At this station you will: Learn the 3 main functions of the cardiovascular system. Learn the main parts of the cardiovascular system. Determine how much.

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Presentation on theme: "At this station you will: Learn the 3 main functions of the cardiovascular system. Learn the main parts of the cardiovascular system. Determine how much."— Presentation transcript:


2 At this station you will: Learn the 3 main functions of the cardiovascular system. Learn the main parts of the cardiovascular system. Determine how much blood is in a human body.

3 How many liters of blood are there in the human body? Talk to your group about your first estimate. Write you first estimate on your task sheet.

4 Now find a liter container at your station. Fill this liter container with liquid. Humm? Would you like to change your estimate? If so, talk to your group and make a second estimate.

5 Now fill a container with two liters of liquid. Do you think that is how much blood is in the human body? Talk to your group Now fill a container with four liters of liquid. Do you think that is how much blood is in the human body? Talk to your group

6 Now fill a container with five liters of liquid. Do you think that is how much blood is in the human body? Talk to your group Could this be the answer?

7 The human body contains an estimated 5 liters of blood.

8 How long does it take for all this blood to circulate through the body?

9 Talk to your group. What is your first prediction? Write it on your task sheet.

10 How much time does it take for the 5 liters of our blood to circulate through the body? 20 seconds

11 Use your textbook (Chapter 3, pgs. 78-89) or the websites below to learn about the Cardiovascular System. Record the answers to the following questions on your data sheet: What is the function of the Cardiovascular System? (pgs. 78-79) What are the main parts or organs of the Cardiovascular System? Why is the Cardiovascular System also referred to as the Circulatory System?

12 As time permits, visit a couple of websites and watch a couple of videos: m m Watch the videos: (1) Blood Flow in the Heart and (2) Circulation scular/Video/HeartBloodFlowVideo.htm scular/Video/HeartBloodFlowVideo.htm Watch the videos from the textbook (chapter 3): (1) The Heart, (2) Two Loops, and (3) Blood

13 Reset the station’s supplies. Go back to the first slide so the next group can begin. Back to Beginning

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