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IMIHIGO 2013-2014 PROGRESS REPORT QI&QII 2013-2014 Gicumbi, 24 th December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "IMIHIGO 2013-2014 PROGRESS REPORT QI&QII 2013-2014 Gicumbi, 24 th December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 IMIHIGO 2013-2014 PROGRESS REPORT QI&QII 2013-2014 Gicumbi, 24 th December 2013


3 ECONOMIC PILLAR SOCIAL PILLAR GOOD GOV & JUSTICE PILLAR GREEN251115 YELLOW 3 (7f, 8,13) 3 ( 17b, 23, 26b) 0 RED6 (7c, 7d, 7e, 7k, 7l, 7m) 3 (19, 25a, 25b) 0

4 (in YELLOW & RED color) In YELLOW & RED color

5 NoANNUAL TARGET PLANNED Q1&Q2 ACHIEVED Q1&Q2 STATUSOBSERVATION URBANIZATION, SETTLEMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE 7c)Greening and beautification (Gicumbi central Town space) Tender for the feasibility study & Tender for works execution Tender process for feasibility study : draft feasibility study Tender for works not yet started 7d)Constructing 2 commercial buildings (30%) and 1 apartment building (30%) Land acquisition procedures, MoU between District & Stakeholders, delivering construction permits, 3 buildings at 5% MoU signed, Land acquisition procedures finished, construction works started (sites installation) Works still at lower level

6 NoANNUAL TARGET PLANNED Q1&Q2 ACHIEVED Q1&Q2 STATUSOBSERVATION 7e) Constructing Gicumbi Taxi park (50%) Land acquisition procedures finished, MoU, construction works at 10% Land acquisition procedures finished, MoU signed Works not yet started 7f)Constructing Stones paved road: 1,4 km Tender process, contract, site installation Tender finished, contract signed, Tender process done 2 times, works are to start soon 7k)Constructing AEP Ryaruganzu & Miliku, and Increasing water volume in Gicumbi Town (2500 m3/day) Fund mobilization, Feasibility study Feasibility study finished, Tender for construction material at provisional notification level, funds obtained MoU between stakeholders for water in Gicumbi Town to be signed in January 2014

7 NoANNUAL TARGET PLANNED Q1&Q2 ACHIEVED Q1&Q2 STATUSOBSERVATION 7l)3500 new HH accessing electricity 500 HH connected to electricity 345 new HH have access to electricity Waiting for Rukomo- Rutare – Gaseke new electrical line 7m)Constructi ng Kavumu hydro power plant: 35% Feasibility study, design, Expropriati on and site installation Feasibility study produced, design done, expropriation finished, roads terracing Activities go very slowly 13Constructi ng Rebero modern market (50%) Tender process, market constructio n at 20% Tender finished and contract signed, construction works started

8 II. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PILLAR NoANNUAL TARGET PLANNED Q1&Q2 ACHIEVED Q1&Q2 STATUSOBSERVATION EDUCATION 19Upgrading 2 VTCs (Kibali and Rushaki) and 1 equipment of 1 TSS (APEGIRUBUKI) Tender process, 2 VTCs upgrading works at 10% Fields visits done by WDA Construction works not yet started, negotiation going between District-EAR – WDA for land problem HEALTH 23 Health insurance: 100% 80% of population with Health insurance 69% of population have health insurance

9 NoTARGET (2013-2014) PLANNED Q1&Q2 ACHIEVED Q1&Q2 STATUSOBSERVATION 25a)Constructing Mukarange Health Center: 60% Tender process, construction works at 10% Feasibility study under preparation (draft 1 produced) Tender for construction works execution not yet started, construction works not yet started 25b)Extension of Byumba Hospital at 15% and Rutare Health Center upgraded at 30% Tender process, Byumba Hospital extension works at 5% and Rutare health center upgrading works at 5% also Tender process going on (provisional notification) Construction works not yet started


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