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GEOGRAPHY. WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY? With a partner, make a list of everything you can think of that is part of geography.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOGRAPHY. WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY? With a partner, make a list of everything you can think of that is part of geography."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY? With a partner, make a list of everything you can think of that is part of geography.

3 GEOGRAPHY: A science that deals with the description, distribution and interaction of the physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth’s surface. ~ Merriam-Webster Dictionary


5 LOCATION WHERE IS IT?? Every point on Earth has a specific location –A–ABSOLUTE LOCATION: An exact point on the map using Latitude /Longitude –R–RELATIVE LOCATION: How one location is related to the other. Connected by land, water and technology Interactions can occur between and among places –E–Ex. Next door, nearby, beside the post office

6 PLACE Every place on Earth has characteristics that make it different from other places. – PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Animal life, mountains, plants, nature – HUMAN CHARACTERISTICS: Architecture, land-use/ownership, town planning, transportation needs

7 HUMAN/ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION The relationship between people and their environment. How people adapt to an environment/how they change it Positive/Negative - How do you affect your environment everyday? - How do seasonal activities affect your environment? - Which activities are more harmful or helpful to your environment?

8 MOVEMENT People interact with other people, places and things almost every day of their lives – Move from one place to another – Communicate with each other – Rely on products, information and ideas that come from beyond their immediate environment Connecting with and depending on other regions, cultures and people in the world.

9 REGION An area on the Earth’s surface that is defined by certain, similar characteristics – PHYSICAL: The valley, the coast, the desert – HUMAN: Residential, Commercial – CULTURAL: Ethnic Regions can change over time

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