Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 0 0 Overview of Space Operations and the National Airspace.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 0 0 Overview of Space Operations and the National Airspace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 0 0 Overview of Space Operations and the National Airspace System Presentation to COMSTAC Systems Working Group Dan Murray Ed Gannon 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration

2 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 1 Commercial Space in the NAS The President's 2010 National Space Policy highlights the importance of a robust, diverse commercial space transportation industry As the frequency of commercial space launches and reentries increases, equitable access to the National Airspace System (NAS) will be essential to its continued growth

3 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 2 2 Commercial Space in the NAS FAA is working to develop policy, processes and procedures for safely and efficiently integrating commercial space launch and reentry operations into the NAS Goal: to support mission objectives of commercial launch and reentry operators without adversely affecting the system's performance and capacity

4 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 3 3 Commercial Space in the NAS Currently, mission-specific strategies are identified and implemented to optimize NAS efficiency and performance during these operations Over time, these approaches are expected to evolve into a collaborative, standardized framework for NAS management

5 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 4 4 NAS Stakeholder Engagement AST and ATO are looking to the aviation and commercial space transportation industries to support this evolution Short term Participate in a stakeholder forum that provides recommendations for implementation policy and processes based on industry goals and constraints Long term Participate in a stakeholder collaborative process of data sharing and NAS management

6 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 5 5 Who Are NAS Stakeholders? Air carriers Business aviation Commercial Space General aviation Government Others

7 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 6 6 Why is This Important Now? The aviation and commercial space industries compete for use of the same limited resource Air traffic growth could rise by more than 90 percent in the next 20 years Commercial space operations could increase by a factor of 10 in just 10 years New policies and processes must be defined to handle demand The aviation and commercial space industries operate differently and deal with different constraints that must be fully considered

8 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 7 Input to these Policies and Processes The aviation industry is well established and organized and it has been participating in collaborative groups for decades and will continue to participate The space industry must recognize that their participation is vital to ensure their interests are part of the solutions when these policies and processes are developed 7

9 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 8 8

10 Space Operations and the National Airspace System 9 October 2012 Federal Aviation Administration 9 9 Questions?

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