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Unit 4 Outcome 1, Spreadsheet software Organisations and Information Needs, Ch 5.

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1 Unit 4 Outcome 1, Spreadsheet software Organisations and Information Needs, Ch 5

2 Goals of information systems Types of decisions: (revised) strategic, tactical and operational decisions. Strategic Plan –strategic plan is a process for identifying long term goals within an organisation Mission Statement – establishing a set of common goals that will help accomplish the organisations aims –Objectives are small achievable tasks undertaken to accomplish a big task –Distinguish b/w goals of non-profit & for-profit organisations

3 IS goals: efficiency, improving effectiveness, improving decision- making Efficiency: –Speed, Cost, Time & Effort Effectiveness: –Quality of output, accuracy, presentation & comprehensiveness Improved decision-making –Requires 3 factors, sufficient information, communication and time

4 Role of H/W & S/W components of IS Spreadsheet Software, formats & conventions: –numbers right aligned in columns –-money values usually have two decimal places or none –-subtotals have a single line above the total –-grand totals have a single or double line below the total –-grand totals are in bold –-graphs and charts must have titles identifying the name of the organisation and purpose of the graph or chart –-x and y axis must be labelled –-limit the number of items represented in a chart to five or six –Reports: centre a page on a sheet horizontally –-briefly explain the purpose of the spreadsheet and identify the author –-where cells require user input, clearly label what has to be entered, left side of cell –-list all equations used in a separate document.

5 Spreadsheets, Validation Range checking, use of IF statements Existence checking Data type checking, eg. integers, date, alignment of column Restricted data entry, drop down menu Validation alerts, pop up dialog boxes

6 Validation & Testing Validation – is involved with input; testing is output; testing also checking electronic validation Testing: –Functionality, eg. test formulas & functions, eg. test both upper & lower boundaries of range –Presentation: Appropriate audience, difficult to test Test for formats & conventions White space, fonts, consistent fonts & sizes, background colors, etc

7 Testing Usability testing; must be user friendly –Easy accessible to users; –Hyperlinks work properly –Amount of scrolling –Worksheets clearly labelled –Can users accidentally delete formulas or chance validation rules; input cells unprotected Accessibility testing –Does solution open at right w/sheet? –Font sizes easy to read; limited use of red & green Communication of message –Important information clear & obvious; keep it simple

8 Testing Difference b/w usability testing & accessibility testing: Usability testing focuses on whether all buttons & functions work correctly; Accessibility is focused on ease of use of spreadsheet and whether it conveys the message.

9 Efficient software functions: If function: –=IF(D2>=2000,"Gold",IF(D2>=1000,"Silver",IF (D2>=50,"Bronze",""))) Sum Count If –=COUNTIF(E2:E19,"Gold") Sum If –=SUMIF(Fundraising_Homeroom,"7A",Fundra ising_Amount)

10 Efficient software functions Use of naming ranges and Vlookup: –=VLOOKUP(E10,homeroom_totals,3) Cell protection Graphs Insert notes/comments Relative & absolute cell references Electronic validation

11 Efficient software functions: Sheet referencing Conditional formatting:

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