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Nationalism Unites the Country!. This plan was to make the U.S. more economically self sufficient.  Madison’s plan had 3 points.

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Presentation on theme: "Nationalism Unites the Country!. This plan was to make the U.S. more economically self sufficient.  Madison’s plan had 3 points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nationalism Unites the Country!

2 This plan was to make the U.S. more economically self sufficient.  Madison’s plan had 3 points.

3 1. Establish a protective tariff.  Tax on imported goods that protects the nation’s goods against foreign competition.

4 2. Establish a National Bank.  Promote a single currency.  Make trade easier.  1816 Congress created the Second Bank of the U.S.

5 3. Improve country’s transportation system.

6 Election of 1816-Dem/Rep- faced NO competition. Dem/Rep James Monroe wins the Presidency!

7 U.S. enters a time period known as  Era of Good Feelings!

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