Teaching English in the Two-Year College. Info from Journals what the is focus of this journal within composition/writing studies as a field? what is.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching English in the Two-Year College. Info from Journals what the is focus of this journal within composition/writing studies as a field? what is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching English in the Two-Year College

2 Info from Journals what the is focus of this journal within composition/writing studies as a field? what is its mission? what kinds of research does it publish? who is its target audience? what evidence tells you this? who publishes it? (what professional organization, university, etc) who edits it–where does the editor(s) work? what kind of research do they do? look at the titles and abstracts listed in the table of contents for one recent issue–what’s currently being published in this journal? Include a link, screen capture, pdf version etc of the table of contents your discuss in your post.

3 Homepage Info Teaching English in the Two-Year College (TETYC), the journal of the Two-Year College English Association (TYCA), is for instructors of English in two-year colleges as well as for teachers of first- and second-year composition in four-year institutions. TETYC publishes theoretical and practical articles on composition, developmental studies, technical and business communication, literature, creative expression, language, and the profession. Published September, December, March, and May. Two-Year College English Association (TYCA), is for instructors of English in two-year colleges as well as for teachers of first- and second-year composition in four-year institutions. TETYC publishes theoretical and practical articles on composition, developmental studies, technical and business communication, literature, creative expression, language, and the profession. Published September, December, March, and May.

4 Audience and Writers Write for TETYCDescription of Journal

5 Issues

6 Range of articles Feature: Pragmatic Impulses: Starting a Creative Writing Program at the Community College Maria Brandt Abstract: This article addresses the current nationwide emphasis on job-readiness programs by (1) pointing to the “utility” of studying creative writing and (2) outlining a plan for including engagement strategies in the construction of a two-year creative writing degree. Feature: The Poetic and the Personal: Toward a Pedagogy of Social Equity in English Language Learning Patrick Bizzaro and John Baker Poem: Advice David James

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