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Cultural Studies. Cultural studies as a theoretical perspective focuses on how culture is influenced by powerful, dominant groups. Cultural studies does.

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1 Cultural Studies

2 Cultural studies as a theoretical perspective focuses on how culture is influenced by powerful, dominant groups. Cultural studies does not refer to a single doctrine of human behavior but pertains to the blending of attitudes and approaches toward the criticism of culture. Stuart Hall focuses his attention on the role of the media and their ability to shape public opinions of marginalized populations. Emphasizes that the media keep the powerful in control while the less powerful absorb what is presented to them.

3 Assumptions of Cultural Studies 1. Culture pervades all facets of human behavior. 2. People are part of a hierarchical structure of power. a. Cultural studies theorists note that power is something that subordinate groups desire but cannot achieve. b. Hall and others contend that the ultimate source of power in our society is the media.

4 Hegemony: The Influence of the Masses Hegemony is defined as the influence, power, or dominance of one social group over another. 1. Ways in which one social group dominates over another: coercion or consent a. Real (1996) notes that in hegemonic societies people are influenced by consent rather than coercion.

5 Doing cultural studies 1. Cultural studies scholars study the images, events, language, and beliefs of society. 2. The process known as the “circuit of culture” a. Representation b. Identity c. Production-consumption d. Cultural regulation

6 Audience decoding 1. Audiences decode a message from one of three positions a. Dominant-hegemonic b. Negotiated c. Oppositional

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