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Cultural Studies By: Jake Dunnington and Curt (The Animal) Dixon.

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1 Cultural Studies By: Jake Dunnington and Curt (The Animal) Dixon

2 What is Cultural Studies?  In terms of Television.  How society's perceptions and beliefs are influenced by what is on the air  How media is interpreted.

3 Developed from Ideological Perspective  Cultural Studies  defines mass media as  a mechanism for control  Sites for ideological struggle  Circulates power relations through hegemony

4 How does it Work?  Through Production and Political Economy  The system of production determines what will be produced and the audiences targeted  products are produced within systems of production - rigid generic codes, formulaic conventions, well-defined ideological boundaries  Textual Analysis  “Texts” function to produce meaning  focusing on Race, Gender, and Class  Audience Reception  audience reception & appropriation  how the audience integrates media into their social life  how an audience “reads” the “text”

5 Stuart Hall!!  Stuart Hall developed cultural studies in the 70s and 80s  Father of Cultural theory

6 Hall’s Theory!!  Encoding/Decoding  Dominant, or Preferred, Reading - how the director/creator wants the audience to view the media text;  Opposition Reading - when the audience rejects the preferred reading, and creates their own meaning of the text;  Negotiated Reading - a compromise between the dominant and opposition readings, where the audience accepts parts of the director's views, but has their own views on parts as well.

7 Audience Studies!!

8 What is Audience Studies?  Who watches a program? How do they watch it? Why do they watch it?  Analysis of that…

9 Walter Ong  Walter Ong suggested that the audience is a construct made up by the rhetoric and the rhetorical situation the text is addressing.rhetoricrhetorical situation  -Father Walter Jackson Ong, Ph.D. (November 30, 1912 – August 12, 2003), was an American Jesuit priest, professor of English literature, cultural and religious historian and philosopher.JesuitpriestprofessorEnglish literaturehistorian philosopher

10 Models of Audience Studies!!  The hypodermic needle model The hypodermic needle model  The intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver.  Two-step flow Two-step flow  The people with most access to media, and highest media literacy explain and diffuse the content to others. This is a modern version of the hypodermic needle literacy  Uses and gratifications Uses and gratifications  People are not helpless victims of mass media, but use the media to get specific gratifications.

11 But There's More!!  Reception theory Reception theory  The meaning of a "text" is not inherent within the text itself, but the audience must elicit meaning based on their individual cultural background and life experiences  Obstinate audience theory Obstinate audience theory  This theory assumes that there is a transactional communication between the audience and the media. The audience actively selects what messages to pay attention to. The Zimmerman-Bauer study found that the audience also participates in the communication by influencing the message.Zimmerman-Bauer study

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