas of


8 Automotive & transport Logistics Retail Remote sites Energy & Utilities Security & Safety Public safety Buildings Healthcare IT/Networking Smart city Smart home Automotive & transport Energy & Utilities Smart city Logistics

9 Vehicle TelematicsConnected car

10 Eco driving Security & anti fraud Security & anti fraud Safe driving E-Call Safe driving E-Call Car sharing Diagnostics & prognostics Diagnostics & prognostics Fleet management Fleet management

11 CPU GPS Modem CAN IOs ACC Accessories GPRS,3G,LTE…. RF Satellite Tettra/Astro Enterprise SAAS

12 Varity of suits App stores Applications Operating systems Standards HMI Forums

13 Drive style InfotainmentSocialVRM Electric vehicle B2B Safety ADAS Remote control Park & toll Social

14  Tracking assets and packages for inventory management, security and safety.  Onsite communications – RFID, NFC, Bar code (2D,3D), Cell,  Offsite communications – Cell, Satellite, Satellite backup  Main device aspects:  Single/multi use  Location/movement  Power management (Power duration)  Environmental protection  Sensors & accessories

15 Fixed assets Livestock & reefer Livestock & reefer Trailer tracking Inventory Cargo Heavy machinery


17 AMRMDM AMI Distribution  Industries: Gas, Water, Heat, Electrical power….  Remote reading & billing  Fault detection, isolation & restoration (FDIR)  Demand response (DR)  Theft reduction  Consumption balancing:  Generation capacity  Renewable energy

18 Source : Orange may 2011


20 Source: Schneider Electric Info services Smart building Public safety Smart water Smart public services Smart energy Smart Integration Smart mobility  City users: emergency services, city control, municipal staff  Public users: residents, organization, commercial, visitors



23  Major means of communications  M2M hardware  GNSS & Non satellite location  M2M platforms  Back office & cloud  IOT & mobile service  OTA update  Standards & standards bodies  Development environments & systems  M2M platforms  Back office & cloud  IOT & mobile service

24  Application interface  Communication  Setup/configuration  Social & cloud integration  Security & authentication  Monitoring and MTC  Prominent suppliers:  ILST, DIGI-Etherios, Axseda,  Airvantage, Viewbiquity



27  CCC Software – application specific  Data processing & BI  Automatic decision  Back office integration – CRM,ERP, CC, Service  Social media integration (Auto blogging)

28 ERP process in company Process (inventory..)


30  Regular and specialized service providers  MNOs & MVNOs (Some TSPs take MVNO role)  Vertical integration approach (M&A, Partnering)  Programs are introduced  IOT carrier challenges:  Signaling capacity  Real time response  Monetizing IOT – low ARPU high volume  New billing schemes  IOT services

31  Near real time billing  IOT oriented billing plans  Usage counters & thresholds  Flat roaming charges  Self service configuration  Single SIM multi billing  VPN  SMS gateways  M2M platform functionality  Customer IOT support

32  One stop shop for M2M connectivity  Strategically adds technology (Position Logic)  GPRS availability differentiation  Services:  Omega management – SAAS control & configuration  VPN  SMS gateway  Device certification assistance  Omega call center



35 Israel Ronn President & Founder Tel: +972-4-6260020 Cell:+972-52-8287803

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